Tree of Savior Forum

Be my Cyro sensei

Allrite everyone my original idea was to go , :smiley: CyroCyroCyroSorcSorcWar
But after looking over Sorcs im starting to feel that they are a waste of space more or less in the idea Cyro I want to build.

Flashy/Lots of dmg/Cool Spells/ :smiley: Good PVP/PVE/ And bossing.

Im thinking Cyro>Cyro>Cyro>Link> :smiley: Rune>Warlock

Link for the ability to be able to link 5 mobs together then smash them with warlock NUKE, as well as to slightly make up for the fact Cyro isnt as AOE as could be as other mages.

Reason for rune caster is the 300% Ice dmg for a certain time but there is that LOOONNNGG cool down. Currently as well my stats I’ve been going 2/4 CON/INT . Please help ive been looking over guides for hours.

you can replace linker w/ kino, for ice wall combo

i think you already have enough CC with cryo3

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Maybe getting Psychokino instead of Linker would be better? Since Rune of Ice also benefits the Ice Wall + PP combo (so that’s x3 damage to the already OP combo)

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I was considering that as well but I would have to re-locate more points into ice wall and the combo seems very stuck in place you land it or you dont. Where with linker you could link then WAR nuke them, Or pop your rune master buff , linkand go ice crazy on them?
ALSO Since removing Sorc from build should I re-locate more points into CON, or add less? I have a feeling Animus will be removed soon or edited.

Currently 1:2 Ratio, CON/INT

Played wiz>cryo3>linker1>sorc1>warlock to level 245

Cryo3>linker1 offers extremely versatile support. Linker + warlock is great burst damage. From personal experience I can tell you what you’ll really miss without sorc, and hurt the most for in this build, is sustained damage.

Even sorc1 can easily suffice once you learn to position it without Hold or Attack Ground. Rune Caster is a strong choice for ice shard builds…other than that I think you’ll be trading practicality for a fabulous costume :slight_smile:

Arkova are you recomending switching Rune Master, for Sorc 1?Seems like a good idea for sustain, it would definitely take away from some of the boom boom pow.
You dont think link + Cyro would be able to sustain ? Also whats your stat recommendation?

Are you really serious about dropping sorc? Sorc is the best class that synergize well with cryo 3 ( So many possible combos)…Especially if you are more on Con. Im a full con Cryo with a Temple shooter and I farm efficiently PVE wise…Sorcs are the kings of demon prison and dina bee farm. Talking about PVP…Im telling you, I never lost even once against other classes…you should think twice about warlock…there was a HUGE nerf against warlock in KTOS recently. the possible damage output was reduced almost 50%…I

The nerfs I saw seem to be PvP only though and considering how crazy the damage was when cc’d into the aoe I’m sure it’s still powerful after nerf.

Nope cryo skill damage fell off quite some time ago for me lol. If you end up taking sorc you’ll still want plenty of INT so by all means play with int/con as you gain stat points. Personally I prefer high con with ledas shield (or aias?) in place of arde. Plate armor comes first of course.

Btw, this all pve. I’m not all that saavy with pvp.

Arkova, im seeing

" balanar_void8h
Are you really serious about dropping sorc? Sorc is the best class that synergize well with cryo 3 ( So many possible combos)…Especially if you are more on Con. Im a full con Cryo with a Temple shooter and I farm efficiently PVE wise…Sorcs are the kings of demon prison and dina bee farm. Talking about PVP…Im telling you, I never lost even once against other classes…you should think twice about warlock…there was a HUGE nerf against warlock in KTOS recently. the possible damage output was reduced almost 50%…I"

Would you agree about the nerf? as well as is your sorcerer good in Demon Prison and Dina Bee?

Im starting to agree with what people are saying i mean is run master worth one huge BOOM, every 180 seconds? Im considering following your Build Cyr x 3 link x sorc x war.

How do you feel about war nerfs?

Also Balanar how many Sorc rings do you recomend?

The 50% damage nerf to Dark Theurge applies only to pvp as wolfdoggie mentioned. Its still a strong burst class you can use to explode linked mobs every 32 seconds. If you add sorc to the equation (and learn to manage your summon’s short leash) then the build has a balance of support, control, sustained dps, and burst.

Keep in mind you need to include a rank of kino for Psychic Pressure if you choose rune caster. Your choices look something like this:

cryo3>sorc2>warlock (farming/pvp…decent in pve)
cryo3>kino>RC>warlock (long cd burst)
cryo3>link>sorc>warlock (pve optimized)



and i am wounded that u call sorcs a waste of space ;w;

Support Oriented

Cryo1-Linker2-Chrono3 is a support build around single target CC. Archers, Bokors, and anyone that has trouble hitting multiple targets will love you for this. Decent build for beginners iirc.

Cryo3-Chrono3 is a support build around multitarget CC with frost pillar, also the most popular among Earth Tower and late game material. Have not tested these two myself, but it’s been tested and strongly validated by many and I do mean many players. For these two builds you’d go full CON with a dash or either INT or SPR (SPR recommended but full points in CON is by far superior).

Leveling these will be hell though, get a party and make friends once you get Chrono.

Unorthodox build that I’m planning to try is Cryo1-Linker1-Thauma3-Warlock, will let y’all know how that goes. In this one I’d go full INT.

Attack Oriented

The thing with Runecaster is that it strongly benefits from Wiz3 builds, and to a certain degree Warlock likes a good Wiz3 although to a much lesser extent.

In this case, I’d recommend an unorthodox hypothetical build (if any others have this build pls add).


Although what you stated could work but get ready for excessively long casting times and lots of chances of being interrupted.

For stats in attack builds, 1:2 stat distribution in CON:INT is standard. However 1:3 and 1:4 builds are fine. Depends on how much you die.

I’d cap it off around ~50 invested points in CON though. I put 90 invested CON because i wasl ‘lmao wtf is builds’ and was planning a CryoChrono then switched to Cryosorc.

Sorc rings? do you mean circle? I think circle 2 turns a sorc from a sustained damage dealer to a “Burst” one. The temple shooter skill is crazy strong. summon skills are only accessible in c2. Frost pillar + sorc skill = crazy efficient in dungeons and field grind…

Some Cryo Sorc PVE even chose to give up Warlock and went for sorc 3…Please refer to this thread and you will find tons of Info, testings and advices: Sorcerer Info Megathread
