Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

Probably, yes. The description changes after I removed Maledoom(712->499)

The greater boss still Summoning :frowning:

How much INT should I have invested in Sorc? I have 60 into it currently and 45 into Con on my Lv96 Cryo3

alright so bat damage is calculated at time of explosion and 1 int = 5~ dmg for summon at lvl 15. this is really helpful stuff, thank you very much.

edit: is the summon’s damage is generated at time of summon or stats in real time.

@Kuonkuon You’re welcome :slight_smile:

Just tested:
-Summon with items
-Criticals on Ghost-type - 2800~2900
-Criticals on Cloth-type - 5700~

Unequip items
-Criticals on Ghost-type - 2800~2900
-Criticals on Cloth-type - 5700~

Re-summon without Items
-Criticals on Ghost-type - 2600~2700
-Criticals on Cloth-type - 5300~5400

So I’d say in the moment of summon

@wolfdoggie That’s really up to your prefferences and playstyle
PVP/PVE focus
Earth Tower

Solo and PVP is recommended 50~70 CON(not counting bonus)
PVE and Group you decide, but enough to not be one-shot around is recommended xD

I got to 240(40 in CON) with no big troubles mostly because you command TS to go first and tank everything

i got a question, does Minotaur Card drop at higher level dungeons?
or it only drops at Nefritas Cliff Lv.32 mission Bull Hunting (Kayetonas NPC)?

would like to have this card, it’s normal attacks are always knockback+knockdown

i’ve read somewhere that you can join that quest in a party (shared quest) as long as you haven’t finished yours (abandoned quest so that it doesn’t get finished) so that you will still gain drops from it (so that you can always repeat the boss quest because there is no boss card reward in finishing that quest)

I can’t say for 240+ but i think you cant obtain it for now :confused:

i see, thanks!

by the way, can you control the location where you will spawn your summon, and can you animation-cancel skills such as summoning and summon salamion?

also, can you animation-cancel Evocation? was thinking if that’s possible then maybe we can mount and use a summon skill via Evocation before it explodes?

You can summon while jumping for some bizarre reason, so I find it’s most effective to jump before casting Summoning/Salamion/Familiar to avoid losing momentum.

Summoning does need to finish the full animation and can’t be cancelled, but you can move after activating Salamion, Familiar and Servant. If you cast while jumping with these skills then you should keep moving at the same speed without slowing down (though I find Sally is a bit finnicky sometimes with cancelling the animation, and I don’t bother cancelling Servant since I’m usually casting it out of battle so there’s not much benefit to jumping around).

Not sure about Evocation since I’m only C2 but I don’t think the Evocation summon can be mounted…

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Hello everyone. I’m currently level 150. I focused on INT and CON, but I did waste a lot of points in SPR because I took too long to find out it was actually a % of SP that was drained from Summoning.
I’mma remake my char as soon as I get a Token, but first I need to decide the new stats of my Cryo3 Sorc 3.
I’ve seen a lot of people saying 50 Con, rest in INT but even with more CON than that I die a lot inside Dungeons and a few times that leads to not getting the cube.

Is FULL CON viable in Cryo 3 Sorc 3? Will the Summoning damage be ridiculous? Has any of you tried it? Any possible feedback from veterans on this matter? It’s consuming me. Thanks guys.

50 CON before 200, and probably 80-100 CON by 280 is ideal
0 SPR is enough

Also wear plate, and max plate mastery, the secret of not dying

ok got it, thanks!


i would like to also know this, currently i’m building a Full CON Sorc,
or maybe it’s better to go 2:1 = CON:INT? so that we can still get the +10% per rank bonus of INT?

anyways, so going Warlock instead of Sorc C3 would be bad in the future?

6/9/2016 - KTOS Changes:

Sorcerer, Riding:
You can now use Summoning Skills whilst riding. (I.e Familiar, Servant, Salamion etc.)

(PVP Only)
Pole of Agony: Damage has been reduced by 50%
Dark Theurge: Damage has been reduced by 50%


after the sub0 nerf, now going for warlock damage reduction.

now, only left is for these changes to be merged on our version.

It’s a nice QoL change that we dont have to keep heavy track on cooldowns anymore if we decided to ride, and we can ride longer now to let pet take some damage in situations. Its not a massive change for us in terms of DPS or doesn’t fix bugs such as “morph no INT” issue

the warlock nerf is another thing, but i want to also make it clear here that going warlock would still give you more damage possibly, because the damage of 10 bats with the dark property atk passive warlock gets = 15 bats for a sorc 3, and every other spell warlock has is better then desmondas / evocation

and who would use salamion anyway, after quite a lot of testing, it just derps too much to even bother, and attacks too slow.

servant is the same, warlock or sorc3 too

and taking summoning 15 into account, it seems warlock spell can outdamage 5 more level of summon quite easily too

that being said, i think alot of sorc3 who went sorc3 is because they just dont like the idea of warlock (like me)

In fact, i care about how my spells look so much, i am so tempted to even say, if new RANK 8 is not impressive, i am going rune caster on rank 8 so i can shoot laser

For Sorc C1 only, what is better? 4 summoning or 4 summon familiar?

With Salamion at 1, servant at 5.

for C1 sorc try to get 5/5 Summoning, if you go for C2/C3 sorc in future Summon familair is worth leveling, until then only 5 pts in it feels useless. Summoning in general is Sorc’s main damage and main go to skill. (Especially if you have a 10 star card ready)

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It spawns in front of you, same as Earthquake or cleric tiles.

Most likely(2k~2,5k), other wizards can get away with full CON because of Animus which does nothing to Summoning.

I really hope that summonDemon2 in those leaked files is new and not what evocation used to be before what is now @.@.

K, thanks for the reply. :slight_smile:

Hi all, goonna make a sorc and need to know what is the best options for pure pve. Thanx in advance.

Yep, RIP Warlock. Sorc3 after patch seems to be better than Sorc2+Warlock1.