Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

Marnox best pet ever)

8 new boss cards

4 of them can be summoned.

Also pretty much every other summon than marnox got their damage values buffed. Marnox may not be the best card anymore but still a really good one.

it says there “rape card” :thinking: did I read that right? i bet that one you can ride for sure :laughing:

Don’t forget you can ride ze succubus too… That’s gonna be awkward seeing her normal size.

I wonder if the succubus and froster lord cards will get to keep their vacuum skills, would be nice for a cryo-sorc-sage suckmaster wizard

can you guys help me to choose wich one of these builds is better?

none of the above

What exactly are you aiming for in a sorcerer?

rider? hybrid caster? support? afk summoner?
and other classes you are interested in that you want included?

Unicorn CC-tanking. Huge KD in its AoE and like other summons, can agro the whole floor

Are you using this build?

Different skill alloc. but same class path

Show us, please! <3


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Full INT or Full SPR?

i went with full spr. If you wanna simplify the build you can skip ice bolt, gust, and slow

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i want a hybrid caster but i want to solo stuff and why none of those builds are good?

They are not bad, but there’s better. For example, If you choose to go Pyro you only need up to pyro2. The same for sorcerer, circle 2 is enough for the most part. Therefore, you have 2 ranks you can fill in with other choices instead of pyro3 and sorc3

That’s why sorcerers c3 needs to be able to summon the second boss on the grimoire

then do you have a good build for a hybrid summoner/caster or a good build to solo stuff?

I made suggestions to someone before. You have to be aware though that this build might not be up to date when the rank9 update comes which is the next big update they are planning (it might not be until next year though)