Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

it depend if u want use ride then netherbovine for aoe and necroventer for bosses if u dont want to ride TS is still best

Too bad you cant summon in town, would prefer to ride dullahan instead. Getting bored with the mount

guys where i can confirm decay increase missle attackdamage? cant find it. but i know i read it somewhere. and another thing. templeshooter attacks is considered missle attack? pls confirm. thx alot yes, TS has missile attacks.

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how much more damage it gives? how many %? hmmm

[Summoners Reset for Upcoming Changes]

In the thread above I discussed with some people how we sorcerers (Summoners = General name) that we should get rank reset / stat reset / skill reset to allow us to shift our summoners to fit the upcoming changes.

Any thoughts on the discussion?

PS: I’ve linking the two forums is considered against the rules, I would love if someone told me. I don’t want to overstep.

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I agree with that topic’s op, however, it is not going to happen.

Distributing reset pot for selective population across all the servers are not simple thing. Surely, IMC will not put any extra work on their already over booked staffs.

Best case is that they will tell us to just wait for the R9 reset.

In terms of sorcerer I don’t see it warranting a reset… builds and skills invested will still be pretty much the same. :confused:

50% more damage.

I agree. Although a reset wouldn’t hurt anyone, they didn’t really change anything major to make it so certain builds work/don’t work. All they did was make the summons stronger, and if you have a decent sorc build (which you should’ve reset to at the end of the event), then all the patch does is benefit you. Something that would warrant a reset, for example, would be if they made Sorc2 trash and Sorc3 was amazing.


Heard Ktos is working on sorcs and necros… Would SPR still be the main stat?

SPR already IS sorc/necros main stat…

Latest ktos patch adjusted fireball’s overheat to 5. So it’s still good to put at least 1 point on it.

IS salamion gonan be useful after the latest ktos patch? IS it worth putting points into?

Highly doubt it’s worth putting more than one point into. They made its damage scaling higher, but it’s still dumb 'ol salamion with the slow attacks and the bad ai.

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so… soon summoner patch? meyby? i hope ._. …

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dying to know that as well

Anxious for every new patch notes lol

The day where “Looking for dps, dopple, elememes, sorc” come true

And it is a no on it being this patch.

what card is best helga or netherbovine?