Tree of Savior Forum

So they made a statement about trade restriction

They are preventing gold selling at the cost of communities emerging from free trade system.

I’m astonished to see them insist on these restrictions.

Like many have said, without communities this game will slowly die.


at no point did i discourage people to voice their opinions. But people have to realize that this system is here to stay for the moment. Something delicate like a market system cant be changed within a week.

I think trying to eliminate bots is a wasted effort. They’re going to be in every game unless the game itself can detect bots usage during start-up.

Why not just invent ideas that will benefit the players more compared to the bots users? The OP’s idea is really good, so props for that.

Even with IMC’s restricted content, the bots are still running rampant right now.
Should’ve just close down the game if they can’t find proper way of combating bots without the expense of normal players.

Thumbs up IMC! I agree with you! :slight_smile:

Keep up the good work.

Yes they can.its somthing that ead in just annabel it.

why do they have to battle gold sellers heavily?

suppress them little by little. the megaphone being available to lv 40 is one step in hindering them on doing the spamming.

just be on a mindset that you cant really remove gold seller just suppressing them. because focusing on eliminating them mostly affects the legit players from the restriction like what we are currently having

if they want people to invest on the game then they should focus on cosmetics and make it a good one and they can price it a bit higher and people will forgive that and think that it is for the sake of supporting the game.

they really dont need to focus on the $18 a month token if they can focus on releasing cosmetics that cost $5 rental or $15 permanent each part.

colored dye not obtainable by achievement or quest for $5. Emoticon that is shareable to all characters or account bound for $10. Chat bubble and text modification that cost $2 a month each

you can make so many cosmetics and keep on increasing your sales instead of focusing on token which is only a stable $18 a month and sometimes decrease on sales a month because of unsatisfied players/customers

Keep complaining about the trade system. Without us they lose ToS so they will either listen to us or lose us.

#1x 20$ Token is 30 trades.

  • Can’t trade silver
  • Can’t trade Tokens

That’s it.

20 dollars for 30 trades.

Items for items…

Doesn’t regenerate…

Team storage counts it down…

This is going to kill the game more than the unstable early release.


^This. This is literally what I thought about when I read the article (apart the whole “imc dumb as ever” deal). I’m even thinking that the limit could be fixed by goldsellers themselves for some items…

Makes me wondering if this token system isn’t the invention of some external contractor… Which would make them even more subject to the sunk-costs fallacy

Now, really. IMC is taking all these decisions to avoid gold sellers.

Holy bananas, this is CLEARLY not working. You need only login and check the global chat to notice that. Then why keep it going? It’s as simple as that.

I think IMC should work together with the community (With us).
We aren’t IMCs enemy and we also wish for a nice and smooth gameplay with as least bots and gold sellers as possible.
People behind the botting and silver selling are probably doing this for living, which means they give 100% / All they got.
But as for right now, normal players by far exceed those gold sellers / people in numbers.
So we can fight them all together.
A report system is a good step towards it.
Disabling basic functions of a normal mmorpg is a step far behind and punishes all the honest players.
Gold sellers / bot users will always find other ways and use whatever is left for them.
And whatever you might do against them from now on @IMC, will most likely cause the players more damage as well because whats left you can do against them is disabling trade and market for good.
Anything else won’t most likely stop them.
And if that happens, Sorry but enjoy while it still lasts.

So seriously talk to us IMC, listen to us, notice us senpai!

I am sure we can all find a solution together!

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Control gold selling is more important right now than community’s freedom. I agree with their over-careful actions. It’s just the beggining, chill out, people! =)

But some smart bot report system, like the one from archeage, is essential to stop botters. Make it so anyone can report, at the cost of 1-5 TPs. After being reported, the player gets a debuff. If within 60 minutes he doesn’t go to a NPC in town and answer something like a captcha, he will be jailed, or lose all items, and/or be analyzed and banned by a GM. A sucessful ban then would yield to the reporters 10-50 TPs.

One trade per day is painful, but I understand the need for this right now at the begining. Learn gold sellers behavior now, then adjust the rules, so everyone have more freedom, without ruining the game’s economy.

I’d rather being able to trade only once a day than being forced to farm 100 times more or buy silver from gold sellers to get the same item because of a ruined economy, like it was on Ragnarok.

Apparently IMC’s dev don’t understand economy, therefore they don’t know what are they trying to do.

Yup, seems that @Nepnep thought about it too :

Not that I intend to spam, but I just posted a proposal which might be a solution for those interested in “trading” with friends, in the sense of sharing stuff you cannot use, or that they could make better use of :smile_cat:

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I’m glad they are going to address the team trade restriction. These really shouldn’t exist at all. Also the loss of item potential on trades needs to be removed or at least removed on team to team trades.

You should also be able to freely move your money among your team.

The above two items absolutely need to change.

prepare for another large amount of shitstorm when f2p launch IMC…

They are focusing in the Silver selling part with those stupid restrictions, but they forgot RMT is not only about Silver. I wonder if they can track trades of Token users like they supposedly “do” in Market.

I have no idea what you just said. But there were several months between the last beta test and this release, so it’s not like they just snapped their fingers and it was changed the next day.

This reminds me of DRM… But for a free to play game. So basically all these restrictions are aimed at gold sellers, but are having a negative impact on the honest regular players.

I have faith this will get sorted… In the next few months. Right now, it’s nothing short of a mess.