Tree of Savior Forum

So, it's safe to bot as long as you're high-level and/or have purchased TP?

Several ban lists later and this player is still freely roaming around:

I guess 2 freaking weeks is too short of a wait. Maybe 2 weeks more?

IMC freaking please ===>

If you are this slow, players can simply make new accounts and bot those to high levels without care, transfer the silver through the AH, rinse and repeat.

@STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian @moderators

Where are my :triangular_flag_on_post:s at?


is this bot hurting anybody? no, mind your own buisness and imc will get rid of it eventually, i would be more focused on leveling rather than going back to the same map every day to search for a bot, just report him, you dont even need to put it on forums if you dont want to, reporting is way faster.

just go and level, its not like this one bot is doing anything but glitching and auto attacking a ghost, and maybee turning aorund over and over again while running

Seriously? That is your answer?


Found the botter. :wink: What, do I get flagged now for complaining?


Thats what you say about one, but then other people think this way and make their own bots then the game is overrun with them. This type of thinking is bad. They get an unfair advantage and get away with it will just get others to do it.

Same thing i said about afk farming, oh look, some maps are overrun with them now.

One piece of trash littered isnt a big deal, but when many people do it daily it is a problem.


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Seriously, my report is more of a symbolism than a literal quick solution/end to the overall bot problem.

If IMC can’t even deal with this one, how else with the rest of the army? What does lack of attention to the issue, or rather a very slow resolve, imply to legit players?


It means you can bot. Just do not get caught.

The basic process is simple. Bot until fairly high level. Stop for a few days, jsut to make sure your account is not on the ban list. Change your team-name. Tada! new high leveled character.

Disclaimer. This is a highly speculative statement with only my past experience as an avid MMO player to draw upon. I do not bot as it is not allowed right now.


Did you report them in game? I’ve had better overall success there, though the one recent time I posted about bots on 1 map they were cleared out within a couple hours.

I’ve personally tried to get banned at least two bot accounts that were major TP buyers. Those people are untouchable. I reported in game, I reported via forums, I reported via PM with hard evidence of the botting, and can verify that the PMs were seen by at least 8 GMs.

The GMs will not talk about this. Whales are nearly untouchable and the rules get bent for them. I could post my story complete with copies of the reports if you guys wanted to read them. It’s pretty damning.


No need. I think most of us believe you. Perhaps though it’s not so much a matter of “these guys are funding me I don’t want to ban them” and more of a “if these people have this much money what will banning them do? They’ll just buy more tokens/make more accounts.”

It is a huge problem, I really wish IMC would leverage more support from Steam or find a way to use VAC bans.


I think it’s probably a case of “we can’t afford to ban these people and pay our employees/keep the servers up”. A symptom of the dreadful launch.

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A number of times over a span of 2-3 instances I came across him in 2 different maps. I don’t even think the bot report function works anymore. The only ones that seemed banned are bots spamming in the chat and cities.

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Let’s do a little experiment. Everyone stop reporting bots in the field for now, and farm up ‘credibility’ by only reporting those spam bots in town for a few ban waves. Then get an organized report by several people together on the bots in the field.

It feels like people report bots nillywilly and when IMC goes to check them out, either through negligence, gross stupidity, or bad timing (the botting players are actually at the keyboard for once), they pass the check and you lose your credibility. Have this happen enough times and it won’t matter who or how often you report, the GMs wont even look at your ■■■■.

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It’s just like how the real world works.
Guys with money can’t be touched…pay to get out of any circumstances.
Even if you give them a hefty fine, they’ll pay it off and continue to do whatever the F** they want.



Plot twist. Bot report function doesn’t do anything and it is just there for placebo effect.

I’m pretty sure a lot of us think the same thing…just there for looks :smiley:

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IMHO. There is no need for that. Anyone who has spent a reasonable amount of time in-game can deduce that IMC allows a certain number of bots to survive.

It is called selective enforcement. I worked at an online publisher before. That is the power point title. The goal is to appease two different factions in your game community. 1-botters 2-anti-botters, and maintain your CCU/profit.

Selective enforcement gives the illusion that the company is doing something. The bots banned per week report appeals to the anti-bot community, which now accepts the idea that IMC is doing something but the bots are just too many. However, most of the bots banned are chat bots. The botting community will also approve of this plan, as they can now bot as long as they conform to certain standards, in this case, do not use your bot to chat spam.


Whales always have a hilarious amount of immunity and leeway with everything. Companies are even willing to change game directions for the sake of these whales, who quite often participate in RMT/botting. money rules.

ex. maple, latale. countless other f2p mmos I never got into