Tree of Savior Forum

New player question on bots

Hello, new player here. Started playing 7 days ago.
I love this game but its really depressing seeing all these bots running around taking all the leveling areas.
Just wanted to know if botting is allowed in this game because I’ve been seeing the same bots running around maps like srautas gorge and tenet church f1 in the klaipeda server.
And if botting is not allowed, is there any GM in this game?

Botting is ALLOWED :thumbsup: as long as you purchase cash costume in the game and even if some random player just reported you for using bot 100x :persevere: the costume will protect you and serve as a invisibility cloak in the eyes off all GM :angel:, Same goes to using Exploit. Enjoy :yum:


Officially, botting is not allowed, however…

You see bots in all areas, some even on 200+ maps. If you want a legal alternative to botting, make a necromancer for Dina Bee.



Author: Yours truly


Not allowed.

GMs aren’t patrolling around enough.

People use this as weakness and exploit anyway.

As they say, it’s only a crime if you get caught. Think of it like this: If a GM could patrol an area every 24 hours (which would be better than it is right now), a botter only really needs 5 minutes or less to just go on a new account and start the process over.

Very rarely does a bot get over 200+ though. As much as people say it, it’s really more of people being indifferent. And I believe it’ll keep on being a problem because RMT isn’t particularly able to be solved as hard as they tried to solve it.

This is what I am talking about. So many bots running rampant that new people think it is allowed. Other games the bots hide in the shadows, here they control the game.


Just bot all you want and dont forget to buy premium costume with silver as a protection, get your macros/scripts/program on the internet, you’ll be rich in no time.


Most of the people who replied here only play or should I say Bot the Forums. Anytime they see a question their bot kicks in and they must give you garbage answers with no hope. Welcome to ToS forums.

Botting is not legal, it will and has gotten many people banned. Just bare through the first I’d say 60 levels. Bots vanish quite a bit after that. There is a map called Dina Bee farm which is lv160’ish that is filled with AFK Necro’s and Auto-potting Sorcs, but other than a couple quest they shouldn’t effect anything other than being ugly and giving you free silver and items; like dungeon clear vouchers and exp cards. Just break through that 1-60 zone, it starts to clear up drastically.

Edit: Welcome to ToS, play the game, stay away from these General Forums. Unless you’re fond of the same 10 people posting negative shi’t replies every time and not being helpful in the slightest.

I can only speak for Fedimian but I guess botting is allowed there. At least nobody ever gets punished for it.
Same for exploiting.

Doesn’t really matter anyways. The game is for fun, just do your thing and don’t care about gear and attributes. If you want silver get yourself a Necro 3 and try to get a good spot in Dina Bee.


It’s like TOS is becoming what RO became. If you feel like you should but you can’t beat them, join them.

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