Tree of Savior Forum

SO in the end who knows?

Im trying to find any video or something that shows R8 C2 dragoons going full dex with the new skills attack damage, or if not full dex, a ratio that beats full str… white damage is plain and boring… im sitting at 700 str with some decent crit rate as a sw1-pelt-hoplite3-doppel-draggon1, the damage is decent enough to get me #1 in almost every boss no matter what class goes against, fletcher 3 etc.

theres post with this kind of discussions but in the end nobody knows anything.

any light in the path?

No light. Only the fact that the game will be unplugged before there is even a R9…


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better not post at all if you are going to sh!tpost


full dex beats full str anyway.

evidence? where are the videos and the calcs? i want too see the draggon c2 full dex in action

what evidence do you need? a full str dragoon won’t have enough accuracy to even hit full dex builds with proper gear.
ever since i stat reseted my cataphract from str to dex i’ve been winning a lot more duels
what calculations do you need? its literally common sense.

if you took the time to read im not cata, im hop3/doppel a PvE build, so im asking around my build which is very clear

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well for a hoplite 3 full str with lvl 15 finestra and crit rate gears is better, because of the finestra buff its easy for a hoplite to build full str and still get 500+ crit rate from gear, which leaves you next to no reason to build any dex.

gues you didnt read my post, I have told that white damage is very boring, i can beat up any char against me in a boss, name the job i can beat it up… i know what i have im 280 and lvled 5 dragoons so far to 250+ what i dont know is if cahnging to full dex will get my dragoon any better at r8 since i CANT find any video and people says so

you probably won’t beat a fletcher in boss fights, but your build is definitely the best swordsman bossing
as i literally just said, with a lvl 15 finestra and full crit rate gear there is no reason for you to build dex as you will be able to reach 500+ crit rate easily.
You’ll need full crit rate gear, which include double sissels red veris gloves highest lvl green gems crit rate head gear etc.
hoplite is 1 of those pve classes that don’t really need dex for crits.

well in daily missions i did went a
(and do go) vs fletchers and got first most of the time

when theres a healer i can use Deeds of valor and theres not even a chance for the fletchers and when is not… some bosses are contested but i can gtet the #1 in 2 at least (glass mole and tree are #1 for me for sure no matter what

makes sense actually since they are leather
in rank 8 fletchers gonna suck anyway and dragoon c2 is going to scale better, so yea i’d say that at rank 8 you’ll definitely be among the strongest bossers.
Most world bosses are plate and ghost, plate is good for you because pierce damage is neutral vs plate and doesn’t get a damage penalty but ghost is kinda annoying
at rank 8 you’ll start experiencing problems facing musket c2 and fencer though, shinobi murmilo’s burst is very strong too but probably isn’t as bad since the that build got CDs

with the new weapons and skills with high dmg, str is only usefull for block pen. so u need like 100-200 str and high DEX

Naw moron boy. Played mmos alot longer than 99.9 percent of this board and I can spot a failing/dying/dead mmo extremely early, especially Korean ones. Experience > white Knight son.

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this is where I want to get into, how much str/ dex would work best for max dps in pve, considering you actually lose stats by spltting them

for now id go with 100 STR. or no STR at all
u can get a bit of CON too i guess
the thing is, we have to wait R8 to decide

DL the clean version and check it out yourself. Very nice tool. It even calculates DoV and crit buffs for you.

Wait for rank 12.
By then any class under rank 10 will be useless regardless of build :smiley:
And maybe the only competition you’ll have is just bots to deal with.

why the str/dex wars? new gears, gems and new enhancements and fancy weapon transcendence , alchy pots will solve all problems


I guess people don’t read at all…

@miguelsedek better wait and see what crit resistance value new monsters will have. From there, you see how much crit rate you can get with gear you own and balance things. We are getting some new gears with R8 (like a new Cafrisun set with +6 to all stats and such) so I don’t think anyone (besides those who play on ktos regularly) can really say for sure.

@alexandrious2001 well, if there’s some R8 experience, it’s worth it for me. I might die before the game does. Who knows what’s going to happen? I’m getting some fun right now and I know some other people are as well. How does this relate to rank 8 dragoon c2 stats, by the way?

Cuz it’s futile. Save yourself Time and money and just abandon ship. Game is a gigantic disappointment