Tree of Savior Forum

SO in the end who knows?

Do it if it’s like that for you. It’s not for me.

So much blindness. Le sigh >.> oh well, every mmo has its idiots. Dont get upset and cry foul when the plug gets pulled. Ill link this the instant you do.

You’re right, but better to be a happy idiot than a doom poster idiot.

Doom poster idiot? My word little boy, you truly are a brat aint ya? Not only am I far more intelligent than you are, but I am also more worldly and more experienced when it comes to how mmos and business works.

So please, dont post your retarded crying when the game gets shutdown and try to white knight it, because I will be there, to shoot you down and say I told you so, after I make it clear to you how much of an idiot you are.

Honestly, its morons like you who keeps the rose tinted goggles on, and not raising any complaints but instead, try to white knight on ■■■■, that the game will never get better, actually, no, thats not fair to you, the game is abandoned in the west, and your just too blind to see that.

Sighs, kids.


INT swordman is the new meta

because finestra

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You’re the biggest shitbag I’ve seen in these forums lmao. Do you have no life? posting in a game’s forum you consider dead.

Naw, I post in the very dim hope that the Developers will get off their ass and try to save the game, but also baiting idiots like you gives me more joy and laughs than the game can actually provide, oh and I am a great at multitasking while im here owning your ass I am watching Movies, playing Mobius Final Fantasy on my phone and doing arm curls with my iron weight.

Sighs, too easy.

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i am planning to make a hoplite 3 like urs as well, my stat build will probably have at least 150 dex, and at least 200 str
i might add more dex from there.

From my experience, Guardian’s Evasion can offset Finestra’s evasion penalty.

so Dex hop is not a dream.

i’d say that at least 200 str is mandatory for a successful hoplite build, since you still got 150 crit rate from finestra
especially since you are basic attacking a lot until rank 5-6
even though i don’t like hybrid build
i feel like about 200-250 str and 150-180 dex is enough with finestra to then make it up with gear and get to 500+ crit rate, 30-40 con invested might be enough for this type of build because of swash’s 25% hp bonus which has 100% uptime.

welp… dmg is not that much of a concern…

i rather go 1con:1dex coz Str is overated and rank8 Transcend system fcuk up Str even more…

not a good idea on a hoplite imo.
I am more of a fan of high dex archer builds like my scout 3, but some classes don’t benefit from the same stats

100str suddenly make your Hop 100times better?

how so?

dont be bothered with the Finestra 150-free-cri-rate and cri-cap thingy, you said so yourself Dex give evasion which is much more appreciated than the petty block penetration…
also, im guessing all hop have pelt1, so guardian evasion suit dex hop better

this is pve, so block-penetration is least of the problem.
monster can block 5/10 my attack for all i care, as long monster isnt hitting me, i can stab all day long until it finally gave up

i really could not care less about evasion for a pve build.

welp, its up to OP then~


i guess, he says he always get #1 dps with a full str build
makes sense on a hoplite

OP has 700str already, so from now on, its lv280 to lv330, another 50stat point into Dex~

or OP thinking to use Stat Reset and redistribute… which, is overreacting i think…

Hope against fact? Yeah, I’m the blind one. :slight_smile:

i giggled…

can i add oil onto fire, can i?


Sighs such a blind fool. You have no idea what the endgame is here do you? Ill go ahead and spell it out for you.

I want them to try and get off their ass to TRY and save the game, just so I can see them ultimately fail, again, for the final time, due to not doing what the community has been asking of them again, and again, and again, so I can have one, final barrage of shits and giggles, before the book is closed on this game.

You truly are blind. A toddler could have figured that out. What do they teach kids in schools these days? Education system getting worse every year I swear…need to put more money towards political and psychological studies.