I believe I have seen that video with a Musk dealing 120k per hit. It involved 8 Glass Mole cards. Too bad that video is buried in my daily youtube history so there is no way to reach that person whom made it anymore.
Tbh, I haven’t tried any other Archer build other than QS3. Basically, I have little to none knowledge about Musk. Therefore I’m here asking experts how to deal 1.2m (or something close to that number) in just a single Covering Fire.
A few assumptions:
- Build: A2>R1>Sc1>Ro>Falc>Musk. Just 10% less Missile damage than a R3 build.
- Stat build: Hybrid
- Weapon: +15 Finisher, stage 5 Transcendence. Toss this in just to make that number and the lulz. My current dream.
- Cards: 8 Glass Moles
- Crit rate: always crit. 100% all the time.
- Buttstroke: ON
On another note, is it a good idea to max Covering Fire? And where is the 150% modifier placed in the damage formula?
Oh well, I did some calculation by myself. Assuming:
- Total 400 Str = 730 pAtk
- Stage 5 transcended +15 Finisher = 1555 Atk (averaged)
- Lv10 Covering Fire = 1404 Atk
- Target def = 0
- Crit atk is ignored
- Always crit = 1.5
- Skill damage modifier is additive= 1.5
- Steady Aim lv5 = 0.1
- Buttstroke = 1
- 8 lv10 Glass Mole cards = 1.8
- Lv100 attribute Covering Fire = 2
[(730+1555)1.8+1404](1+1.5+0.1+1)21.5 = 59.583 per hit
[(S.atk +w.atk) * (8 Glass Moles)] * Skill damage * (base mod + skill mod + lv5 Steady Aim + Butt stroke) * lv100 Attribute * Crit
So in order to reach 120k per hit. We will need over 3.5k pAtk alone since Glass Mole being a T0 modifier. That’s over 2,000 Str invested or something similar from your weapon. Good luck with that.
The good thing is you can easily deal about 500-700k every 15s. Just Butt Stroke your target, drink your Varnalesa and use Covering Fire.
Fun stuff, Scout Cloaking will add 50% more Patk and will add up with Glass Mole to 2.3 modifier since both of them are T0 mods. This further boosts the final damage to 72k per hit
Credit to @Reilet for the formula