Tree of Savior Forum

☠ Circle reset isn't harmless v2.0. ☠

To all people saying: “It won’t affect you”. We can excuse any P2W/RMT/bots/exploiters with those words, but games having them don’t last long. We have three of these options enabled by default. Circle reset won’t save the game, neither it will kill it. It will be just one of many nails in the coffin.

  1. Pay to Win.
    Any item that will save you 50~100% of leveling (re-leveling) time will be considered P2W if sold through the cash shop. This is arguably similar to buying EXP cards/levels.

  2. Flavor of the month.
    Event items won’t be P2W, but will give limited opportunities of jumping between builds and may be potentially abusable:
    PvE -> reset -> WB/PvP/GvG.

  3. Population/Diversity.
    This may also lower class diversity (2 chars -> 1 char), CCU and low-level maps/dungeons population.

  4. Hardcore -> Casual.
    High-level properly built or very specialized character will lose its value if anyone can reset their build.

  5. Selling accounts. (as @Nirimetus pointed out)
    With circle reset, RMTer can start selling accounts with it since they can put hundreds of bots running wild.
    Now if they add circle resets, imagine these accounts being sold for a good price due to have the pots in their inventory.

Be happy as it won’t be implemented.

Also, bring me some wine, filthy casual peasants.

My previous thread got deleted somehow. Peasantry cannot understand my noble ideas I guess. It’s not like I didn’t already know that moderation here is slow, random and retarded.

But once you put something on the internet, it’s there forever (thanks Google cash).


Dafuq, it is not my idea, i just pointed out what RMTers can do with it. LOL

That was a good point and I was unable to quote you properly due to a deleted thread. :confused:

Just change it to as Nirimetus pointed out, it should be enough, the way it is can cause misunderstandings and i don’t feel like to give explanations about something i don’t do.



You amuse me, and the fact that every pole atm is in favore of reset amuse me, and the fact that your post was deleted amuse me

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careful having an unpopular opinion, people can create forum accounts and flag your post and the bot will automatically take it down. check out my profile, all my posts + threads were deleted because of the haters false-flagging

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But I thought that this bot only locks threads and informs about the reason. It is more reasonable than human moderators here. Too bad if they changed it.

These points might be valid in the loosest possible sense of the word, but the benefits of implementing so far outweigh it that you can’t even consider them relevant.

By this logic, skill resets and stat resets are P2W, which completely misses the point of what P2W actually means and really is. P2W is being able to sell tokens and buy attributes to be far stronger than anyone else. Class/skill/stat resets are a convenience item, saving you time from things you’ve already accomplished. This is standard is F2P MMOs.

It’s been six months, everyone knows what the good builds, class resets aren’t magically going to make everyone start playing whatever is good in R8. We already know what’s good in R8. It’s not going to stop anyone from choosing Wizard.

RMTers already sell accounts and powerleveling. This is pure imagination that class resets would help them in any significant way.

This reddit fancy meme ■■■■ is really cringe too. It’s clear you’re trying to antagonize everyone and that’s why your ■■■■ got deleted. It should stay deleted. You’re spreading misinfo with your ignorant campaign against class resets.

It’s inevitable that they’re coming, it’s ridiculous to deny that they’re not.


Players like this TS are harmful to the game


im waiting for my kinyau87 get the ban again

gonna be prepared, making more huehuehue account as we speak…


The need of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Spoke has Spoken :smile:

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You better keep this thread deleted. Someone who is arguing that a testing area is a good solution while class reset is not, cleary missunderstood something.
Not to mention testing stuff becomes completely useless when they change core mechanics meanwhile.
Best example still is SR Scout which synergy has been shattered by the de-mount patch. You still dont understand that this can effect every single class and it gets more and more worse the higher the level cap is. But your statement to this was “Well, happens”. Wellhappensmyass. This is nothing that should have happend at any point.

Stop it, really. And your 2009 memes still suck enormous harambe dicks.


dear fcking god, not that scheise again

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Just another wannabe-smart defense post without any concept. There is just so much wrong and unfunny that you arent even worth a serious reply from me.


Out of arguments -> Say that your opponent is clearly wrong and have no valid points.

Oh, and don’t forget to make a post clearly saying how much you don’t care.

IMC also once said stat pots can’t be obtained except via founder packs and now where else. Guess what happened?



and those Founder Buyer upset and call it UNFAIR, whiteknight def IMC nonetheless

hue indeed.

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It was impossible to obtain them in-game. Contrary to it, Skill Reset Potions were available.

They didn’t say they have no plans to give it as event rewards however.

%Itemname% cannot be obtained in-game != no plans to develop %itemname%

Also putting them as event revard took no effort from IMC.

They didn’t outright say NO either.

Same as class resets, hacks can already do it. Which means the server software already technically supports it.

huehuehue, all of us here love pointless arguments over something we cannot control

(also implying IMC is lazy at making events)