Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

I dunno. This is not really class reset related.

I want to continue playing TOS, but I don’t know Japanese.


I should grow up when you love showing your superiority when you think you’re right?

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Is it bad? Worse than stalking someone on forums trying make him feel bad?

Yep, you have very good and mature hobbies.

Sorry I’m Atari and I’m too ignorant to listen to anyone that dosent have the same opinion as mine

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Kill time? Like waiting for hours in [EU] queue? I like this idea!

And @SAPR0LING started to spout random nonsense. Quite predictable.

random nonsense or being ignorant again, quite predictable for a kid


Oh noes, I was wrong. Never believe IMC. Should I cry already?

Such a dedicated fan though.

Yeah, exactly my thoughts.

plants trigger

Atari sore loser should quit the game now

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I wouldn’t of cared if you just said you didn’t believe there would ever be a job reset, but the amount of evidence that occured proved that there would be one eventually and you continued to be ignorant of it.
As they say, “can’t cure idiocy”.

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Am I being cyber-bullied? This hurts my feelings, you know.


Am I a fan of you or is it just common knowledge on this forum that you’re an anti-class reset retard?

Pretty bad comebacks

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Searching through all my posts or just saving links to them … I guess it’s the former.

Man, this really got to you.

Yes it requires ‘MUCH’ effort to search through ones posts, just as much effort to reply back to you from my computer desk. It’s not a secret op mission to see and find your public posts that I was around to see them be posted. You lack so much brain it hurts.

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alo guys~

having fun i see~


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Calm down, tsundere-stalker.

when you are on the win side but you get so low as to bring personal insults~

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