Tree of Savior Forum

☠ Circle reset isn't harmless v2.0. ☠

The last ray of hope for some people here.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Oh, I heard about it but really? They should hire those hackers as developers then.


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Hardcore players may cry as much as they want but casual players is what make a game succesfull or not. I am a hardcore player too, but too accept this fact is accept the truth

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As far as I can see, the only problem with reset is it being added as a permanent thing, bought by TP. Would it not be solved if it was a temporary solution?

Like a Circle Reset Potion as an Event prize. Or prior to adding a new Rank, as it is here where things get ugly and make people reroll as ■■■■.

Of course, it would also cause some cheaters and sellers benefit, but it will be a little number that can be punished, you can even create a system for that.

no, hardcore is the reason why a game success

see dota, see wow

hello kitty online is dead
most casual game are dead

hardcore game survive coz there is a reason to play, for years!
casual game die coz casual never a loyal customer, they hop between game.


In the case of successful games, that is. IMC needs a little more work for that. And as bad as it is, they need more money than reputation AFAIK.

(This does not justify anything, what you said is actually correct, in principle.)

“Circle Resets isn’t harmless”

It’s telling that that’s the best you can say about it. Like most things in this world, circle resets have their pros and their cons. To point out JUST the cons is faulty logic and an unfair argument.

At this point I sincerely believe the game needs circle resets to survive. Of course, that’s not the only thing it needs to survive (such as an FPS fix), but I strongly suspect that for the game to continue on, it needs both Circle Resets AND an FPS fix (and, honestly, quite a few other things as well such as more fulfillment to end game), but without the circle reset, an FPS fix alone won’t save the game. Too many people would rather just quit than go through the tedium of rerolling again just because they found their build didn’t turn out how they thought it would or a latest update changed it.


Circle Reset is a temporary solution,

Class Balances is real solution…

Fix the balances/scaling, give 1,000,000% exp/silver boost loyalty event, roll new character, fixed.

if you give Circle Reset without fixing the core issue why people reroll(balances/scaling), then everyone just Reset like mad for every new patch come out.

I wrote casual players, not casual games. Read what I have writen before answering please. A casual gamer of a MMO is nothing like a gamer of a casual game. And About WoW, wth you talking about? They have just been saved by the casual ones, the hardcore ones there still complaining about the changes that benefits casual, but they just wont quit the game anyway, why would devs worry?


dont mind me… coz i’ll quit TOS once IMC roll out Circle Reset

but ya, Circle Reset is confirmed…

so no point arguing/discussing a fact that Circle Reset is coming.

this thread is just a bait (for triggered whiteknight)
this thread is just a rant/vent (for doomsayer)

hope you like TOS future where no more hardcore senior writing guides/datamining etc
(example, cathexis from swordman thread)

coz casual will lead another casual to doom


Well, WoW is actually a horrible example, after I remembered that they actually force everyone a reset after a new expansion and you can pay for a max level character. Of course, considering that new Ranks are expansions, which is something I do believe is close.

Btw, Balance is actually impossible to do, even WoW have problems with it. I always laughed that ToS is actually like WoW with the “Frost Mage being too powerful”.

The circle reset is actually a type of band-aid, and I agree that it is a horrible one as balance can solve everything (I think I quoted a character here).

You can only hope that IMC can do it. With the ranks that they promised doing, I actually think the real balance will only come when they stop adding Ranks. And if they keep throwing out potential payers, be they casual or hardcore, I think the game is gonna end before they can do anything.

Oh, and I don’t think WoW is a hardcore game, aside from PvP (which is always a hardcore thing) the game is pretty much a walk in the park.

So many crying little kids in this game. Just play the game how you like if you don’t want to reset then don’t.

These threads are pathetic.


Well obviously if IMC has any brains at all, they’ll charge at least $20 per reset like many other F2P MMOs do.

It does hinge on the first part of that sentence though, of course…


too bad some people are too stupid to even claim that IMC has a definitive reply to this issue. lels.

But I saw too many people saying: “Don’t use it if you don’t want to, it won’t affect you.”


ofcourse i dont want Class Reset, but from the look of it (all the hints, trend, people requesting for it etc…)

its pretty much confirmed already…

if you so fixated about wordings, it was said Stat Potion not to be obtainable ingame, but nothing say it cant be given out as Event Reward

if so, for them to admit, acknowledge and considering the alternative for Circle Reset, its clear as day we will get it in some form or another…
(even a Exp Tome, Silver Boost, Dungeon Reset Voucher package is considered Circle Reset if i wanna stretch it)

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Just give a free class reset to only when new rank is released. Dont put it up at TP shop at all. Problem solved.


i like you, you optimistic, here, take my like.


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Why i waste my time for lvl up 4 toons? I hope they never add class change, if they add this trash i hope its come with over and overprice.


erm isn’t that one of the main suggestions all along?

I am for class resets because of this. Why make it cheap anyway? That wold be broken. lol. Besides, most anti-reset arguments are based on the assumption it will be as cheap as tokens