Tree of Savior Forum

Share your re: build experiences

Hey guys re:build kinda made me feel like a new player and i don’t have time to test everything so could you help me with the skill distribution on Druid, Pyro and Sapper please? I would really appreciate it! Thanks

Things IMC should keep in mind (what they do very wrong at the moment) TOS is supposed to be a game. A game has to deliver the following features:

  • Fun.
  • Make the player enjoy the game.

Rest is optional but these two points have to be fulfilled. Things a game should not do:

  • Leave you in despair.
  • Give you frustration after frustration.
  • Make the player feel bad.
  • Make the time a player spent feel wasted.

The current enhancement system most of the time only fulfills the last 4 points. That’s bad. Very bad. The actual event will still give me 6 Golden Anvils. I will use these on my +9 Velcoffer Weapon. After that my mace will probably be +7. Then I will feel left out, hopeless again. Annoyed by it. And be gone for some weeks and especially I will not feel like the game will deserve some $$ for the frustration it gave me. No fun, no $.
If I remember how much money I dumped into Dota 2 just because I was happy with it, had fun, didn’t feel left out. Every month I looked for stuff to dump at least 20$ just to compensate the fun and the accomplishments I had. For TOS I invested in after release for the fun it gave me. Then I realized how bad and frustrating many parts are and decided no Cent until the core problems are fixed. Fast forward to RE:Build. Still no Cent policy. 2x Velcoffer runs each week and some CMs because they are fun. That’s it.


Leveling early on in the game wasn’t easy for anyone. Some people got legit stuck at the pre-186 grind because sources of EXP were scarce.

It became pathetically easy for players when pardoner shops with 3000 blessings came and when the content was made trivial in rank 10.

It is now tougher but reasonable, and if people want to quit because they encounter some road bumps on SP usage then it just isn’t the game for them.

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Sure, this is how to run a business. Who cares about getting a bigger player base when we can have a game with 10 ppl playing in 4 servers.

Everything you do has the potential to upset someone and cause them to leave.

People will leave if the game is too easy
People will leave if the game is too hard
People will leave if SP management is meaningless
People will leave if SP management is overwhelming

For an MMO it is the content and net infrastructure of your game that matters the most, which is sorely lacking and will cause massive people to leave. When people cant play or the content is stale and boring, all of these supposed SP issues are secondary.

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My first suggestion is to read again what I wrote.

This being part of a text that refers to a quote implies I’m talking about what nfprivaron was stating.
in the SP usage thread is not the subject but the location.
I tagged you here because nfprivaron said the exact things I told you in the SP thread and at some point you said

I thought it could help to let you see that others in other threads have similar thoughts.

To get back on route, say whatever you want about your point of view of ppl leaving the game in any case. As every veteran of every community you’re eager to tell others to “stop playing if something is not ok for them” and you already did several times.
On my side Im just telling you know that this is not the way to run a business.

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i am curious which two bow you bricked and how worse it had become?

Most of these Classes are just bad because IMC messed up the balance. And it’s not that many Classes that can’t handle normal PVE content. For higher raids and demon lords that’s a given because of bad balancing,though.

basically when you have reached a certain level of investment. At least it’s far better than before Re:build where you’d face large lumps of HP and defense once you’d reach level 360+.

That’s because both unique and legendary grade gear got a huge boost.
And also because ET became unreasonably hard, so new players have a hard time reaching a good niveau of equipment.

For normal activities like HG farming, that’s now possible with low-tier gear like e.g. +6 T4 380 primus weapons, bringing you to 6-8k attack.
Since elites drop blessed shards and quests give a lot of silver in the later levels, every new player should have at least that level of equipment when reaching level 380-390.

In my opinion that’s a very reasonable progression. Once you’ve farmed/quested yourself enough money, you can buy some better equipment and try Velcoffer or ET [ET would probably be better since the equipment sets grant a lot of useful stat boni].

Compared to the struggle I had to go through within two years of TOS the last few weeks made everything so easy I simply can’t think that anyone who didn’t play TOS before all of the changes would really suffer playing the game. I’d say it’s become a lot easier to get everything you need now.

Again I’d like to differ. Compared to Rank 9/10 where CM & raids & demon lords were just unreasonable hurdles of hardness, they became a lot easier to clear now, especially for undergeared people, offering them a chance to participate.
The gear level required was just way way higher before than currently.
Yes, in return some content got toughened up like e.g. instanced dungeons and Saalus, but these are just alternatives to regular farming & leveling/questing.
There is nothing wrong with basic party content being harder now after lessening the stress on basic questing/farming/leveling.

That’s a huge boost for new players. The only downside is that they no longer can just buy a 3000 damage bonus from Pardoner.

Keep in mind this was on @jchsc32, after I wrote the practonium simplified steps and augfowle bow guides. At one point I had lost about 150m, which at that time was significantly more then now.

Nowadays 150m is pocket change to alot of folks, but when 1 practonium used to cost 30mil and the only way you had to get one was mishekan quest cube and then pray for 2 weeks to roll it on the open that eventually drove me away.

The first time was way, way back, and was a short hiatus, when the Maga Bow was BiS.

Im really happy with my Velco Bow though, I have well over 500 million into it and at only +6 anvil its prefectly fine now after Re: Build.

maga and aufgowle bow that you bricked?

So my game ui froze like always cause its too much to ask for the bloody bug to be fixed…

so I did the language change trick to load it back into working…



am scare

solo players are most likely abandoning the game now. im so sad with rebuild i have a cleric level 305 and i cant do damage to 240 monsters. 20 hits to kill a monster. 40 if its a dungeon map 240. i was loving doing all quests. i was going to buy rank booster as a way to say thank you for all happy ghours that i have in tos but after that stab in the back im not anymore. no way. unless the game is acessible for solo players like me again.

Cleric can solo almost any content in ToS now. You are definitely doing something wrong.

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maybe i am. would you care to analyse my char in my thread?

/20 characters

Kaiju time :3

Don’t know if new, but I found a way to enlarge elite monsters to insane sizes :smiley:

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Came back from Hiatus for content and Rebuild. Stayed away.
Got disgusted by more horrible RNG, more frustration and more unfairness everywhere and all other crap which doesn’t deliver fun (although a game is supposed to do that). Decided to quit for good and gave all my gear and items to friends. Well at least what I could because of 0-potential and non tradeable on almost everything.

But checking the forum once in a while for drama is nice. At least one thing IMC did right.


I found the trick sweet spot and now am plotting what mobs to make giant xD prob kepa next :blush:

Trick is harmless as it is only visual xD

For all the Shinobi lovers out there:

  • The AI has been fixed (they don’t run mindlessly anymore).
  • Their endurance became laughable. Mobs can kill them on a few hits now. Bosses will wipe them out before you can even fully launch all Kunais. This change wasn’t mentioned on the patch notes.

Demon Lag

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