Tree of Savior Forum

Sell "early access" or "founders packs" for those who didn't get in

You have me at a loss for words…your comparison is simply too absurd that I don’t know what to say. In any event, “no restriction to number of players” actually DO imply unlimited keys.
I understand that seems an impossible attemp, and perhaps it is, but it is what they advertised and it isn’t what we got. :sweat:

We don’t want them going bankrupt before the game releases.

Just cus a company says X doesn't mean they have to stick to it.

This isn’t how things work son. At least it’s not how things were supposed to work.
They should’ve done a little more research and prepared better contingency plans. I mean, this is the spiritual successor of Rag, given this fact, these numbers don’t really impress me…

How is it absurd? I gave you a fair analogy demonstrating the difference between “can’t” and “wont” or “unwilling” and “impossible”. I’m not saying you don’t understand it because even a simpleton knows what the speed of light is (the concept anyway). I’m not saying you don’t deserve a key either. I’m saying you don’t want to accept that it is impossible. They explicitly said “no restrictions” which basically means “welcome all” but they never expected they would run out of seats so quickly let alone use up most of em in the first place. The first beta didn’t even have 5000 players and now they are looking at 100,000 applicants. You can’t plan for something you couldn’t conceive. You want them to build a bigger theater? You’re asking em to go bankrupt.

Now if they had control over the beta key problem, you and I would be having a completely different discussion or probably not one at all.

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I don’t want to whine any more than I already have. What’s done is done. If you got a key, great, enjoy the game. If, like me, you didn’t get one, all we can really do is deal with it and wait for the release (or go key hunting or even buy one if that’s ok with you).

But making excuses for IMC is, forgive me for saying, a bit pathetic. They should’ve prepared for situations like this and they didn’t, end of story.

Did IMC say they ran out of keys? Some people are still receiving their keys.


Its seems that understanding written words is hard.

See? If you combine all those words together it clearly means that a button labeled [Register for 2nd Beta Test] will appear during the registration period which is also mentioned and if you press that button within the registration period you will get a key. That means that THEORETICALLY there is no limit to the testers, if 83746592874659384675937465928746 people registered DURING that period and did NOT get a key then (and only then) IMC wouldnt be true to their word, but you being late/unable to read does not mean IMC are liars/bad. I dont usually champion companies who dont pay me for PR but IMC are actually handling this beta thing pretty well and your complaints are simply unfounded.


Yes people are still receiving keys, the day is not over yet.

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Heh…technically they did say it a while ago, but they got more keys now…all we can do is hope for the best.

Ok, what about people like me that registered during the specified period and STILL didn’t get the key?

I’m not making excuses. And if you think you’re whining, I’ve seen people here act more self-entitled than you. But you are making false accusations as if you have a bone to pick with them. Also, I wasn’t “lucky enough to get a key”. I was in the first beta back when hardly anyone played and the game was still under everyone’s radar or just didn’t care. Now suddenly they do. Why? I don’t know. But whatever cause it, you can place the blame on that. IIRC, IMC didn’t even market this game yet.

You can’t use the defense of not getting a key when the time to get one isn’t up yet.

That’s all I’m saying. It was a mistake they made, they didn’t predict this. Making up excuses for them is simply futile, they don’t seem to be intending to cerrect this as, I’m assuming, the number of cases like mine aren’t significant enough for them to care.



Just kidding :innocent:

hahahahaaha that made me laugh more than this guy’s attempt to make an argument.

Are you anywhere in those countries? If not are you using any sort of vpn service or any kind of IP/location masking service? If not, is your ISP using one of the services mentioned above? if not, what message did you get after you pressed that button?

I don’t think you understood that there is no argument to be made. IMC failed to predict and prepare for situations like this and, it seems, aren’t willing to correct these mistakes. It’s a simple fact, it’s not up for argumentation.

You must understand that part of the reason they made the key distribution period so short is because they didn’t want to get such a massive crowd into the game for what’s simply a test period. This is not the actual release or some privilege, but just a select distribution of rights to help test out the game.