Tree of Savior Forum

Schwarzer Reiter C3 Tips and Tricks after patch

Should Caracole spread attribute be learnt?

Yes, definitely get the spread

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@LunarRabbit what vpn do u use… i also got a problem with my standard internet is sitting at 200 - 270 ping… with a vpn such as mudfish im able to improve it to 100 -160… problem is im always getting disconnected. what vpn have u found to be quite stable

@LunarRabbit Do you still use yellow gems on your crossbow? To maximize DPS, is it better to get red gems on both weapons or just red on pistol on and yellow on crossbow? Is there a definitive build that gives the highest DPS? So far, i’ve been building crit rate on everything and i’m not sure if it’s worth it or not.

I use greens on crossbow now for critical rate and reds on pistol for raw phys atk. As for highest DPS, depends on scenario. There are places that even a Rogue can make it output more criticals (and more total DPS) than others, but I wouldn’t really recommend Rogue since it falls down real quickly. Appraiser makes it stronger against bosses and really high HP/grouped monsters with blindside, Ranger gives a bit more of general AoE and Steady Aim.

Of all options I prefer Ranger for being more generic even tho needing more investment to catch up with critical rate and a strong crossbow to make the Ranger AoE skills worth using.

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@LunarRabbit Hey, in the case of higher trans weapons wouldn’t be better 6 green gems?

I mean, this crit rate added would surprass the raw damage from red gems on pistol in terms of damage, since the red gem don’t scale with trans. Am I wrong? Did you make any test with this setup?

I prefer Reds on Pistol. Heard people talking about 6x greens and stuff. I honestly find Reds better since you get like around 705 phys atk if you’re using 3 Lv.8 Gems. It’s quite a lot.

As for resulting critical rate, you’d need to calculate and see how much % you get more. I have my critical chance around 50% (a bit less atm I think, need to recalc) and it’s pretty decent already. I wouldn’t sacrifice too much damage if the critical chance gain isn’t really significant in practice, which in turn really feel that way. As for everyone else I talked about that plays too much, reds are kinda better on almost everyone’s opinion.

But, if you’re really up to testing you can try by first using a Chrono (+150 critical chance) to test how it would be 3x Greens on Pistol then testing with the help of a Thaum and try to get +~700 phys atk. Then you can take conclusions for yourself, that would be the safest way for deciding (but red gems/Thaum buffs would probably win).

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@LunarRabbit what vpn do u use… i also got a problem with my standard internet is sitting at 200 - 270 ping… with a vpn such as mudfish im able to improve it to 100 -160… problem is im always getting disconnected. what vpn have u found to be quite stable

Before trying a vpn, download and run the program Leatrix latency fix, but it will only work if the problem is windows config.

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In my case the problem is clearly ping and tried some things and I’m using Linux atm and still laggy, it’s worth a shot to try what @GabrielMS92 said though \o

As for VPN I use mudfish and try to pick the best node manually instead of auto by using those tools to measure latency from user to node, from node to server and user->node->server.

Can someone help a newbie my SR

idk maybe this is a stupid question but my limacon… i saw some people on dungeon using limacon they are fast moving while attking and no they dont have buff like haste…
but my limacon when i use i move slow while attking it’s like when im attking im strafing(csgo shift key)
my ping is good i think… they max on when many mobs but if not its like 5.22ms
my level are still 222 with a invested of 132 and total of 193 dex

my concern is why cant i move fast while attking when using limacon while i see some players on dungeon they move fast while attking…

Are you attacking with the “C” offhand basic attack? You need to keep pressing man.

oh… lol i was using mouse 1 button not “C” xD my bad

THANKS @GabrielMS92

A while ago I had said how I do, if you are interested.

It’s not that difficult, after buffing click on your target and hold the mouse button down, hold C and use the mouse movement to move, this technique is very good against bosses.
If they are mobs that die fast, hold the C with your index finger and use wasd with the other fingers to move and keep the mouse hovering over your targets without clicking.

Before anything I want to share this that I wanted to post recently but forgot:

Random rant about the game and other stuff - TL;DR: I may not be around for so long anymore, sorry for never making this into a proper guide and if it's missing stuff.

I know this isn’t the right place to talk about this but to be honest it doesn’t really matter.

But yeah, I’m too tired of the game for now. If you read one of my last posts I complain that the game lacks challenging and actually lacks rewarding stuff despite being grindy.

But more importantly: everything falls into the community. The competition and challenging parts of the game is actually because the content is too small/unplanned for the amount of the people that participates. The most fun parts of the game have player’s effort from outside the game to make the inside parts of the game better.

That’s a fine thing to some point.

But sometimes you fall into some problems:

  1. No matter how hard you try to bring attention to real issues IMC never actually did huge steps, sometimes only some and a small continuation. - By it I mean, steps to put their own rules or what should be rules into practice. I mean, it’s a bad thing, ok, but you can get over it.

  2. For that own fact, sometimes you play the fool role if you talk too much. “Stop making drama.” and stuff like that. And along with this simple thing, some people who don’t actually read forums starts “Lunar makes dramas on forums” or “Lunar defends IMC to hell and censored” and stuff like this, welp, gotta accept my errors of talking a lot even though some people sees it the wrong way.

  3. But then you have the competitive parts of the game sometimes filled with bugs/game weakness and stuff. And “triggering a bug don’t actually means you intended to abuse a bug”, right? That’s what happens every day in ToS.

Most community conflicts that I (and some others around that I got to know of) had started on flawed game mechanics or bugs or even directly related to RMT (from sites/market) or macro/bots stuff.

But then a question: Why such conflicts exists when most of these stuff that generates conflicts shouldn’t be existing for too long in the first place?

  1. Fairness or equal treatment when dealing with issues.
    IMC: I’ll be blunt here, I have a friend who got banned and lost a weapon which was crafted last year and aside being wrong in the DPK mess had a worse punishment than it should have been - either looking by thew news and the other players around.

But what’s so bad about this? It’s that it really annoys me that other people kept even their orange weapons crafted on the DPK issue day, in both servers affected, and didn’t get the same treatment.

But what’s worse in this all? IMC actually doesn’t log stuff.

If you sold (got rid of) X material that is used to craft Y weapon. How in the hell did you use X material (not in your hands anymore) to craft Y weapon, when Y weapon itself was used to farm the X materials?

So, at least:
There’s actually no 1:1 trade log.
And there’s actually no crafting log.

And there I “lost” the person I most liked to talk about SR stuff and share tips.

Players itself: Everyone feels bad when they see their friend/guildies names around on these topics, right? People will protect their friends and friends of friends, that’s a normal thing. And some people will actually make drama with you to protect their group and this goes as far as you can imagine. But instead of later discussing stuff some people forgets their own errors.

But another question: Why does such a thing happens? Isn’t it for how some bugs/game weakness/etc lasts long enough that “triggering a bug isn’t using it”? - Needless to say, sometimes “triggering a bug” is seen as actually “using it”.

In the very end most of these conflicts happens because how long these things are left untouched patches after patches.

So, after getting into and out of dramas so many times in this game I’m honestly tired, especially after a recent one that needless to say, didn’t need to happen. Plus tired of the game itself not being so much fun. It’s really not worth for me anymore.

I apologize for making such an off-topic wall of text but don’t worry, it’s the last one. I do recognize that I have my fault in everything that happened. But I have one odd thing to say:

To some forum “trolls” (and other people around) I had issues with some time ago but talked with later: I admire you.

It isn’t hard to look on our own actions, we both knows that actual drama results in nothing. “Raising and accepting the white flag” and respecting each other after problems is actually a really nice thing.

I’m really thankful for that even thought we’ll prolly never talk/post etc to each other again.

As for IMC if you guys even read this: Learn to listen to what your players are complaining, especially when it’s about your way of dealing with the game.

You’re a small company but you’re lacking what games from small companies usually have as highlight - those innovative and fun ideas. And even if you’re trying to be big, you’re also lacking what a big company usually have.

You can do better than that and you already did some steps in the right direction, but it shouldn’t stop there.


Lunar pls :frowning: pls don’t ignore me.
I just want to know how to deal the most damage to boss, which is currently the only thing I feel I lack of. The only thing I know to kill boss atm is: Swiftstep, limacon, monstrance, Steady aim, glass mole and shoot.
Your guide boss combo only effective when having a good cross bow

Which A2R3SR3 skills are affected by AoE ratio? What’s the scaling like?

I know limacon is not.

It’s a real shame to see you go, but unsurprising. Will miss you.

idk if this already asked before but… did the max atk from red gem on crossbow will increase my 2nd hand patk as well?

ty in advance :laughing: