Tree of Savior Forum

Schwarzer Reiter C3 Tips and Tricks after patch

im wondering if Ranger2 is actually needed. basically im going R2 for barrage and steady aim. the problem is that as SR i NEVER use steady aim because its 10 seconds of 15% dmg increase with 2 seconds wasted to even use the skill.

barrage is a nice skill but on high end mobs it doesnt do much, and it feels bad stopping just to use the skill and having to be right next to the mob

are there any PVE builds that are more efficient? im thinking A3, something, Appraiser, SR3

Archer3 (swift step 15), ranger 1 (steady aim), appraiser (overestimate) is fine. Tried this build, only necessary to cast steady aim before using retreat shot due to similar uptime. This build is just buffs + limaconAttacks + retreat shot. KToS limacon 15 duration and swift step duration are 5min. Must recast overestimate every ~45s though.

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as a reiter you’ll be mostly auto attacking so people tend to pick the classes with buffs. For example ranger’s steady aim/ rogue’s sneak hit/appraiser’s overestimate. Yeah the duration on steady aim is too low and the CD is too high but damage is damage lol. They could buff the duration later on who knows.

is limacon going to be nerfed after patch? level 15 limacon x 20 sec cooldown per level = 300 sec cooldown?


  • Duration changed to 20 sec per skill level.

I believe you have read it wrongly. It clearly says duration here.

It was Cooldown and has been fixed

good to know it was just a typo error.

Should I get a Double Stack or go straight for an Aspana? Currently I have a mamamana +7 with 0 pot(yeah i’m unlucky with upgrades LOL)

the problem is that recipe/aspana cost so much, and double stack is really affordable at the moment for me.


I think double stack is fine, but I just use SR to farm 140 and random mats.

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If you can’t afford aspana, getting double stack is perfectly fine. new 350 weapons will come out soon anyway so I suggest not to invest too much for now. Maybe up it til +11 and trans 5 but anything more is too risky for me.


I see, thanks for the input!

I have 970+ crit rate.and want to change some green gems to have more dmg and keep my crit rate at 860 to have critical change at 50% on high lvl mobs. But I will just change on xBow because all 8* gems on pistol now.

Right now with 6k+ patk (secondary) I can make 19-22k dmg on Kugheri monsters with limacon.
And with 2.6k crit atk I can make 42-48k dmg with limacon

6k / 19-22kdmg > < 2.6k / 42 - 48k dmg

That’s why I think yellow gem on xBow could be better for my dmg because my crit atk scales really good.
1 yellow gems = 590 catk, so 25% adding to my crit dmg?

How do you SRs think about it? And if you have a math on dmg of Limacon and other SR skills pls share them. Thank you!

I think personally that you’re better off with yellows on main than green because you already have a hugh crit rate and the more you want to have crit rate is I think too much diminished returns

For my SR I still go greens on main because my crit rate is not that high

Will yelow gems be better than red gems on my xBow?

At PvE, with already sufficient crit rate (over 50%), pick yellow main hand.
Reds should go on off-hand for best attack increase.
Low crit rate characters get green on main hand.

But I think he has a high crit rate coz he went greens 8* on offhand


Yes I have 6 green gems on xBow & Pistol, I can change 1 green on offhand to red and 2 on xBow to yellow.
Will try to have 3 marnox to have some crit rate back :smiley:

Or 2 red on pistol & 1 yellow on xBow, could be better
Can’t replace all green on Pistol because I have 8*gem on it, could be a huge waste if I replace them ._.

it will ALWAYS be a waste once new tier of weapon introduced

True true.

Besides, AFAIK red always on offhand especially for SR pistol