Tree of Savior Forum

Schwarzer Reiter C3 Tips and Tricks after patch

Blue 315 pistol is actually not bad for raw dmg if you manage to get it to +11 with 2 slots

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Would it be sufficient for farming 315 mats or 315hg? I feel that im not clearing fast enough right now.

so what skills besides maxing RS and limacon are good now? did some of them become improved with the last patch or will be improved in a future patch? I can’t remember which are garbage and which might be worth it.

Hi I’m planning to create A2-R3-SR3 for farming dungeons.
My question is about the stats full str or dex ?

200 total dex (after equipments + cards if any) rest STR and you find a nice fit.

If you have really bad ping aim for a low DEX, otherwise you can go all DEX or go mostly DEX (200~)
Please consult and follow this when planning out your DEX values if you truly care:

So you should end in 190, 230, or 280 DEX, they’re all okay choices.

Here’s my ping as u can see it’s unstable

And I’m also a new player so i don’t have much so i was wondering if this would still work for me.

It will still work for you, if you can I’d suggest doing the Appraiser quest and go A2R2AppSR3, but if you find the quest too much of a chore just go R3 isfine.

For dex I’d aim for the 190 or 230 point with that ping, getting about 140-150 and getting the rest from equips is fine.

Do consider that 3 of your cards will be STR, DEX, or STR+DEX with the upcoming change so that’s somewhere between +0 to +30DEX from cards. Your gear should be Cafrisun for pretty much ever (until Manahas), so you won’t be getting DEX there, leaving your bracelets, necklace, and weapons basically. You can pulll 28 DEX from a Silver Hawk crossbow if you decide to strengthen your guy up with stats, or 35DEX from Chrisius (What you will almost certainly want).

Since this will be a farmer primarily, if it won’t be your main:
190 DEX - 35 (Chrisius) - 30 (Ellaganos cards x3) - 10 (Necklace of Sloth) = 115 DEX, rest STR.

This all really cheap gear to get you to that point. I know that those ‘brackets’ don’t really exist as much for skills, I’m not sure if that’s the case with Limacon or not, so don’t be afraid to go over/under this.

if the upcoming ktos changes are true where swift step level adds more
crit chance in addition to the attribute, how does:

a3>wugu1>apr1>SR3 sound?
wugu is the filler for wugong gu that will be spread via limacon

Is Cafrisun better than 315 leather (blue)?

I would recommend you just max limacon and rs (maybe just limacon) and save the other points. I’ll see in the future a little rework of the sr skills due to how the rest of the skills are garbage compared to lima.

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and with te new card system? wichs cards should we use?

Cafrisun is offensive gear, so yes.

The idea behind cafrisun is to stack ‘extra hits’

Cafrisun+Enchant Fire(scroll will be 300s soon)+Sacrament to apply a large amount of Blessing and other Property damage that will apply to each of these hits.

If you decide to just go purely for PAtk you can skip this but for a cheap dungeon runner, Cafrisun helps, quite a bit.

Marching Fire is really good, andI would suggest the 5 points there.

However, IF you took Rogue and are interested in the evasion and went all DEX, SR3’s evasion skill might be really good for you with the upcoming changes, but it’s hard to drop points elsewhere for it decisively.

Until then, Caracole (if you have Spread) is good as well, but here’s my order of importance:

Limacon > Retreat Shot > Marching Fire > Caracole
Everything else is currently trash/weak IMO

If you’re Rogue1SR3 I’d go with something like this:

In any other case, something more like this:

I don’t find myself personally using Caracole much but it is good, and the higher rate on it is nice. Marching Fire on the other hand gets a lot of use, and is quite useful.

The card system still isn’t finalized it seems so it may see some changes, right now it’s just in kTEST (not kToS afaik), best to wait a bit to see. Most likely glass mole will still be used, other than that it’s just best to see.

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Anyone know a place that I can farm silver? I have a good blessing with my pardoner so is easy to farm.
I really need silver right now, gears are not problem now I’m using RHC and aspana so I can go anywhere.

Hi, Can someone give me an updated link of - rank path, skill distribution and stat distribution of this build please?

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Superb. Thanks. What about the stats? (Sorry for asking too much.)

Any map for orange recipe materials to sell.
HG320 to sell eqs.
Gem drop map to sell gems (alambique cave, any kalejimas dungeon map, …)

Or try timerys temple and keep channel switching after each full map clear. Put pardoner on the map and put squire repair to fix durability.

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is there a DPS calculator or spreadsheet we can play around values for SR3?

been reading conflicting stat allotments like 180 dex, rest str or 1:2 str:dex, ect.

is there a simple pattern we can follow such as:
if crit rate is less than 800-something, do 2:1 str:dex (no idea )
if base weap damage is less than 5k put reds instead of green (?)