Tree of Savior Forum

Scheduled Maintenance for March 20, 2018

i hope there will be Marnox buff too ._. ekhm

Will it cover the ET rework? Will it change the cube mechanic and cost? In ktos it was and some bugs as there are many bugs and exploits to do ET.

Good job ! Didn’t expect the wiz and sword changes will come that fast.I hope in future patches will also follow this pace !

Perhaps they made a mistake, if you know what I mean. :tired:
Tbh I liked most changes, even though the one who needed it most was left behind… I’m grateful and upset at the same time.

just as I expected if I dont download the game before the 26 am ultra fk and my will to return will probably vanish for a couple years :fearful::cold_sweat::scream:

Warning, warning, warning:
If you advanced into Shadowmancer during the R9 event that introduced the new classes but didn’t complete the actual quest you might need to do the Shadowmancer Unlock Quest to be able to pick the class again after using a Rank Reset.

Here’s a post with a video as advancement guide:

It might be smart to complete, or read about, the quest during this week before the content update.

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i feel weird
on one hand i get the costume fer free
on the other, frost pillar’s nerf came sooner

Same goes for people who advanced into Matador. If you plan to reset a char that has Matador or Shadowmancer unlocked from the event when the unlock was possible without completing the unlock quest, you’ll have either to complete the quest for real this time or get an unlock voucher. Otherwise, the class won’t be available to your char.

Does that class involve macroing and afking? :wink:

Wait…I know people demand unlock Vouchers to finally have Muak Thai included…But you really can choose those R8 classes?

Pretty sure that doesn’t exist. Nak Muay doesn’t have one either, and needs it more than these four quests.
Well, I’m not sure about Zealot/Matador, but the Bullet Marker and Shadowmancer quests feels really easy now after the changes.

Personally, I’m kind of lost on what to do with my CryoChrono, now that this patch is approaching. I like both cryo and chrono so it’s gonna feel bad to let any of them go. Any fellow chryochronos planning anything here? Ditching cryo to go full support, or keeping the cc aspect of the build?

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A friend of mine is doing Cryo2-Thauma1-Chrono3-Thauma3.

Snowball CC+some freezing skills from cryo, thuma buffs, chrono buffs.

Though the thauma nerf is also there so im not sure

I think I’ll reset my CCSage into PyroLink2ChronoEnchanter…

Sounds interesting, thauma should still be strong so I’ll keep that in mind. The new ice pike does look pretty good too.
Linker does seem like a good contender for support build space with the new tools the class got.

Maybe I’ll just do a bit of everything and try making a more CC-focused mage on the side. Seen some recommend runecaster with linker too, for the rune of protection I guess? Will be interesting to see which utility circles everyone picks, until a meta is established at least.

Thanks, I probably scrolled past that before. The cryo3chrono3kino build does look solid for a more cc-focused support build.

Cryo is quite nerfed and with frost lord others players can freeze. I would think others builds. Do you want to focus on utility/support?

Yes, any decent support. For utility Chrono-Thauma and Linker-Thauma seems nice I guess.

As I said, maybe I’ll try a CC-mage as a side character instead if it isn’t worth it. Pyro-Onmyoji with Froster Lord cards or something with Cryo3, maybe.

Cryo3 is getting a ‘give and take’ I wouldn’t call it an overall nerf. Decrease in utility for a boost in damage is a decent tradeoff.

The pull on frost tree was way too strong for a rank4 skill. They replicated it with Onmyoji at rank8 and the pull is still not as strong as frost tree was.

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Psy 2 have pull skill.

I think it is a Nerf as we got alternatives for freezing and there are better damage classes, so the overall value of the class dropped, IMHO