Tree of Savior Forum

Scheduled Maintenance for March 20, 2018

Click here for this week’s patch notes!


Content Update on March 27
- Wizard & Swordsman class balancing
- Legend Cards
- NEW Gimmicks, Collections and NPCs
- And more!



imageIMC promised early April and it arrived earlier

Thank you for the hard work staff/Dev


Wow, pretty fast this time. Thought they would delay it into a package with rework and belcoper.

Guess Belcoper and the new classes come in a later patch then.

True. Credit where’s credit’s due.

Thanks IMC for your work ! Thank you !!

Put in the extra work for you guys since it’s the 2nd anniversary! :satisfaction:


Just one thing: this event is ending tomorrow, and not next week.

Kupole’s Daily Attendance Check CLOSING NEXT WEEK

  • Remember that the Kupole’s Daily Attendance Check event is closing next week on March 20!
  • Click here to find out how you can participate in the event.

Thanks for pointing that out, it’s fixed now.


I wonder if we’ll be getting rank resets next week for qualified classes


Time to prepare resetting that goofy wizard build of mine!

Can you tease us more??? Will the ET rework come next week? If so will it work with Double cubes also?
Been longing for ET rework for a year now. :grin:

There’s one single wiz class that actually needed an overhaul but it was completely forgotten.




See you next week then I guess :tired:

i hope there will be Marnox buff too ._. ekhm

Will it cover the ET rework? Will it change the cube mechanic and cost? In ktos it was and some bugs as there are many bugs and exploits to do ET.

Good job ! Didn’t expect the wiz and sword changes will come that fast.I hope in future patches will also follow this pace !

Perhaps they made a mistake, if you know what I mean. :tired:
Tbh I liked most changes, even though the one who needed it most was left behind… I’m grateful and upset at the same time.

just as I expected if I dont download the game before the 26 am ultra fk and my will to return will probably vanish for a couple years :fearful::cold_sweat::scream:

Warning, warning, warning:
If you advanced into Shadowmancer during the R9 event that introduced the new classes but didn’t complete the actual quest you might need to do the Shadowmancer Unlock Quest to be able to pick the class again after using a Rank Reset.

Here’s a post with a video as advancement guide:

It might be smart to complete, or read about, the quest during this week before the content update.

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