Tree of Savior Forum

Scheduled Maintenance for June 14th, 2016

great seen you respond max. but…

beware oblivion is at hand


question: can you gift the TP bundles to other person on steam?

I laugh at people who complain about stuff like new loading screens or new music. You’re complaining without having any clue what you’re talking about.

You do realize that not everyone at IMC is responsible for things like arena implementation and skill balancing programming, right?
So if the people responsible for art and music have time to draw a new loading screen with possibly useful info for new players or compose new music then let them do it. It’s not like loading screen images or music have to be programmed, they’re images/songs that need to be drawn and put in a folder and at most a single line of code needs to be changed.

Got any proof that it’s already fully functional but just disabled on purpose? If yes, I’d like to see it.

There is pvp available aside from arenas : duels and guild wars. Most likely these pvp connectivity issues were aimed to fix issues related to duels and/or guild wars.

I’m just glad they fixed the problem in Royal Mausoleum 5f. It’s annoying especially to boss hunters haha

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They’ve already said it’s not counted:

- Whilst under the effects of the debuff, your efforts in the Field Boss Ranking system will be excluded.

Doesn’t stop this system from being completely asinine though.

^Team Battle League has been implemented in kToS for their playerbase since January. Our version already has the localized UI window for joining + rankings and the NPC for it that can be interacted with in-game, but it can’t be queue’d for. The Steam ToS page has had the Arena listed under one of it’s Major Characteristics since the game launched-- they would not list content that hasn’t even been developed yet as one of the games features.

Seems that the “PvP” used by the Staff member who made that was probably a misuse of term, and they actually meant to say Missions. Also, “PvP connectivity” would not be related to Duels or GvG since these are not instanced to any particular area where engaging in it would be exclusive to only PvP players.

There are no announcements about SEA Varena server being down but i can’t log in. Same with Telsiai.

we want to know about TBA!!! :sweat:

telsiai still down? T_T

Can’t login in Telsiai too.

Thanks for the pet/summons AI fix (even if they are still quite dumb), people who don’t play these classes may not care but for us that do, it’s a godsend not having to play where’s waldo with your sluggoth or shooter.

while you add those items to the TP shop, add the stat reset potion as well


I tried running a search on the forums about this but I couldn’t find anything:

I can’t post anything on the market on my character under level 40. I am a token user, I have other characters, my account is a few months old at least. I know you guys were adding restrictions for TRADING, but I see nothing about the level restriction being applied to using the Market.

The message I get is: “You must be at least Lv 40 to use this.”

Here’s a Screenshot.


I would highly suggest you read the recent patch notes really carefully first before raging out at the IMC staff on the public forum.

Here it is if you missed it, for your convenience. I hope its the right one.


And I suggest you do the same. You clearly did not read the patch notes, or what I posted.

I am very aware they added the level restriction to trading.

No where does it mention the level restriction was being applied to the use of the Market.

And I did not “rage” anything. I simply stated what was happening and provided proof in an informative way. The way you interpret what I said and how you read it is all on you.

a captcha system must be implemented , for AFKs players and an option to cast the captcha on the player , it helped a lot against bots.

Yeah, the problem still is that those players could still kill the world boss so others can’t kill it. If anything they should just make it so they deal 0 damage to the world boss.

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what about pvp arena?

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@STAFF_Max Did you guys ever think bout fixing Sadhu?
I mean, yeah right, you can totally come up with a HOTFIX for some not even gamebreaking bug regarding “Schwarzer Reiter” …but the Position-Bug that sadhu gets every time you use Astral Body Explosion that was reported MONTHS ago is still ignored.