Tree of Savior Forum

[Sadhu Skill Suggestion] Transmit Prana

This is a suggestion topic for balancing/adjusting/improving the skill Transmit Prana from sadhu 3.

To begin let us clarify how the skill works as the description is a complete mess right now.

The skill enables a buff on the sadhus spirit or an ally which will be active for 60 seconds.

The skill takes the sadhus INT and moves it to the friendly target. The amount of INT that is transferred is based in the Sadhus Transmit Prana Level.

It is (10*Skill Level)%

So we can currently transmit at max 60% of our INT to an ally (Level 5 + Divine Might).

The skill is shown to be a channeling skill, but a recent video (which was provided to me by @Staff_Julie) showed that it is not a channeling skill but a instant-cast.

Now, let’s come up with some ideas on how to balance this skill.

Thanks for your help

Edit: this thread is bookmarked by Staff_Julie and she will forward our suggestions to the development team.


I suggest the following:

-Add an attribute to lower the cool down of the skill
-Add an attribute to increase the duration of the skill
-Add an attribute (with a low max. Level) to increase the amount of INT transferred
-Add an attribute to enable unlimited buff duration on the skill WHEN USED ON THE CASTERS SPIRIT
-Add an attribute on Vashita Siddhi to decrease enemies stats by additional 5*(Transmit Prana Level) for as long as Transmit Prana is active while using Vashita Siddhi

That is all I have in mind.

And, please provide a correct skill description. This skill is a rank 6, class 3 skill and the current description makes this skill sound very bad.


  1. can i cast other skills while channelling transmit prana?
    if yes, Will the spells int be based on body or spirit? is it the same for body casted spells and spirit ones like astral body explosion?
  2. how do you target the recipient transmit prana?
  3. can you daisy chain transmit prana?
  4. it does not seem imbalanced right now so why does it need balancing?

Suggestions: let it buff the spirit with attack speed as well. (sorry I really love the hyper attack speed sadhu)


Is the video mentioned above.

If it does work the way it works in this video. I’d say it’s pretty good.
Only thing I can think of is if this could be casted with the OOB anywhere.

this video shows it’s not really a channeling spell but just a cast,
I’d feel that astral would be based on your damage (so reduced) ALTHOUGH! that’d be a neat feature
Seems the spell is at melee distance infront like posession.

Now that you mention it, if it does do the things it does in this video…does it need rebalancing? I think it was more that everyone is confused about this spell with the lack of information


I suggest that it should stay the same.
It’s a Rank 6 skill (Sadhu C3).
And it makes you realize that OOB does do damage when you Transmit Prana to your Spirit.
After all the nerfs the Sadhu received, this skill would finalize that OOB is still usable.

I dont know if I would agree about the cooldown of 176 seconds.
I guess you would need to juggle with your other skills for the next 116 seconds.
If its 60 seconds, the same as the duration, then I think its overpowered (donator of 50%(60% DM) int (unless you are PURE CON).

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I think the least that should be done is to give the skill one or two attributes. A increase in duration and/or decrease in cooldown is what comes to mind.

I also live the idea to increase the spirits attack speed when he is under Transmit Prana effect.

I am a Sadhu,
but if we ask this much, there are too many reasons why Sadhu C3 is viewed as overpowered. IF you take Sadhu C3

Sadhu C3 = OOB realization


I mainly opened this thread cause Staff_Julie let me know that she heard from many players that this skill could use some work. She offered me the option to forward our suggestions to the Dev team.

There are two things about this skill that bother me:

-very high (and weird) cooldown
-no attributes

Both could be fixed by

-adding an attribute to decrease cooldown

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i guess one attribute could do no harm.
Maybe add some Frenzy mode(increase ASPD) for OOB Spirit on transmit prana.
Decreasing cooldown or increasing duration is feasible but not to the point that it would make cooldown = duration.


I have to admit transmit prana gives c3 sadhu alot of utility as a support and as dps. However it does not give build variation.

My suggestions are more of a personal preference and a way to support other people’s suggestions.

Buff Suggestions:

  1. A way to manage duration and cooldown.
    — Attribute for duration and cooldown.
    — lower cooldown per attribute level.
    — Reduce cooldown as you attack with your oob
  2. Perhaps it can transfer your highest stat instead? the idea behind this is to give more dimension to the skill and give sadhu purists a lot of build dynamics? although I must admit transferring con and other stats would be buggy and scary but it has a 60% cap so… why not?
  3. Allow sadhu skills to be based on Spirit’s INT instead of the body’s.
  4. if it is not yet possible. Allow daisy chain effect with transmit prana. I prana this guy and this guy casts prana on another guy. 50% int along a line of sadhu’s with pure int will surely buff a spirit.
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Additional Questions:
What if two or more players are in front you?
Do they receive 50% INT each??! or distributed 50%?

Wizard Party and Your Prana. lol :smiling_imp:
this would kill Swell Brain of Tomato actually unless you are PURE CON

frenzy mode is HAPPINESS.

to rationalize this as not so imbalance.
alot of things can knock you out of safety zone. you’re body can be hit even when faded in pvp. these effectively cancels oob and transmit prana.
even giving additional damage received penalty would be fine when transmitting prana for sweet sweet attack speed. even loosing health is worth it… (clerics have heal :blush:)

Side note: transmit prana has a cooldown which hopefully will be lowered.

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I’d like to know too. I kinda assume that they let transmit Prana only transmit INT that the player really possesses (so, BASE INT + EQUIP INT).
Else it would probably be a huge mess… But incredibly funny.

“How many chars does it need to kill a world boss?
1 Elementalist + X Sadhus”

I know the idea has a tendency to be imbalanced but it has the tendency to move the community towards an awesome goal.

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To summarize for the time being:

The skill itself seems strong enough for now. People would like to see a reduction in cooldown and/or a increase in the spirits attack speed.

Personally I highly agree on the decrease in cooldown.

I would also love to see higher attack speed when using OoB, but I think this should not be tied to Transmit Prana.

I will go ahead and open another topic for suggestions on Out of Body.

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I created another topic for suggestions on how to improve Out of Body

1 + X Sadhus.

I guess that would not work if Transmit Prana is only counted as one buff.
If its stacked, then bless his godly INT.

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get krivis for divine stigma, kill mob, get the int buff, go oob, use transmit prana = god

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@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan

I just reached Sadhu 3 after some weeks… I maxed transmit prana and can now use it on level 6 (thanks to divine might). However, it does NOT work as was shown in the video I was sent by @Staff_Julie.

In the video the sadhu uses the skill on his own spirit… and this does not work in this version. I regret having chosen sadhu 3.

I also just did a dungeon, the level 175 dungeon. Due to the incredibly high cooldown of Transmit Prana I was able to use it 6 times… and it MISSED the other player 5 times. Yes, 5 times…

We made sure she stood infront of me…and I got the cooldown on the skill…but she only got the transmit prana effect once.

And even then…even her beeing a Elementalist 3 the damage increase was very very disappointing.

Also note that my character is PURE INT …I have over 400 INT and gave her 60% of that INT …and the damage increase was a joke.

WHat I am most interested in is why Transmit Prana does not work as shown in the video.

Just to clarify again, I message @Staff_Julie and asked how Transmit Prana works cause nobody knew due to the bad skill description… and she showed me the video…

I really hope to get some comments on this…for now, I will stop playing ToS.
I love the game, but after spending so much time to reach sadhu 3 I am now very very disappointed… Sadhu 3 absolutely is not worth it…absolutely not.


and with what blaxim said. this skill is utter crap.

2 minute cooldown for a 10-15 second buff. I get that 200-300 int is a lot… but is it? for a circle 3 skill.

I guess there’s a few ways this skill can go.

reduced cooldown with a longer buff duration with possibly no int or halved reduction on the sadhu?

Let it actually buff the the OOB so it does do a 50% increase in damage…with reduced cooldown. 2 minutes in too long for a spell that may only utilize it for a few seconds.

Needs to be easier to use. It doesnt really have a visual on where it’s cast but it seems it’s really close infront of you. so larger AOE? but still only affecting the one person.

Let it target multiple people with the same cooldown and longer duration.

OR just a whole new spell. What was the intention of this spell to begin with?

EDIT: Just had a thought. To get around the OOB no longer being able to get buffs. What if the transmit prana were to put INT into the weapon itself and not a buff. Let it cast on self if casted on no one and that way the OOB should have the buff yeah?