Tree of Savior Forum

[Sadhu Skill Suggestion] Out of Body

This topic is meant to collect ideas on how to improve/balance/adjust Sadhus Out of Body skill.

This is how the skill currently works:

When using the skill the Sadhu will separate his spirit from his body. The player can now control the spirit while the real body can not be moved directly. When the body takes damage (a number for dmg must be shown) the effect is canceled. While using out of body the body has a physical Defense of 0.

The spirit can walk around a lot faster than normally and can attack. The damage is based on the players MATK.

The spirit can not be attacked by anything and will also be ignored by enemies.

The damage is 1 hit which is visually split into 3 hits.
The base damage is 150% of the players MATK + 70 (please correct me if I’m wrong in this).

The spirit can only walk around near the players body. For each additional level of Out of Body the spirit can walk further away from the body.

There is an attribute on Out of Body to increase its damage by a max of 100%. Leveling Out of Body does not increase the skills damage.

While this might sound very nice it is kinda hard to use efficiently due to the following problems:

Mobs will often run away.
Attack speed is low and after attacking the spirit is stuck for a while due to animation delay.
The base damage starts very low but can be amplified (Transmit Prana/Elemental Damage/Magic Amp).
Out of Body does not get any damage increase from sacrament or blessing.

Now let’s collect some ideas on how to improve this skill.

Thank you!


You know i use to not like OOB. But i’ve realised a big part of why it’s hard to use is because of my huge ping being an aussie player playing on an american server.

My damage now is even pretty good.

If anything, I’d like to see its attack area change to a small circle around it and rather than where it’s hitting but that’s purely personal.
also a shortened attack animation.

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Maybe you could add Restoration buff and Blunt damage if they are confirmed to increase OOB damage.

Revert attack speed to original but remove double damage buff. Allow OoB’s AA to proc blessing, sacrament, etc.

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  1. speed up the animations.
  • change skill animation - allow the spirit to pop out of the body faster or just pop it right in front instead of the max distance. the spirit has good movespeed so it doesn’t need to be deployed sooo far.
  • change attack animation - I noticed that the attack animation is slow and perhaps the spirit can just pulsate the damage or make the animation one that does not involve the spirit being stuck in place.
  • what i am asking for is a more fluid control when attacking and deploying my spirit.
  1. Prakriti attribute
  • provide an attribute to pull the body without merging with the spirit.
  • This would give us a way to get our body out of harms way.
  1. Out of Body Basic Attack: Enemy Defense Weakened
  • it should weaken magic defence instead of physical defence
  1. add circle 3 attribute for oob to keep the spirit out even when taking damage. or perhaps number of hits before you get pulled into the body might actually help
  • consider the skill being up to lvl 10 or even higher. each level adds an extra hit before you are sucked back into your body. There’s no point to having a higher hit could since the body would be dead by then.
  • I know this is very debatable but there is already a 0 defence penalty. however this will give a variety of build options that would not force sadhu’s to go cleric to. It will give build diversity.
  • another point I have for this is not forcing the spirit into the body on 1 damage allows the sadhu user to decide whether on not to go back and defend the body and it will allow builds that focus on keeping the body alive instead.
  • this would give the evasion passive more value as well. giving it more chance to proc
  • furthermore this would not INVALIDATE the necessity of safety zone and fade (without them 0 def means death). it would just lessen the hassle of redeploying our spirit after a little tap from.
  • consider channelling spells in most games. they require crowd control to cancel them things like stuns and knockups. perhaps that may ease our lives some what.

Best Regards,
Stevenson Lee


I think just buffing the skill would not work, instead we could balance it like this

-Increase the attack Speed
-Level 1 - 5 would only deal 1 hit
-Level 6 - 10 would deal 2 hits
-Level 11 - 15 would deal 3 hits
-Level 16 - MAX would deal one additional hit

This would encourage people to actually stay sadhu.

I really think what Out of Body needs the most is some Quality of Life changes.

The attack speed is a major problem. Pair this with the enemies that are running away (is this even a bug) and Sadhu become annoying to use.

I wouldn’t even go as far as increase the attack speed directly. The base dmg can remain low, with Transmit Prana we at least have a way to improve this, but just adding higher Range with each level seems kinda bad…

I know that in earlier stages there was an attribute to increase the OoB Range in meters. This could be brought back…but I think the best fix we could get would be increasing the attack speed.

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this is why i suggested changing the spirit’s attack animation to one that is more fluid and motion friendly. or just chop the spirit’s leg of since it can’t jump anyway and remove that stance of his that locks him in the ground.

something like a low frame animation attack that can quickly recover and run. If we have to part with the multi-hit… I guess that’s good if the spirit is not rooted as it attacks . perhaps the spirit can move and attack a target it is locked on to.

a 360 hit box would also help. even at the cost of damage being able to constantly land the attack really helps.

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I think the way OOB is designed currently is perfectly fine. The only adjustment that needs to be made in my opinion is one that makes our attacking more fluid and easier to aim while in OOB.

Any other auto-attack based class has the luxury of jumping or moving(for archers) while attacking. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten my spirit stuck on the other side of a wall or small cliff because it lacks the ability to jump back over the obstacle.

Suggestions to make OOB more comfortable to use…

  1. Allow jumping so my spirit doesn’t get stuck in a hole, and to allow us the maneuvering of other classes during auto-attacks.

  2. Make the hitbox on OOB auto-attacks slightly more forgiving. The area of hit is too precise and can miss even bosses from time to time.

  3. Give us a way to “short shoot” our spirit on OOB cast, or have our spirit spawn in the same position. It is annoying to have to shoot your spirit out a full screen and run back to the mob that was 2 squares away from your body, only to have him knock your spirit right back in before you can swing at him.


Another suggestion I have:

The effect for the cord that goes from the body to the spirit is bad.
It drops my Frames by around 15 and it leads to lots of graphical errors.

I know it was allready changed once (for the worse), but the current effect is really really bad.

I highly hope something can be done about this.

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Even just a 180 hitbox would be nice xD


I guess the general consensus right now is quality of life changes. We may differ on how to fix it but we all agree that we need to be able to use our “oob spirit” with greater ease in terms of maneuvering and attacking.

It would be good an attribute that reduces the delay between each spirit atk by a fixed amount of time, like it’s done with cure.

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  1. get rid of that delay :confused:
    2.dont shoot spirirt out far
    3.make easier to aim
    4.make the reduce physical defence to reduce magical defence
  2. if no change in delay, then add an attribute that gives oob a 25% chance to lock the enemy in place for 2 seconds

yah… 180 would also be nice.

but my point with 360 is if the animation got changed. but 180 is already alot

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Make the spirit unaffected by terrain (levitate) or at least allow it to jump
Fix animation/hit box when attacking and spawn closer

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Exactly this.
These are the only changes that are required in my opinion too.

Also, OOB makes the FPS drops badly. Maybe they need to optimize the animation a bit.

Edit : I’d also reduce cast time for possession a bit.

The forgotten class :frowning:

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I’d be happy if OOB would just implement the normal weapon animation, instead of the spirit burst that it performs right now. It excessive animation delay severely kills the chance for a successive OOB attack, as when u attack the monster it automatically runs to your main body.

Another suggestion would be allowing OOB auto attacks be performed while main body is casting possession, so that possession can prevent movement of mob while the astral body can hit it.

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My wishlist:

  1. Make OoB a channelled ability so we can release it early to choose how far to shoot it out, currently kind of annoying. Or even better get rid of the shooting entirely, there’s no need for it

  2. Make the attack hitbox bigger and reduce the end lag before being able to move again.

  3. Allow jumping. Although i can see why jump attacks might be a little op with that speed

  4. Lessen the cooldown on prakriti, from 9 seconds down to 5 seconds should be reasonable. Heck I’d even be willing to dump extra skill points in to lower it by 1 second each. Too low of a cooldown would be op due to the sadhu just warping everywhere rapidly.

  5. Fix the occasional rubber banding glitch, seriously annoying, missed out on the Fallen Legwyn Family daily chest once because of it.