Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

someone should science it. hahahahah

love it, yeah that makes sense. i’ll do some testing with the calculator

I did 5 Heal, 15 Safety Zone, 10 Fade and 15 Cure…thinking about resetting and adding more heal than cure to help my party

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With sadhu c3,
Safety Zone(20 secs) + Fade(28 secs) = 48sec Safety Zone cooldown
with Prana 50% int damage (INSANE OOB DAMAGE)
that would make Invulnerable sadhu.
Unless there is sleep or stone.

With Sadhu2 Druid2
Safety Zone(20 secs) + Sterea Trofh (10secs) + Fade Lv1 (12) secs = 48 sec SZ cd
And more skills from druid
BUT without Prana (same slow weak OOB damage)

I guess I would take Sadhu c3 Rank 8
or new Druid c3 skills

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there were times i ran out of hits even with 15 Safety Zone and Max attribute …this mostly happens when multi hit enemies swarm me

Or freeze… /20 chars

I created a topic on ideas for Transmit Prana. I will inform Julie now and hope you guys can help out with improving transmit Prana. Thanks a lot

I was a Saddhu on CBTII and I’m still a Saddhu on OBT
My build will be Cleric C1 > Krivis C2 > Saddhu C2 > Druid C2
I just reached Druid c1 and honestly, i find so many possibilities and windows
to throw the damage,
My common combo is Zaibas + SZ + Possession
It hurts so damn much and thx to SZ possession don’t get canceled
When I reach C2 Druid, I’ll have Sterea Trofh, + 8 seconds without getting damage… its really good IMO
My general combo would be Chortasmata + Carnivory + Sterea Trofh + Possession + Zaibas + SZ + Astral Explosion + Possession again.

So many skills that completes each other and heavy damage
IMO it is still viable to use Saddhu if you going C2 just for Possession

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I guess they should lower the cooldown for OverPowered reasons >].
OR it would be the same lame old slow OOB damage for the next 116 seconds (176-60).

To think about it, there are other skills Sadhu has.
Max Vashita = -50 All stat + Confusion
Possession = CC with Safety Zone or cancelled

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“My general combo would be Chortasmata + Carnivory + Sterea Trofh + Possession + Zaibas + SZ + Astral Explosion + Possession again.”

I would like to remove from your combo that Astral Explosion or you may experience game disconnection(bugged for me 75%).

unless im doing something wrong, it barely doubles the damage. but i like this theory more than mine :stuck_out_tongue: guess we just gotta get some sadhu c3’s to test xD

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Please provide your suggestions in the thread I created

This bug was already reported and IMC acknowledged that this is indeed a bug and will be fixed.

According to Page 2 of this document, stat buffs contribute to your stat bonuses.

Quoted from the document:

Stat Bonuses
When allocating a status point there is an opportunity to gain a bonus point depending on how many points you have allocated into that single stat.

This bonus is independent of items which provide raw stats but is affected by buffs and your initial starting stats.

You’ll notice this when you see that you get bonus stat when confirm your stat allocation.

At 0-50 points allocated, you’ll get a stat bonus every 5th point.
At 51-100 points allocated, you’ll get a stat bonus every 4th point.
At 151-300 points allocated, you’ll get a stat bonus every 3th point.
At 301-500 points allocated, you’ll get a stat bonus every 2th point.
At 500+ points allocated, you’ll get a stat bonus every point.

To illustrate, let’s play around with the stat calulator.

Base class: Cleric
Level: 177
Rank: 6
Let’s just dump all 176 points to INT
(In the actual game, you should also have bonus points from quests).

Final INT with bonus: 337
(In the actual game, you might have bonus INT from equipment, but equipment doesn’t affect the stat bonus.)

MATK: 514

Using Transmit Prana LV5, we would transmit about 169 INT to the spirit.
(In the actual game, I assume the INT from equipment is transmitted as well.)

New allocated INT of the spirit: 176+169 = 345

Final INT of the spirit: 687
MATK of the spirit: 864-864

Back to the video. The player has 419 INT on his character sheet (this includes bonus and equipment, so actual allocated points are unknown). His MATK is 741-775. The OoB damage he deals to the mob is around 320x3.

After using Transmit Prana to his spirit, his INT goes down to 209, so we can assume that his spirit gets 210-INT buff.

The spirit originally has the same stats as the player: 419 INT. With the buff, the actual INT including stat bonus that he would receive would be much more than 210 points. Along with his Magic Amplification of 203 as in the character sheet, a jump from OoB attack at 320x3 to 850x3 is very possible.

tl;dr The increase of INT of the spirit is much more than 200.

Edit: Holy cow, my wizard friend would be very OP. Too bad I didn’t plan to go Sadhu C3. I might reconsider though.


So, talking about late PvE content, what 4-7 ranks would be better:



I assume going Cleric2>Krivis1 as ranks 1-3 should be almost mandatory if I’m going to be the only one Cleric class in a 3/4-man premade.

does Restoration really work with OOB in this iTOS?
If it does, then i guess
Cleric > Cleric > Cleric(just for the 28secs fade) > Sadhu > Sadhu > Sadhu > Paladin.

Transmit Prana (+50% INT + stat bonus) + Restoration = Damage?!!

I think the answer can’t be made right now. If we want to use OoB a lot of the time then I think sadhu 3 is needed.

With sadhu 3 we only have one rank left right now.
Druid needs rank 2 to help. The other rank 7 classes don’t have any synergy… Going back to earlier classes could turn out to work.

I think we should wait on what Rank 8 provides.

Right now I think diev would be a good filled-class until rank 8 appears.

Diev on rank 1 can provide cooldown reduction and SP usage reduction.

It would fit fairly well into a Cleric3/Sadhu3 built and would still help at higher levels. 20% cooldown reduction will always be nice. Less SP usage will always be nice.

The annoying part would be that the statue would generate aggro and would, in Most scenarios, be located right infront of the body.

Still, I think this is actually the best synergy we can achieve right now when we want sadhu 3 no matter what.

Lol i get how it works.

I’ll show you what I did. That way you can tell me where I went wrong. I may be miss understanding something.

So playing with the calculator in order to get to 419 INT he needs to add about 217 int at level 177 and rank 6.
Final INT = 419
INT added = 217

So how i saw it was that the spirit would be the same.

Final INT = 419
INT added = 217

With the prana we’re transfering 50% of the Actual INT therefore
INT added = 217 + (50% of Actual INT)
INT added = 426
using the calculator it would increase the actual int to
Final INT = 870
Not taking into account his damage but what the calculator has
it goes from
595 to 1047.

My previous thinking was that took 50% of actual int and added it back into the actual int so 419 x 1.5 but that was even less damage.

EDIT: well either way it doesn’t bother me too much. I really want to just know if it actually works :stuck_out_tongue:

How do u think would restoration benefit damage? I read about an equip that increases damage based on the HP recovery…but that would probably limit us… Might be worth it. Not sure

that guy uses Restoration + OOB.
he has Catacombs Club fyi

I pull the above assumption out of thin air though, but I believe it is correct. A confirmation from an actual usage is needed. A screenshot before and after of the stat sheet of the receiving player would be great too.

@BlaXun to the rescue. Your sacrifice will be remembered. :crying_cat_face: