Tree of Savior Forum

[SA] Silute Server Issues

Greetings Saviors!

We have made an announcement regarding ‘[SA] Silute Server Issues’.

You can check the details at our official website from the following link.

Link :

Thank you as always for your continued support, enthusiasm and love for Tree of Savior.


IMC Staff

when it back i can finish my dungeon where i was? it was 2 hours ago

Quero ver falar que é ataque ddos agora…

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é por esse e outros motivos que não tenho jogado tos… uma vergonha, desde o lançamento o server SA só sofre >.<

é triste ver um jogo com tanto potencial passar por essa situação…


Don’t forget about Adventure Journal score bug :confused:

Let me see.
Yesterday I lost 2 merc dungeons, 1 normal dungeon
My girlfriend lost 3 DGs (not sure if all mercs or normal dungeons).

Right now im willing to level up but keep hving DCs and delay on NPCs. Server doesnt seem to be stable either, it looks empty.

Since I started playing and paid for my premium stuff (translating: SINCE IM A CUSTOMER) I’ve lost around 12 DG boxes from final boxes due to DCs and not being able to come back in time or not being able to re-enter party match.

I had complained about this a few days ago using a ticket.
No compensation was given to SA players. They’ve promised to move Silute back to SA, but that have not been done yet (and not a single word when we talk about it).
Still… we hv delays, crashs, DCs.
Are we still blaming DDoS attacks? If so, ok, lets talk about the compensation then.
No, blame anything but IMC. And Compensation? U can forget about it.

I’ve been losing my patience everyday. Its getting really, really annoying.

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Just to be clear, i was talking about 12 DGs i lost the final bosses loot BEFORE these problems since yesterday. From them on its AT LEAST those 12 DGs + 3 from yesterday (2 Mercs and 1 normal DG).


You sure u working to satisfy SA players? And when I ask that im asking for something more than hats and costumes. What about quality? How about keeping ur word and move server back to SA so we dont hv that annoying latency?
Are you guys serious? Are we still on beta?

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Just to put this into perspective (please note that all percentages below are for ALL SERVERS COMBINED):

I hope you resolve asap these problems and provide compensations for us for all these continuous problems that we are suffering.



IMC should listen their brazilian players and community.

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Like this comment if you DEMAND Instance Reset Vouchers as a compensation for all the Dungeons we’ve been losing.


Not even dungeons, this fuckery has costed me levels and rare drops from that ultra rare golden and blue mobs, not counting all the silver of brocken equips i had to ■■■■■■■ repair due to being kicked from the server exactly at the moment when the dungeon boss died, IMC is the fuckKONAMI of MMOs and doesn’t give a single ■■■■ to us players. At least i put my precious 3 monster gems at the storage, everyfuckin time i died on a dungeon i had cold sweat at the sigh of the chance i couldn’t get to those gems in time… Did i say ■■■■ IMC? Yes? Then i will say it again! @FUCKIMC

Really…? How do you even mess up a server with a costume update?

We are trying.
We’ve been trying for a long time to support this game.
Please, dont let us to have our time completely wasted.
This is NOT beta.

Fix Silute. Compensate players who were harmed during last problems. Bring Silute back to SA like u said u’d do. Keep ur word. Act like real people who care about the community and please, im asking kindly, do something.

Brazilians and SA players are not trash, and i can guarantee every single SA/Brazilian player feels like trash to you due to these recent events.

U can still turn the game. Me and many players I like and brought to ToS are here. I should not advise you to let us go.
I gave Trion far less time to fix Archeage than Im willing to give u. Just communicate, let the players know whats being done, whats about to be done and when will the server come back. Most of us who are not haters and understand that problems happens might understand.
Just do something about it.



Unfortunately I believe the imc lied to us, and not will bring the server [SA] Šilute back to us.
The server will return only by the level up games and we will have to start and level up all over again.

LIARS Dont deserve respect.

Btw, add 1 more Dungeon Entrance WASTED by my girlfriend. Thats 4 out of 6 we pay for (extra entrance for premiums).

I didn’t even know you were SA because your English is pretty solid lol.

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Lol, thx for the compliment. :stuck_out_tongue:

add one more dungeon entrance wasted by my girlfriend, just got DC right now.
(actually, both of us got DC. Thx, IMC).

One more time DCed. Me and My girlfriend.
It might be a bit annoying, but i want to get ur attention.
2 players who pay for premium itens and stuff that cant play or keep on playing together.

Silute is such a clever trap…

But honestly, as Kborealis said the SA community really love this game we just want some transparency and a little more love from IMC.

There’s still time you can make some changes before the game bleeds the rest of players.