Tree of Savior Forum

Rogue C3 is a mistake

Kill me now.

This is the problem when IMC isn’t being clear about skills. Burrow disables too many of my core skills including Running Shot.

The best part is, you can’t even use Backstab, the main damage skill of Rogue, while burrowed. Amazing. Because shooting arrows while burrowed is more realistic than quickly doing a stab right? Or maybe that doesn’t matter, Backstab was nerfed badly anyways.



Sorry to hear this… I was planning myself to take rogue c3 for the burrow+running shot combo. Thanks for sharing it.

Wait, so what can you do while burrowed?

Also, how’s the crit rate stacking up with Sneak Hit?

Is it a worse mistake than Corsair ?

Sorry man.

This video is quite popular here in the forum.

You can see in 0:11 to 0:13 what skilsl she can use while “borrowed”, I was aware that you cant use lots of skills under borrow (backstab included, you can see it becoming “grey”).

You can use Running Shot before using Burrow though but we usually swap weapons to Grand Cross > buff Running Shot > swap back to main weapon > Burrow. That just eats too many time, too much preparation.

Seems like you can only cast ranged skills. Any buff and melee attacks are mostly if not all are disabled. I haven’t confirmed yet if the critical rate is also flat % increase, it’s easy to test though because any flat % dmg increase buffs usually don’t appear on the stats.

Corsair is doing fine now XD Nishikawa still went for Corsair.

It’s really a bummer. I’m making a new character today.

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People actually went QS3 into rogue? I’m sorry for your loss :frowning:

My 145 rogues is currently criting 60k (3800 x 16) lvl15 multishots with sneak hit up. Can’t wait to see it with burrow at a higher level.

EDIT: Math

It has synergy. I’ll just quote myself from another thread,

I can understand your build though. It’s the generic Rogue C3 build popular on kToS.

I had the same issue with kneeling shot…
Leveled up a character just to find out that kneeling shot disables all skills which is not on the description of the skill =__=.
But it must be hard on you knowing that you reached C7 class just to find out that burrow disables most skills.

Rogue C3 is a Rank 7 class.

I feel more sorry for u then. People ,including me, asked for some sort of class reset but IMC ignored the requests.

Missing the point.

You’re implying that the realization “Rogue C3 sucks” wouldn’t be an issue if we could swap it for some better or just less sucky R7 class.

The actual desired consequence of the discovery should be for the devs to improve Rogue C3 / generally make sure no class (including individual circles) is that awful that it would not be worth picking.

I mean, if I want to play Rogue, the option of switching to Fletcher or whatever doesn’t fix any issue I have with the current state of the Rogue class.


Really good point there. I’m keeping my QS C3 > Rogue C3 anyways because Burrow is just too good for AFK farming while my build is still doing fine on world bosses, getting cube w/o needing a party.

I do hope IMC realizes how badly they nerfed Rogue and fix those misleading skills, not just Burrow but all skills with vague descriptions.

At the moment, leveling my first planned archer build.

If you have Barrage is it still useable?

Then again if buffs are disabled you can’t cast Sneak Hit and Steady Aim anyway…

My build is still doing fine, it’s just that I wasn’t expecting Burrow to be useless therefore going C3 instead of stopping at C2 is a waste so having Barrage or not isn’t really relevant to me.

And yes, even Feint and Steady Aim should be disabled while Burrowed.

Don’t understand why u “built” so much on burrow like somekind of ultra-ability.

I never seen it more then a useless gimick.

EVEN if all attacks were available, then what? so you get an edge vs bosses, you can’t move and u can be nuked by any random AOE that any boss have, if memory serves, burrow doesn’t grant you immunity to damage.
Not only that, most non-instance bosses are dead in 3 seconds when playing an archer, why bother with a gimmick.

Vs instanced/world bosses its pointless since they move due to the presence of other party members, rendering you sitting duck that is out-of-range.

More so, 95% of this game is running around, room to room gunning down packs upon packs of mobs.

I honestly never really seen the point of Rogue C3, especially after IMC destroyed backstab.

I went Full STR A1>R3>F1>R2 and i must say, bleed…is…insane.
I can safely assume that im one of the few, if not the only one that even tried going “bleed” setup with this build.

Against all theorycrafting boys, that some of them even demoralized me from time to time, the damage of Fletcher 1 bleed arrow is beyond crazy, and pretty much everything in that pack for tha matter (barbed and crossfire).
Fletcher C1 was the best class i could pick for a full STR build going Rogue.

Vendetta DMG with bleeding and sneak hit on bosses is excellent as a filler.
The only issue i have is proccing vendeta on normal mobs, since the bleed from broadhead kills them before i finish off the cast.

Broadhead arrow is MILES better then 5 more ranks into backstab.

Massive Bleed + Broadhead bleed by themselves provides such a high “AFK” boss dmg is just insane.

PvP wise, EQuality declared war on my guild, Revenants some days ago, and i got to test this build in pvp when we fought them…click broadhead arrow > watch them get ticked by 2k+ dmg per 0.5 sec> run away and laugh, watch those poor dopples bleed to death trying to chase you down with their cyclone.

The burst you get from barrage+Feint+sneak hit is insane.

Had couple of times where i got the cube from Dullhalan solo vs entire parties.

Regardless there is nothing to be sorry about.

You still have solid single target damage and build, although AOE is lakcing badly with QS3.

I really hope IMC will buff back backstab…and stop freaking ninja nerf abilities in a game where there is no turning back once you advance.

If you actually read my other posts. My build isn’t focused on Burrow.

My build is supposed to stop at Rogue C2. It’s just that Burrow was too good to be missed so I decided to continue it to C3, and I’m getting upgrades on my other rogue skills so why not?

The main theme of my build was for material hunting and world bossing. Quarrel Shooter C3 gives me very high single target dps + high mobility from Running Shot which has very good synergy with Sneak Hit considering you need to attack from behind to proc criticals. It also helps me quickly maneauver to enemy’s rear to easily to use Backstab whenever it’s up.

Everything worked better than expected, I was getting world boss cubes alone even though there are tons of Rank 7 players on Dullahan spawns. Until I reached R7 where Burrow just ended up being disappointing when I was supposedly getting Ranger C1 at R7 for more combined AOE+single target DPS from Barrage+Feint combo.

Considering that Rogue had tons of massive ninja nerfs and how Burrow has no synergy with QS C3, it made me end-up just shelving my first character and will just use whenever I want to hunt for materials or world bosses.

You should read my post actually, since you went R3 mainly because of burrow, which is questionable, as i wrote in my post.

Your entire starting post is about burrow, and not about the other Rogue skills, so i responded accordingly.

As i said before, those ninja nerfs are getting on my nervs.

How dare they, nerf classes/abilities without saying anything in a game where we cannot respec and then get those “surprise nerfs” out of the blue when we advance that class.

This BS need to stop.

[quote=“Dream, post:17, topic:215150”]
It’s just that Burrow was too good to be missed so I decided to continue it to C3, and I’m getting upgrades on my other rogue skills so why not?
[/quote]Read bold italic.

I don’t want to go so much in-detail. My main objective was delivered, Burrow is disappointing thus Rogue C3 was a mistake.

Your first motivation was due to expectation from burrow, the other rogue skills upgrades were “on the way so why not”, should have been the opposite but doesn’t matter now anyway.

Rogue C3 is not a mistake because of burrow, burrow is useless just by reading its description and function.

Rogue C3 is a mistake because IMC nerfed backstab into oblivion without saying anything to us, that and Vendetta as well on the way.

This is what pisses me off, i was SO hyped after i saw that 70k backstab DMG video, and suddenly i wake up to a new reality, and yeah i almost lost all my will to play when i was already R1 and suddenlysome dude pops out in the forums showing the new backstab DMG and then you write about vendetta no longer gives bonus STR scaling.