Tree of Savior Forum

Rogue C3 is a mistake

well getting a cube isnt determined by a party. only thing that would support you are buffs. in the end the top 6 dps and their group get a cube, so if you were in a group, they all wouldve gotten a cube :smiley:

On KR, they do 99k+99k per Backstab. I have a friend who is Lv280 on KR so he witnesses these stuff. He even said something about, its just 99k because its the damage cap that can be shown but it actually exceeds 99k.

Ah, so whats how it works? i thought its the party dmg Combind.

Good to know though, thanks.

Now i feel even better XD

So what the hell is IMC doing?

They also get the old 4x Karacha set i guess? and not our nerfed 3x.

This one I’m not sure of but going by the numbers, it is most likely. I just can’t imagine how anyone can pull-off 99k+99k w/o the original backstab multiplier and x4 backstab damage from karacha set.

the day they offer class reset is the day the game replay value dies a hundred fold.

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I never asked for a class reset.

Also, is there even a replay value to this game when everything is so linear? The quests are just tedious and not fun? Quest boss AIs are extremely dumbed down? You’re forced to go to level on maps near your level or else be penalized for trying to take down higher level enemies?

Anyways, you’re bringing a topic that’s not really related to the OP. It’s about how disappointing Rogue C3 is, not about the class is disappointing AND we’re asking for a class reset.

meant it towards the ppl crying about class resets, but yes, the replay value lies in the variety of classes and builds available to test and play for pve/farming/pvp etc.

also, this game was aimed towards community/guilds/social interactions just like RO, unfortunately, the social aspect is practically non-existent now days among the younger generation of gamers. total anti-social breeds of kids have spawned after the millennials & generation Y

People crying about class resets? Where?

What is your new class ?

Archer > Ranger > Archer C2 > Scout C3 > Rogue C1 or Cannoneer C1

Still thinking about Rank 7 but I’m leaning more towards Rogue C1.

It is still, and always will be, a mistake.


It looks cool at least.


Maybe the game is not well designed to encourage those things.

I’ve played other games RECENTLY that were well designed for social interaction and there indeed was much of it. It is not some sort of generation issue.

Vid or didn’t happen

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How can you get a cube playing with 2 fps as an archer? I mean each time i go try and get a cube from Dulahan It’s almost unplayable due to bad optimisation. So I’m really slow and my dmg is BS compared to afk Dievdirby Owl Statues and Zone skills that stay on the ground.

Search vids yourself. No time for spoonfeeding here.

\burden of proof, baby

I’ve seen some from less than a month ago and backstab seems identical to iTOS

Yeah,let me search thousands of videos titles TOS 201x random numbers, that will surely be as easy as you ctrl+c,ctrl+v a link you already know about

Uhhh no. Don’t talk like you know everything. I have 2 guildies playing on KR and both reached Lv280. One of them have partied with a well-geared Rogue who does 99k+99k Backstab and told me about it which is why I was motivated to make a Rogue C3.

He said he wasn’t just able to get a screenshot but there’s no reason for him to lie. He also told me tons of unique builds and some extremely powerful combos which aren’t common knowledge to iToS players.

Think what you want to think but don’t talk like you know everything.