Liquid will not win the ti
Liquid won
2 times farm lyoni
1 2000 mobs kills 5 horns
2 1500 mobs kills 1 horn
Indeed my friend i was so wrong. Gratz to liquid
Necro-ing for sharing:
12699 Killed (3 Gold, 6 Silver, 4 Elite)
A little over 17 hours in total spent.
(including pillaged items):
450 Kugheri Cloth
136 Kugheri Symbani’s Hat Ornament
57 Kugheri Symbani’s Sword

I actually just got back into playing as I got promoted IRL and have more responsibilities (and money), but way less time than before (such is life).
The statistics were to share roughly what to expect if someone where to go for say 50+ of the previously-DPK materials, using a Corsair3 farmer.
BTW, I didn’t do that in one sitting, hence the “rough estimate”, that was spread over several 1-hour sessions with the last burst being 8 hours this weekend (really had to turn off for that one).
I ain’t even mad, dunno why you’re upset tho. @benito_gabriel88, I actually had fun sporadically farming for this one and not being screwed over when I take a “break”.
Also, nice try @WhiteDwarf. Still upset because I didn’t look the other way when you were protecting your friend while admittedly knowing about his misdeeds?
(in case you missed it, his buddy was bug abusing while in his party, all while he was fully aware of it)
You’re lucky I didn’t screencap the rest of the convo, because I actually thought you were decent… turns out you weren’t.
Just 'cause you’re willing to look the other way, doesn’t mean everyone will.
Uhhh-keep your stuff for yourselves and don’t go off topic? No one cares about your bickering here, I want to read the people’s opinions about dpk/rng. Thanks.
Corsair imo is superior unless you are on a bad luck streak.
Asian servers namely TW ( Hardcore Chinese Players) both on their server and the TW community playing Varena have extensively used corsair 3 to the fullest advantage ( Cheap/Efficient ).
Stacking dex to boost atk speed ( more hits = easier pillage ) with 0 cd on the farming skills
( Double Weapon Assault. Jolly Roger Flag)
I do own a thauff farmer in the past and i can say farming on one is really boring and there is a downtime period where your link/join is on cd. ( Traverse Period , draw mob aggro etc. ) Corsair on other hand can kill on the go or use flag to draw large packs together. Whenver i have a free time of 30mins i would just grab my corsair for a go at the mobs.
Getting a material drop really feels like hitting the jackpot
Pillage gives a 15% chance per hit ( additional lines count as a seperate hit )
Main Dmg Line + Sacrement + Enchant Fire + Cafrisan ( 15% chance proc Pillage )
With DWA
Secondary Line + Sacrement + Enchant Fire + Cafrisan
Back on topic regarding RNG.
i was farming for a monster gem yesterday.
Took me 2782 kills to secure a gem which is pretty low ?
here is the loot/chance for Blue Raffly and my overall loot
0.02% = 1 in 5000
0.46% = 23 in 5000
1.29% = 64.5 in 5000
I got 3 of 0.02% loot = I might have to kill 15000 monsters
i got 17 of 0.46% loot = I might have to kill 3696 monsters (Round up)
I got 39 of 1.29% loot = I might have to kill 3024 mobs ( Round up)
I love my Corsair and i think it kinda forced my thauff into retirement.
I have another sample for farming uosis at Ravosy Lake. (50% drop rate from mob)
The mob there have a thicker Health pool hence he is easier to pillage, Up to 2 uosis per mob
115 Uosis in 15mins.
When you say, “Up to 2 Uosis” you mean 1x pillaged + 1 dropped, right?
Because as far as I know Pillaging can proc only once per monster (same for any party member, if there is any, I tested this), so once it procs off a monster, it doesn’t really matter how many damage lines or attack speed you have, it won’t proc again.
Anyway, I got a Corsair myself since pre-patch and I always thought it was very useful to farm low grade, low/medium% items in the past, now with RNG instead of DPK, it’s very viable in orange materials farming too, but I still think that Thaumas are better (and I kinda regret not having one) because even if you have downtimes/boring gameplay, every group of monsters you link/knot/swell/kill is a lot of money in the long term even if you can’t duplicate an orange material.
On the other hand with the Corsair, the pillaging silver proc gives you a ridicolous small amount of money and pillaged gems are always lv1.
So yeah, it’s definetely better than before and I’m enjoying playing it but for intensive farming sessions, Thaumas are probably still better in the long term.
Long story short, for optimum material farming ( Orange mats).
i will bring a thauff. ( but i wont enjoy playing one )
But if i were to farm for a really rare drop say monster gem, i would prefer a corsair since it’s technically dropping loot twice instead of once per mob. Maybe if you built one you could feel the difference between the 2 and both have their pro/cons. Recently the footprint skill ( 2x dmg with dagger ) got fixed so no more 0 cd/spammable ez damage. A certain degree of damage is required on thauff to be as efficient as pre-fix.
I always thought hitting mobs while HK debuff is active was enough to kill. No need for curse
The real on-topic mvp with actual statistics! Idk why my name was dragged here for liking a post I found funny and agree with. I guess some people thrive off this kind of negativity.
Anyway, what circle of corsair are you using? I’m still torn on whether or not I should remake my corsair1 fencer3 to the typical corsair3 shinobi build. Most of what I read here say c3 is really good but a friend of mine’s advocating that c1 is enough for the most part. Kind of want to prepare another farmer for when the new monster gems come out.
Is your corsair 1 fencer 3 your main?
If it is, I wouldn’t remake it just to get a corsair 3 farmer. A farmer is just that - all it can do is farm, it cannot be a main.
Whereas your Fencer 3 can do PVP, bossing, possibly ET if you’re geared enough with falconer 3, etc.
If your fencer 3 is not your main, then go ahead
Corsair 3 for 15% pillage.
Each Circle is 5%. Jolly Roger doesnt affect pillage chance now it merely draw mob aggro and buff missile dmg.
Mine is a slave templar so its sw2 hop2 cor3 templar. For simplicity i made high dex for atk speed and since its a slave templar/farmer i am free of worries of how badly dex scales to other classes skills.
Yes c1 i sufficient to pillage but i just took c3 because i wanted to use manamana for the cheap dmg and aoe ratio/movement speed. While leveling my toon i feel c2 is sufficient. C1 procs pretty badly
Not really, I’ve actually been really lazy to use it since fencer’s hitbox is quite small. Although what I like about it is that I have pelt 1 which makes it easier to gather mobs. I guess that’s the trade-off I’m gonna have to consider if I ever do make a new one.
@Ersakoz Oh I thought it was the meta corsair shinobi build you had. Thanks for the info. Yeah I noticed C1 pillaging procs are really bad. I guess it was my friend’s combo with thaum-linker that made it viable.
My last recollection of my thauff was HG farming when it was new.
I dont recall killing the mobs without curse
the downtime for joint/knot is an issue for me ( Pet peeve )
If your fencer 3 is not your main then yeah, I’d reroll.
Fencer 3 requires very heavy investment in order to be good. A poorly geared fencer (no trans, orange weapon, etc.) is not worth wasting time on. You can do the meta sword 3 barb 1 corsair 3 shinobi or if you wanna use spear, sword 1 pelt 1 hop 3 corsair 3 for the swash buckle + spear throw (although I think you cannot swash with a pistol offhand so you may need to switch weapons)
My apologies for the off-topic, you are right.
Going back to it though, @Ersakoz, with the numbers you shared re: Blue Raffly, were you using a weaker weapon (low level or no ugprade) to allow more chances for Pillage to proc or did you find that “1-hitting” (I know it’s not really one hit per se) them is sufficient as the mobs don’t generally run out?
I ask this because when I “improved” my weapon after farming Lyonis, I ended up killing the Symbanis too quickly and I missed out on a lot of chances to pillage most of them. I’m curious (on a Corsair3) to know before I attempt to farm White Pino and White Geppeto for their gems.
No lifer you are, aren’t you!
Apparently I am * looks at the people with 100K+ kills *.