Tree of Savior Forum

πŸ˜† RIP DPK πŸ˜† (You won't be remembered)


Finally some reason to farm Hunting Grounds for 315 rare gears on low-populated servers like Fedimian or Orsha.


Finally, im sure they don’t have idea how happy this makes us.

Also blessing nerf. Ahhhh so much salt right now. :tired_face:


Are you one of those who abused over 3k++ blessing trick :stuck_out_tongue:?

Chill man. I am gonna missed that too. It was very changing life for newbies

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RIP Hunting grounds :new_moon_with_face:
RIP blessings
RIP DPK snipers

Of course DPK will be remembered. How could you ever forget something so traumatic?


DPK 2016-2017. Damn time fly so fast.

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My C3 Corsair are Happy…

goodbye dpk

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i only started playing last month so i dont know how much horror this DPK caused on veteran players, but i would like to point out one of the advantage of this dpk system is that it has a guaranteed β€œdrop”, this works well if you’re fast with killing mobs. now with the percent based system, getting a single drop can range from a few kills up to whole day farming and still no drop.

TLDR, i think dpk offers a more stable supply of materials (excluding those ridiculous 1k dpk items, like monster gems or whatever )

I want to know the % because if it’s too low it can be worse than the top down system.

It almost never did, the usual situation for farming was: either you are alone and happy to have the DPK or you got several other people on all the other channels farming and you either try to fight in the DPK war or leave and wait until they are gone. Guess what’s the more common procedure.


They made leveling easier, killing mobs easier, now the drop system should be better rather than worse.

Don’t underestimate the capacity of IMC to screw up things.


β€˜Hentai.png’. Well played.

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I have a sinking feeling that all will not be exactly as expected come tomorrow’s server-up time.


As usual hopefully there will be no exploitation of drop rates again, everytime they change the system drops things happens.

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Someone mentioned that it’s β€œcommon” to get 3 mats per hour. He didn’t mention if that’s with a geared sr tho.

If they didn;t change anything it would be fairly easy.

Monster with elite buff has high chance to drop 315 material also drop2x material.