Tree of Savior Forum

πŸ˜† RIP DPK πŸ˜† (You won't be remembered)

You spend 9h to do that? Waow

For me the most important aspect is that I do no longer feel bad stop farming. No longer the need to continue until the dreaded DPK is reached. Other players are no longer a threat. You can stop for a few min or an hour. All that does no longer matter. Always the same chances. Feels good!


:stuck_out_tongue: Yes, I can go on hours of farming. I also watch movies at series at the same time.

Got my 1st Caro Antenna after 3 hours farming. RNG hates me.

You can still one shot them without it by using Kundela while Hangman’s Knot Attribute is active ( You’ll have 1 second to move quickly. ). That 0 AOE Defense Ratio helps alot by making the damage act as a β€˜splash’ attack; since Kundela can only hit one mob. The attribute is really good.


Situation where there are N is the number of Linked Mobs and N is equal to 5; your Kundela deals 50k per OH.

Kurdaitcha + Kundela = 100k to each mobs.
Kundela + Hangman’s Knot Attribute = 50k*N to each mobs = 250k.

You can deal more with HK attribute + Kurdaitcha but it’s a bit tricky to pull off since you there’d be less that 0.5 seconds for you to react.

I hear a moogle asking for a rainbow pudding in the distance… :confused:

DPK would work if these people actually cared about logistics.

a bunch of meh spawns. mobs spaced out apart, very few players on any given map.

And you think DPK is going to work with 10,000 kills for an item…when you’ve admitted before in an interview you don’t expect the game to be super popular.
Lol wtf.

RNG can have the exact same problem.
If you don’t set the rates to something proportionate to the actual reality of your game it’s just going to be a bother.


for me atleast, kundela doesnt do that much damage, it deals ~15k - ~20k at best (if i rememebr correctly) so with kurdiach it does around 40k

Little eaiser but now you don’t destroy your keyboard because you were farming 3 hours and other idiot get your dpk

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2 hours + still nothing :pensive:, i give up this is much worse than 2 previous DPK systems. 1st DPK system you can get 2 loots using swell in an hour of killing 500-600 mobs, now nothing.

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I can’t speak about DPK items, but HGs feel a bit more fun to farm with the fragments.

Fragments really do make a difference. On a newbie character (Arch3Wug3FalconMergen) I managed to get quite a few drops in the 300 HG thanks to fragments.

It also feels like its more common for me to find regular Armor/Weapon cubes, along with the fragments dropping.

Definitely a buff for Thaum/FF and Corsair farmers, by a large margin.

I am a ktos user.

I would like to talk about the difference in the drop rate information on Tosneet Korean and English sites.

After changing from TDDPK to RNG, the drop rate of the white botter is displayed as 0.01% in the English version of the site.
I think it should be 0.001%, which was originally 100,000 dpk.
Does anybody know where this information comes from?

weird, why does a ktos player need to care about itos drop rate? very very suspicious

I do not want itos droprate to be adjusted

However, tosneet-KR still has data based on DPK standards.
For this reason, I was wondering how ITOS droprate data was quickly modified.

The drop lists in the files aren’t present in the KTOS version, they can only be read from ITOS. TOSGBASE used the ITOS data for KTOS and hasn’t updated the KTOS version.

thx. I hope you have a good day!

Totally satisfied with RNG - luck on items’ drops should be a very relevant factor in MMORPG.

agreed, now we farm four ourself, not for other guys we dont know lol

Cause you never got a drop within 10 mins, which means those other guys you don’t know farmed for you. We only see the bad things huh

No, we got, and felt bad about it.