You’re probably right, it needs a slight pay2win option. Still doesn’t mean that revive on spot needs to stay, or IS the ONE option. I not arguing that self revive is pay2win, it’s not, but it’s bloody shitty. As i said: [quote=“ergo_, post:45, topic:121004, full:true”]
That is still bad. Why not tweak the game properly, make it so deaths occurs because of YOU, and only YOU? then there is lag, the are performance issues, there are glitches. Of course, this is beta, that’s why its there, so you can get around those frustrating problems. But if this mechanic persists on release, this tells that your game is still full of problems, and that you don’t have the money, time, or will to fix those issues. Reviving on spot may not be pay to win, but its one of the marks of an unpolished game.
And I can think of loads of other slight pay2win / convenience options: Stash tabs, Permanent Carrywheight potions (1 per character), exp boosts(that’s a given), Dungeon tokens ( permits more entries per day), Free repairs, Teleport scroll that doesnt need a Statue and can go anywhere. And im not even paid to think of these. I’m sure they can think something up.
All of these are in a grey area that some will see as pay2win, some wont.
My point is: I want to see insta revive out, not because its pay2win, but because it’s shitty. It enables lax from the development end, in regards to the overall difficulty and balance of the PVE.