Tree of Savior Forum

Reads and re-reads furiously!

137, I thought I was under double digits.

very pumped, hoping to be one of the lucky 5000!!

hmm mine 110… :grin:
still the RNG bot gonna wipe us soone or later :disappointed_relieved: to get the cbt keys

I didn’t mean to break your dreams man :frowning: !
Well, except for admins, the lowest ID I’ve found is @FatePGN (37)


Yes some people are going to get 3 keys fr their alternate accounts…


i hope its not working like that… :anguished:
hope they skimm from the active user only in this last 30 days

via this web statistic :

Haha 6.2k “active users” my doggy butt.

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lol althou those stat not 100% accurate at least we know how the majority of us gonna get the keys for sure… not just random people who just try to login in the last 2 days :kissing:
anyway… good luck for anyone here! friday seems so far away…

Will Singapore users be able to take part? :smiley:

strong text

as far as i know sg doesnt have any local publisher there… there might be a chance to get the loot… just wait for friday to get or not the keys

I have the feeling this is just the avatar ID, so better never change it :stuck_out_tongue:

this link should show all registered people, not?
edit: okay I just played a bit around with it, it seems to show more the activity of the time, as it says 2500 people when you look at “all time” and 4700 people just for today, bit confusing.

seems like I am number 1 like giver , guess thats good enough to like

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@Yourtime Oh, nice catch ! I didn’t know this page. Those statistics are awesome :smiley:

For instance, @Erokhi statistically posts more than one answer per thread xD
@Grillo and @Makiyuko are lurkers :blush:
@STAFF_Marikim visits the forum everyday !

Indeed @Yourtime you are the best :heart: giver, you have so much love to share ! :blush:


glad it helps, there is also a page just to see who got which badges, but i think you know it already and it also says @STAFF_marikim doesnt like any post

well thats enough to give a like also I already got capped twice for giving too many likes. I had to wait once 22h for being able to give another like and another time one hour

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MUAHAHAHA!!! I’m the lurkiest of the lurkers >:D!.. need to lurk moaaaar o____o!


marikim is always watching, waiting for the next poor forum game to appear! then the predator strikes…

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Hey @Aries , remember that thread in ToSGame about 'Guessing when will be iCBT?

I got it right, I want my reward!


By the way, those are the statisitics for the forum… Are they the same for the home page ? I often have to login twice when I come to, once on the home page, and once on the forum… Maybe what we’re seeing are only the people who logged in at least once on the forum.

ah I saw this before, but didnt read the statistic, nice. I think its for both, as I log into also only once. (but maybe intern i just get redirected), also all people have to go through the site, so I would take the numbers serious.

you better dont screw up with @Manager_1 , @Manager_2 or @Manager_3 specially manager_2 is dangerous he went into time travel to register here before manager_1

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