Tree of Savior Forum

Re:Build - The Introduction

A scout has nothing to with outlaw, thief, rogue, assasine or such other ‘I want to be bad’-Frak. Those close minded imagination feeded by a lack of knowledge is really annoying because its spread misinformation about an object, which is ironcally totally contrary to the purpose of a scout. Let’s be clear, a scout has not the purpose to kill or behead someone. Get the information (in different dimensions) and get out of the situation; fast, save and unnoticed. That’s a scout and honestly that was also the historical ninja. Ninjas were scouts. Scouts are skilled in surveil and adapt themself to the situation and enviroment, so they can become part of it. And all they do is just supporting there allies with information. If you want to be rogue or rascal, then call it in this way.

Aaand guess what, mate

Scout is the new class branch and has shinobi and rogue in it

Now the news is out, to be honest, I’m not sure… I hope they change the skills tho.

IMO the wiz class in Scout is weiirrrrddd… on a theme basis.

I think it’s normal, anyone can cast some magic (of couse scout can =))) ), at least we have a good combine with sword and gun, so… still waiting english version.

I’d say it’s still thematic… They can sneak around, swell parts of their body and then use their fast attack speed to shoot their pistol.


Can you please get the developers to not move Bokor over to Wizard?

Bokor is indeed a Cleric Class, as the Loas are divine entities for the people in Africa and the Carribean and worshipped accordingly.

Bokors whole premise is one of faith that includes twisting the fate of beings by divine manupulation, which is in line with what Oracles and Kabbalists do.

The veves they use are divine symbols that represent the power of the higher spirits like Ogoun Feray or Baron Samedie and even Damballa.
Even Zombify is a painted veve on the ground, which is a divine ritual done by a Cleric.

Just because a Bokor uses the forbidden practices to establish his outcome doesn’t make him a Wizard.
A Wizard has his origin in fairy tales and paganism, not in Clerical faith.

Meanwhile, a Bokor is a viable Cleric and one of the few Classes that made Cleric really diverse.

To quote the Popolion Post:

Our original plans for Cleric classes were never to reduce them to the role of pure healers. We envisioned Clerics as a kind of hybrid, with healing as the main talent and other diverse functions as subroles

Bokor was perfectly fitting into that role. It was one of the pillars that made TOS’ Cleric special.
No other game I’ve encountered in my 20 years of MMORPG experience had a similar option where you could just advance into a Cleric that would curse enemies and make them into zombies.

It was cool until the developers now suddenly think it no longer suits the theme of Cleric.

And even the main Cleric features that made TOS unique are under attack, as Clerics Heal will probably no longer be tile-based(which was one of the best unique features that Tree of Saviour had to offer), maybe with Cure to follow .

I hope you’re fully aware that by removing the uniqueness, your game will become more and more generic and will lose a lot of players.

Please try to convince the developers to retain the features that made TOS unique.

A lot of your consumers will be thankful.

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Muh lore

While I get what you are saying, this is a video game and does not have to have the origins of its classes based on anything in real life.


but mah afk farm , sorc necro bokors!

Ok, so now that we all know what they’re planning to do, we gotta talk about one specific dynamic element of this game: SINERGY, yes, sinergy, this is one of the biggest issues in ToS, this and WEAPON RESTRICTIONS, so how they’re planning to make a SR-BM work? Or tell me more about linker, thauma and enchanter (wtf) as a scout sub class? There are so many things to discuss about I can’t even start… I mean, sounds a bit crazy to me because the new scout class looks confusing af…tbh I don’t know what to think right now…

Wait the patchnotes of all the class spells and attributes changes most likely. :wink:

Seems like they’re gonna put the auto swatch weapon for swordsman like archers. So most likely they’ll put it too for Scout Class. ^^

Yeah I know but it’s confusing for me… just saying… :expressionless:

It’s confusing for all of us, trust me lol. All we can do wait for the official statement to be released here or you look up the released korean notes for more details.

I’m pretty sure they will look at how the scout classes will be able to work together now. Maybe SR BM may not have many changes.

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I think that pardoner shall be moved to thief/rogue tree though xD

I wonder how will they make current world prgression work for horizontal classes. The game always had really bad sense of progression though, so they probably can just balance the classes for ‘endgame’ making 300-- levels/maps even more easy and meaningless. I’d really want (and there’s still hope) them to make the world itself more horizontal, too =.=

Oh god, Bokors are going to be a Wizard class now? i’m so happy with this <3 finally i can be a full summoner \o/ Bokor + Sorc + Necro, here i come

Always the same boring people suffering before the sun shine! Wait it happen to cry !


if i found your afk farming ill spam albums until you die

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You think that will happen? Do you even know the developers from back then?

It’s always like that, they announce something and you think : “yeah,great, that could open up many possibilities” and then IMC strikes and everything is worse than your worst nightmare, they are doing the complete opposite of what they announced and you’re frustrated to boot.

To have no reason to cry, they’d have to revert/give up on/change like 30-50% of the changes/plans, and that won’t happen, simple as that, because it’s IMC, the tech firm that stands for “approved quality” and “IMC’d”.

The base stat system is going the wrong way (now with %tage increases every 10 points and less affected substats, SPR no longer affecting SP pool), Class trees are messed up beyond recognition, the base Class identity was crippled and dumbed down[only 15 Class levels, many good if not best skills deleted],
the Class diversity is now depending on your stat gain goal (meaning there are even less viable build options for Clerics after they stole 2 Classes and then force you to stick with 5 INT Classes, 5 STR Classes or 6 SPR Classes) more than on preference, so they’ve created stat-meta on top of skill-/equipment-meta.

Equipment once again became more important because block&evasion are now mostly decided by cards/gems/armor, attack of equipment was buffed, defence of equipment was buffed (so even less tactical gameplay, you just facetank till the enemy dies), attribute costs were on average increased heavily instead of being reduced as stated (every attribute will now be more expensive than an equivalent Rank 7 attribute, so only Rank 8 Classes will see an attribute point discount) so unless you build with 3x Rank 8 Classes or a mix of Rank 7 & 8 Classes you’re ripped off by this generous “discount”.

With this much awe to see, no optimistic view can keep you thinking positively.

All they are doing is chipping away at the Tree with their ax, and soon it will fall completely.


  1. Attribute system will be changed.
  • The learning cost will be drastically reduced for all attributes.

That was a lie. Drastically reduced doesn’t even affect 1/4th (i.e. only 16 out of 70) of the available Classes.
That’s 66% cost cut for 16 total Classes benefiting mostly Swordsman & Wizard trees (because they now have the majority of Rank 8 Classes) while increasing the costs for at least 40 Classes (i.e.57% of all Classes) tremendously.

With the removal of ranks, the power difference between skills of different ranks will be minimized and all skills will be adjusted so that every class will be able to more faithfully play the roles that match their available skill-set.

But you introduced a new power difference with the allocation of stats because of the percentage gain for every 10 points in an attack stat, so what’s the point of averaging the skill factors?
Classes with lower attack stat modifiers will now require higher skill modifiers to counter this, or you will be making them weaker than the other Classes effectively, and thus every build that includes them.

for those who’ve not seen the news, this is the ‘scout’ class tree:


ontop of this, there are other changes to note:

  • hackapell is now a swordsman class
  • bokor is now a wizard class
  • taoist is now a wizard class
  • 5 job classes, in total, have been snatched away from the archer tree (hackapell, scout, rogue, bullet marker, schwarz reiter)
  • CON no longer adds block
  • DEX no longer adds evasion
  • SPR no longer adds SP
  • quick cast skill has been moved from wizard class to chronomancer class, meaning that 100% of elementalists are forced to pick chronomancer just for quick cast (and here IMC said that they didn’t want players to pick a class just for 1 skill anymore - guess that idea was short lived)
  • chronomancer’s quicken skill has been moved to thumaturge, of which is now a ‘scout tree’ class.
  • swell left arm and swell right arm have been combined into a single skill (this is actually nice)
  • transpose skill has been deleted from thumaturge (makes sense. why would a scout want to switch their con and int? especially when they can’t pump either con or int satisfactorily)
  • cannons are now a 2 handed weapon
  • running shot seems to have been deleted from quarrel shooter (translation is dodgy, it might just be that weapons that add +1 or +2 to certain skills no longer do so, but it seems to suggest that running shot is no longer in the game)
  • thing to note: bokor being in the wizard tree makes macdangle unusable, as you require safety zone to mitigate the accumulated damage when the duration runs out)
  • thing to note: bokor being in the wizard tree means we can no longer spread hexing with plague doctor for use with effigy.
  • all classes can now auto weapon swap (nice for a few builds i guess. retiarius can now default to holding a shield and just auto swap for dagger finish)
  • hidden classes have been expanded into full jobs
  • thing to note: featherfoot is now almost worthless, as linker is no longer part of the wizard tree.
  • thing to note: linker being in the scout tree has no synergy with anything other than maybe rogue’s backstab skill.
  • thing to note: with pistol classes now being in scout tree, and cannon becoming a 2-handed weapon, appraiser’s sub weapon buff no longer boosts a single weapon that archers use.

… there’s a few nice nuggets planned, but in all it’s a f*cking disaster. ALL you needed to do to fix the game was boost the skill factors of low level class skills, and let us pick any class at any circle (horizontal progression). you’ve gone way too far IMC. the game was fun while it lasted.


I think they didn’t get far enough here. I really looked forward to seeing an “arcane blade” or “spell fencer” class in that tree. I would really love having a melee class boosted by magic… So maybe this will be possible after all: scout + new class (outlaw?) + thauma + enchanter?