I have never put it that qy but you are very right with that you said…
Nothing wrong with the class combo. Honestly I still find it the most flexible and fun of what I’ve played. I feel like I’m always doing something.
Let’s hope for good ranger buffs and some falconer tweaks (imo mergen seems pretty good overall, maybe revert triple arrow nerf) those should bring it back to the forefront.
You mean the explosions chance? Yeah that was a big nerf indeed…
30 mins Circling pls
Yeah circling up time should be buffed! also SS Area could be bigger and PES should cost less mana
I think SS area could be “bigger” if you can have more AAR (since mobs gang up on you in CM anyway). But if you mean like Pheasant-wide area, that will be OP, but who am I to complain
hell no… not like Pheasant, more like Arrow Sprinkle area i think, just enough to be a usefull (cast) even without aiming
What cards do you recommend for a Ranger-Mergen-Falconer build ?
There’s that new bow coming out with the effect to widen arrow sprinkle area… Or so it’s currently translated.
seeing how useless mergen’s expand range attribute is, i dont think that range+9 from skia bow is good
oh, thats nice, but i was talking about SS having and area of effect similar to arrow sprinkle
but that bow looks pretty good! it’ll make AS+Aimng just more op, or less if it exceds boss hit box with aiming hahahaha
OMG! skia bow will make Arrow sprinkle one of the best AOE in the kit
I find it quite ambiguous as +9 aoe ratio means exactly what…? Also many people leave AS to lv1 for dps filler… I personally like it for the burst so I max it with max attrib too
Hope to see a video of its effect soon, as the use might be too niche so unless it is OP af, having Skia bow to rely on 1 skill with a very long cd doesn’t sound too appealing to me personally…
not aar, but the area of the skill itself. but ktos players said its not that good
with falco ofcourse its good, if it matches the area of aiming, = ultra dmg against boss (given that the area of aiming will match or atleast size of the widened area of sprinkiling )
Hey guys - I’m a returning player…
Just a question: Now a days worth to focus crit rate/crit dmg, on physical or hybrid?
And what a good value to crit rate? I did some math and the numbers sucks a little lol
If you have falconer, the effect is basically useless.
By impulse perhaps Ranger.
In a bossing scenario perhaps crit shot buff and the reworked +dmg for slowed enemies for Spiral Arrow (with -20% def ignore already) and now 30s debuff duration may work better over time for bosses with insane physical defense. Ofcourse there is steady aim too
I did a quick test and I thought that +50% dmg for slowed enemies for Spiral Arrow is +50% SFR… But from what I saw it acts like Crit shot buff. Say Spiral arrow hits 30k hits, when slowed it will hit 45k, excluding crits and stuff like that
Dont quote me on that though, I havent tested thoroughly yet but yeah perhaps Ranger
My thoughts on ranger falc merg have always been that ranger is hybrid of support/dps, falc is support, and mergen is dps.
It’s why it balances so well and the spec has remained pretty stagnant, because it’s just pretty good overall.
The question would be what are you replacing ranger or merg with?
So anybody had a look on the Fletcher changes?
they apper to be great, considering testing renger / fletcher / mergen because of it, even thougt that i can’t thinking a mergen life without aiming+circling hahahah
Already did my test run, it is still the same results… Buffs are towards more bossing potential, so even if it can clear cm5 solo easy (like any meme build with good weapon nowadays), still hard when you do cm6 especially without Aiming+Circling yes