Tree of Savior Forum

<Re:build> Falconer-Mergen

Good, don’t take it personal and hope you can move on.

Still, what works for high end gear player doesn’t mean it will work when you just start up.

Hey good job, just starting out already have all those. What I mean start up there is newer player (not you as in you) but I’ll leave at that.

Nobody disagrees with that

I can run stages 1-6 without using nearly any SP Pots using the proper card load out and gathering mobs, furthermore, you dont even play the build in this thread, you are doing a fletcher like its 2016.

it was to this comment :tired:

I wanna ask about homing arrow + circling
Is it still op? I mean I already tested it and I find the circling doesnt increase the aoe. Its just an ordinary homing arrow skill. Does the effect only when I turn on the atribute of circling?

Ah i see. I have to have higher AAR to make this skill works. It doesnt suit for new account like mine then. I’ll skip it and use it when I met the endgame

off topic a little, just watched this film and really recommended it to fellow mergeners

on red cards should i use centaurus and deadborn? no idead what get for the last slot, pirece attack?

i use 3 lv 10 centaur card, because that means 6 more enemies debuffed by circling

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The first obvious question would be to ask you what’re you using it for?

If cm farming, yes centau is great.

Again, there ain’t any exact layout. If someobody tells you their loadout is the best simply because they use it, then most probably it isn’t simply because you may use it differently than her.

yeah, i keep forgeting to specify things, i’m just farming Baubas Cave, it’s tedious as hell, but is the best thing i can do for now to get stronger since i can’t solo cm until stage 5…
but 3 centaurus looks good

nonono. To get stronger fastest, you need to farm velcoffer weapon+armor, with party. Don’t rely on silver to buy velcoffer set

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i’m doing velc with party, but rng is rng, and need to be doing somethin while w8 velc cd

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Sounds good, I havent farmed Baubas but do they come in groups of how many? I may be a bit technical but sometimes attack ratio maybe too high than what you are farming. Sometimes, it can be more beneficial to have flat +30% dmg to what you are farming.

if no competition the packs are really large since i can move bettwen spots…

if i staying in one spot, they have fast spaw so is somethin bettwen 6 to 12 mobs with few seconds bettwen packs, but as i have no aar (no acessories with it), if cricling is on cd, homing arrow and triple arrow are not so powerful, then i always end up with big packs cause not killing things fast enough hahaha

Yeh I see just stack AAR so it seems :slight_smile:

here’s a stage 7 mobs clearing speedrun w/ broken premium potion

Long time no talk fellow mergens.

So on ktest they are changing homing arrow to be only 10 skill points to max, deleting jump shot, and buffing Downfall. That frees up some points.

I’m still a fan of Downfall and Spread, so my thoughts are points will likely go to those skills. Thoughts?

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isnt spread shot a 1point wonder skill? worth to max? my excess 5 point homing arrow will go to rain arrow

Isn’t the attribute a nerf to the total hit count? By increasing it by 0.1 second per interval, it becomes 35 hits instead of 52 at max level.