Tree of Savior Forum

Rank 8 Gameplay Videos from Korea - (closing soon)

That vonfreya introduction to enchanter made the class look really good.

Getting low levels entering instance dungeons is really cool.

Enchant+Taoist simply destroys the game.

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Commented briefly about it here: Lancer build pvp
and here: Inquisitor path?

Everyone is invited to post vid (links) to this thread. I will be busy these days.

To easily find non-korean titled vids on youtube, type:
TOS [year] [month] [day] and hit enter. Month and day require a 0 if <10.
For example, today would be : TOS 2016 09 21

Remember to check the channel of your favourite class (build) for more vids too.

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What is meta for Wizzard ?

@greyhiem Are the ores like Potium easier to get in rank 8?

Thanks you! <3 Iโ€™ll check it

Showing PvP test of top(?) clerics:
=> inquisitor Malleus Male single target damage & SP damage
=> Revenged sevenfold on diev statue proc

Kino taking hits has 44k hp.

Inquisitor PvP channel:

Some vids:


Malleus Male homing damage & those pears



Has there been any videos of the alchemist pets yet?

I did not check Kforum yet. I do not think anyone has alch3 with homcu yet. Really difficult to get.

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Anyone knows what the meta says (with the new rank) that we must play with each class to go full pvp?
I found more information about new pve meta than pvp, and pvp ones just are theorycraft or they lack in sinergy with later ranks.

Just look at the ranking in pvp video. Generally all cleric very high ranking.

PvP highlight rank 8 of today, just a match:

Hasted flying raise blood bombs.


Check this channel for more PvP vids^^

Per request, these two vids (repost):
Scout3 mergen end-game, split arrow vs mobs:

Murmillo party grind vs mob:

Found it! Ranger rogue hackerpal:

Popularity list might be useful for you (as guideline, it is not a holy reference)

Summary, click here <<<<< to open

Rank7 sword
5.1% Pelt3 rode3
4.4% Pel1 Hop3 Doppel1 Dragoon1
3.8% Highlander2 Cata3 Dragoon1
Rank8 Sword
9.4% -> Pelt3 Rode3 Murmillo
3.5% -> Sword3 Cata3 Dragoon1 Lancer
2.7% -> Sword3 Cata3 Dragoon2

Rank7 archer
13.1% QS3 A2 Reiter2
10.4% Rang3 Fletch3
4.1% A3 Scout3 Reiter1
Rank8 archer
12.5% -> Qs3 A2 Reiter3
12.3% -> Rang3 Fletch3 Mergen1
4.5% -> Rang3 A2 Reiter3

Rank7 wizard
25.9% Wiz3 ele3 warlock1
10.7% Cryo1 Linker2 Chrono3
3.8% Wiz3 Linker2 Necro2
Rank8 wizard
26.9% -> Wiz3 Ele3 Warlock2
4.2% -> Wiz3 Linker2 Necro3
4.2% -> Cryo1 Linker2 Chrono3 Sage1

Rank7 Cleric
5.3% Cler2 Boko3 Pardoner1 Plague1
3.8% Cler2 Diev2 Monk3
2.7% Priest3 Chaplain Cler2 Plague1
Rank8 Cleric
6.0% Cler2 Bokor3 Pardon1 Plague2
2.6% Cler2 Diev2 Monk3 Inquisitor1
2.6% Cler2 Bokor2 Diev1 Pardon1 Plague2

Enchanter builds

  1. Cryo1 Linker2 Chrono3 Enchanter1
  2. Cryo3 Chrono3 Enchanter1
  3. Cryo1 Linker1 Thaum3 Enchanter1

Hakkapalle builds

  1. QS3 Rogue3 Hakka1
  2. QS3 Wugu3 Hakka1
  3. Rang3 Fletch3 Hakka1

Daoshi Taoist

  1. Krivis3 Diev3 Taoist1
  2. Cler2 Diev3 Oracle1 Kabbalist1 Taoist1
  3. Krivis1 Diev3 Krivis3 Taoist1

Image in this post: Rank 8 Gameplay Videos from Korea - (closing soon)

@n01special Donโ€™t think so, no.

@Genryugan META is by players, several PvP builds of each class are viable. Higher ranked PvP is usually cleric #1 -> magic -> warrior -> archer.

still no rogue3+mergen huh :frowning:

the ranger rogue haka was not using feint barrage huh, i guess hes trying to maximize barrage for haka skill there since it stacks arrows

Musketeer hakkapalle dash shot:

@Beelzemon check this user his channel for chaplain druid wolf, he also uses new magnus excorcismus damage and boosts it through transformation buff :

New (world?)boss (right?):


I just confirmed I wrote it wrongly, you donโ€™t have to test it anymore.

Multishot hakkapalle video, works to stack arrow:

Another vid of the caltrops combo (likely bug, more info on my other skilltest thread):

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That last pic costume is really awesome :tired_face:

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Another confirmation druid3 & sadhu out of body cannot work (cannot use normal attack of spirit):

KR cleric forum full of saddu threads.
Casting body skills (might) make spirit attack faster:

Still no homunculus.
Some rmt is selling the purple rare ore for tons of money.

Scout3 mergen at uphill defence:

2 Clerics (pd2 & taoist), one elememelock2 at Uphill defence:

Her team at earth tower 1f-5f:

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where do you get that purple crystal tho?

btw @greyhiem anyone out there got the new orange weapon recipe?

No idea. I just saw a thread about it, however no mention on drop location.

I did not pay attention to new recipes. Veritas knows best, he gathered info on all of them, and has a full list. I remember they drop at the new dungeons, but I am not 100% sure.

so its really rare. i just saw someone selling it at klai for 2m at the AH.