what is that buff the sadhu uses at the end in the gif, never seen that before
It is oracle counterspell right? Zoomed in a lot (you cannot see the bubble). Won’t remove your tiles due to new attribute.
Using this post to post vid:
New rank 8 chronomancer 5v5 PvP series up, includes lancer, monkquisitor kabba, corsair3, sorcerer, huntermergen, plague2, cryokino, fencer, druid, and more. :
oh yeah, forgot that was a thing xD
Reposting, per request.
Hoplite3 spearthrow dragoon2 vs dungeon 145:
Doppel deeds combo series. Mushrooms included.
Is that 2nd doppel vid with mole card? (Sorry I don’t know the buff icon)
Yes. The blue shield of 6s is the mole card icon, around 0:21 it appears on the east side of the buffbar (together with mana pot icon Cross).
He has a damage penalty Cyclone Slash vs Plate bosses (golem and crab are plate).
Doppel really needs the lapasape mushroom to eat. Eat it to self-poison and stack deeds buff. Refreshing deeds buff will reset stack count though. Needs to stack mushrooms.
not rank 8 but
did you have any info about Giant swing after buff?
its still bug in pvp? did the accuracy debuff good?
really want to know since barb 3 in ktos is almost endangered specie
Hi, may I know how much spear throw’s attribute upgraded in the video?
Spear throw level 50 %enhance attribute.
Lv. 275
Pure status: str/con/int/spr/dex(329/42/4/3/150)
build: Swordie 2 -> Peltasta 1 -> Hoplite x 3 -> Dragoon x 2
@KnightXlll I have not seen a lot, I do have one video for you. Barb3 was quite popular back in beta few months ago. Currently barb is usually taken to apply cleave debuff (and crit rate buff).
Video for you, giant swing vs snowrolling cryomancer:
Random video (shortcutting fedimian town east side), but doesn’t iToS fedimian town look a bit differently? :
Testing taoist stormcalling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81SueWxvths
That big annoying caterpillar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dViFtZH-de4
More of the 5v5 PvP series:
Murmillo wrecking, falconer3 aiming in action, QS3, inquisitor, musket2 at pvp, dethrones, pears, and more:
Sapper2 qs scout falconer reiter hakkapalle fletcher vs mobs:
Saw something interesting during video search, skills trigger hidden interactions:
Wow, Murmillo seems really fun! Kinda felt the Inquisitor to be a bit lackluster in dmg? His pears didn’t go off that much.
Its the same murmilo from this channel right https://www.youtube.com/user/psh870617/videos ? Damn i wonder why he doesn’t upload videos wrecking ■■■■ like in those
Guys i need some help in my build (QS3-WUG3) i dont know what is my best choice for rank 8 , if mergen or hackpell or even rogue i consider a option someone plz can help me in this and sorry for bad english ! :c
Pears will only activate when someone uses Magic near it. Pears can receive CC too.
Malleus is the better homing PvP skill though:
Note plague vapours bypasses immunity status (mackangdal).
@di3rn He does not want to upload 5v5 because he thinks ‘5 v 5 is a stupid dogfight’.
@boonyoda All possible. Rogue -> sneak hit for your high STR build (however poison cannot crit). Mergen -> more AoE (on higher CD), and requires 2H Bow. Hakkapalle -> XBow & sword. However some skills do not use sword damage, and some skills do not use bow damage. All physical melee skills are fake multihit (more info in the other thread).
Mergen pvp:
Finally enchanter is useful, the buff prevents mob drop aggro on you:
Video Cryo3 Linker3 enchanter solo dungeon. Joint penalty -> lightning damage attribute booster, cryo freeze -> lightning damage booster, enchanter -> buff & enchant lightning. Mob grouper build.
alchemist c3
JP+HK+alchemistic missile on dg 145
This is a bugged got fix with 29 sep patch.
Really a pity though.
Currently waiting for miko vids.
Hoplite3 dragoon2 swordie3 spearthrow vs dungeon 145: