Ouch, pyro’s damage is in a sad state really, even with sage’s support.
Musketeer Falconer snipe test
Joint penalty (fix or nerf?):
From (fixed): http://www.inven.co.kr/board/powerbbs.php?come_idx=4196&l=82750
Corsair 3 (sad image) crying
[details=Pierce damage dragoon & fencer masters (Kr shitpost) ]http://upload2.inven.co.kr/upload/2016/09/20/bbs/i10568774593.png
At: http://www.inven.co.kr/board/powerbbs.php?come_idx=4195&l=87135 [/details]
New wugushi poison pot card effects (not rank 8 video):
b: https://youtu.be/qdJWyMqN3o8
c: https://youtu.be/VjEtxHrc_6A
Oracle Kabbalist2 Farming Clones:
Well nvm, livestream ended.
I posted the event wrongly, sorry guys. That event was old content.
Worldboss Demon Lorde Nuale:
I don’t know why she doesn’t ausrine.
Samurai cheebi:
To be fair though he had a pretty bad weapon for rank 8+
Pyro is a dead class without linker.
2 Hours of Inquisitor (party) gameplay:
This video shows several rank 8 party plays (highlight below vid)
6:20 Dungeon with Monkquisitordiev, memelock2, peltagoon2, Chaplain bokor.
20:20 bossfight.
Dungeon run 2
27:50 second dungeon run.
40:03 bossfight.
Party grind on mob
52:30 Party grind with Memelock, and Floatfeet linker.
1:02:00 Druid joins party grind.
1:09:00 Squire3 Pelt Templar(2?) joins party.
2:15:09 Kino3 Necromancer (3) joins party. Memelock is discarded.
Enchant Lightning works with storm calling, but ranged basic attack does not get boost from it.
@greyhiem thanks for keeping up with all the vids. Really interesting to see. I haven’t seen a lot of diev/PD vids from KTOS. Is that build even a thing over there or has everyone gone the bokor route?
That combo is insane! Physical AoEs would be godly with those buffs.
EDIT: Now this guy needs to party up with an Enchanter and Taoist and kill mission bosses with 1 Covering Fire.
I don’t know if bosses are water types.
Stormcalling adds a 500% multiplier to lightning damage, the bosses doesn’t need to be water element.
And a +50% dmg for melee attacks with attribute.
lvl 5 is 7s duration and 24s cd though. Hopefully miko still gets that circle extension skill. (or are talisman counted as objects?)
About storm calling and ranged attacks interactions. I am a Railgun lover (ice wall + EB combo lover), and i have a cryo3 and done all kind of damage tests. For example, arde dagger adds 153 fire damage, but since it is casted inside an ice spell (ice wall, ice bolt), it can be amplified with rune of ice.
I supose storm calling works the same way with Zaibas. You can amplify Zaibas with absolutely anything, and since Zaibas counts as Lightning, all it’s damage sources inside zaibas will be amplified.
Note: This doesn’t mena 153 fire damage from arde become lightning damage. For example, against a fire enemy you will do 50% of this fire damage, 76,5, but it will still be applied inside the lightning damage, so it will be increased by 500%.
Hope I explained correctly. I guess for ranged autoattacks, all damage summatories end up counting as projectile, but don’t know.
PD: bad spelling or grammar everywhere huehue, but i’m somewhat in a hurry. And i’m pretty sure best Zaibas user would be a druid 3 taotist , since druids get +12k MATK (lycantrophy + hengestone)
One thing he doesnt show its the price for buffing armors on the shp, anyone know about this?
Enchanter can freely set a price same as other class shop.
QS3 Cannoneer2 solo crystal mine mission bosses:
This is the popular cleric class list:
Rank7 Cleric
5.3% Cler2 Boko3 Pardoner1 Plague1
3.8% Cler2 Diev2 Monk3
2.7% Priest3 Chaplain Cler2 Plague1
Rank8 Cleric
6.0% Cler2 Bokor3 Pardon1 Plague2
2.6% Cler2 Diev2 Monk3 Inquisitor1
2.6% Cler2 Bokor2 Diev1 Pardon1 Plague2
Bokor2 diev1 is there.
You can jump to the post by clicking here: Rank 8 Gameplay Videos from Korea - (closing soon)
but its expensive or not? i’d to know the price they are putting on ktos, maybe 5k or more
Do you know why? or any vid about it?