Tree of Savior Forum

Rank 8 Gameplay Videos from Korea - (closing soon)

yeah, that’s the gist of skels in PVE, i’m interested in knowing about the new Dirty Pole, because if it works like Pavise it can defend you against skills like Dethrone from Dragoon C2, and i’m also curious if it can block Pear of Anguish from Inquisitor

Please click on the image to enlarge it.

For you meta swordie. Swordie board is getting interesting.

Silver farm dungeon 145 with Spear throw:


Would love to have that translated tough xD somewhat…

9.4% -> Pelt3 Rode3 Murmillo
3.5% -> Sword3 Cata3 Dragoon1 Lancer
2.7% -> Sword3 Cata3 Dragoon2
Does it look like PvE or PvP?
Will go on wizard, archer, cleric forum now.

PvP for Sure, we see a lot of Murm PvP videos… their pretty decent… then you see Cata and u get the confirmation…

Also, getting something like this but for PVE would be great… :wink: Great work as usual @greyhiem.

don’t use your skellies during grinds. it’ll just lag up your party members and ultimately lower your exp/hr due to having, as you said, scattered mobs.

’ Saviours, your preferred classes’
Click (twice, thrice) to enlarge image.
I will translate classes.

Popularity list

Rank7 sword
5.1% Pelt3 rode3
4.4% Pel1 Hop3 Doppel1 Dragoon1
3.8% Highlander2 Cata3 Dragoon1
Rank8 Sword
9.4% -> Pelt3 Rode3 Murmillo
3.5% -> Sword3 Cata3 Dragoon1 Lancer
2.7% -> Sword3 Cata3 Dragoon2

Rank7 archer
13.1% QS3 A2 Reiter2
10.4% Rang3 Fletch3
4.1% A3 Scout3 Reiter1
Rank8 archer
12.5% -> Qs3 A2 Reiter3
12.3% -> Rang3 Fletch3 Mergen1
4.5% -> Rang3 A2 Reiter3

Rank7 wizard
25.9% Wiz3 ele3 warlock1
10.7% Cryo1 Linker2 Chrono3
3.8% Wiz3 Linker2 Necro2
Rank8 wizard
26.9% -> Wiz3 Ele3 Warlock2
4.2% -> Wiz3 Linker2 Necro3
4.2% -> Cryo1 Linker2 Chrono3 Sage1

Rank7 Cleric
5.3% Cler2 Boko3 Pardoner1 Plague1
3.8% Cler2 Diev2 Monk3
2.7% Priest3 Chaplain Cler2 Plague1
Rank8 Cleric
6.0% Cler2 Bokor3 Pardon1 Plague2
2.6% Cler2 Diev2 Monk3 Inquisitor1
2.6% Cler2 Bokor2 Diev1 Pardon1 Plague2

Enchanter builds

  1. Cryo1 Linker2 Chrono3 Enchanter1
  2. Cryo3 Chrono3 Enchanter1
  3. Cryo1 Linker1 Thaum3 Enchanter1

Hakkapalle builds

  1. QS3 Rogue3 Hakka1
  2. QS3 Wugu3 Hakka1
  3. Rang3 Fletch3 Hakka1

Daoshi Taoist

  1. Krivis3 Diev3 Taoist1
  2. Cler2 Diev3 Oracle1 Kabbalist1 Taoist1
  3. Krivis1 Diev3 Krivis3 Taoist1

Comments are the usual ‘tree of unbalance, no class diversity, bla bla’ .


Ur the man, btw have u got anything on if either it is actually PvP or PvE lists?
Also, in any particular aspect…

It’s a popularity list. Though swordmen r8 seems a lot like PvP.
I will return to this thread soon.

Necro3 vs crystal mine mission bosses:

Bokor doctor vs mobs (again):

Wizard & cleric rank8 at dungeon Fantasy Library:
Archer and friends r8 same dungeon:
Hakkapalle cavalry charge makes bosses turn around:

This the new ranger3 costume (?)

Pretty much because atleast till r8 swordsman was only viable for PVP anyway.

Bokor doctor vs centaurus:

Inquisitor solo crystal mine mission orca whale boss:
Druid taoist solo crystal mine mission:

Doctor kabbalist solo dungeon:
Revenged sevenfold bug:

Fencer3 vs moa:

Recommended (briquetting) item to become magical girl.

Not entirely sure if you can find this, but what do the koreans think about str and dex right now?

Thanks greyheim <3

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Haven’t seen a lot yet, but every swordie, physical cleric, and archer rank8 is 3:1 dex:str or very high dex preference. Will look later.

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Tree of Savior ET (did not pass floor 15).
Team has QS wugu reiter hakkapalle, and Chaplain krivis cleric2 too.
PoV of Wiz3 Ele3 Warlock1 Sage1:
PoV of cryochrono kino:

ET until floor 10
PoV Musket2
Sage, corsairshinobi,
doctor, linker

PvP 2v2:
Dragoon2 + Inquisitor VS DoctorMonk+ Chronowizard:

Hi guys what do u thnk about this build ?

About this grey, was talking with a Korean and he said dragoons still do 2:1 str:dex … not sure if it’s true tough

any video for squire deadly combo?

lol, other than dragoon2, everyone running 50k+ hp.

Hi can anyone get information about what skill can enchanter do with scroll?
i didnt see it yet and im really thinking on do one