Tree of Savior Forum

Pretty clear why the game barely gets new players now

Actually you are nobody to tell people what to do, you should get that first.

And after being in the same guild that defended Gaia (Noctula) and other hackers/cheaters like him, you should just stay quiet, enjoy the freebies you are getting doing nothing and stop malding over critiques.


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What are you even talking about??? Who knows you? Move on with your life. Out!

I’m not the one malding over people criticizing the game here, mr Cheatime.

Grab a glass of water already before you get a stroke lel

You really think the game will have more players now if they gave us more freebies years ago?

images (4)

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I think it’s time for you to get over this phase of your life.

You are not even playing the game and you have a history of making false accusations on the forum.
You and these other clowns literally took this forum hostage for years, we won’t allow it anymore.

I think that the current environment is better than the one were i had to farm 10 months to get items. Now you can quit and come back at any time and still feel like you are able to play the game.

Do you like making things up? Butthurt much?
Let me help you with that:

Who is we? Or did you just elect yourself as community spokesman? :crazy_face:

Where’s the “we” you talking about here
I just see you the only on copium here
Everyone here to complaints yet you here try act like patron
People in this thread won’t care about your praises for the game
Instead of telling others to go away maybe you should know your place

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Despite you hiding your history we can still see your old posts + reacts

That person was banned from the game following that, also august 2018, get a grip and move on with your life.

I can speak like i want

If you hate the game, don’t play it.

Ok bully

Yes please, point me to a post where I made a false accusation.

Yes, but the point is:

The guild you was part of was trash, just like you.

But please, go on entertaining me. :crazy_face:


For sure. And I can enjoy making fun of stupid things like that as much as I want :crazy_face:

You are too narrow minded dude
The current situation you think is so overly positive also create problem
Now there’s more passers-by than those who stay and even pay
All because people think “why do I have to waste time playing now when they gonna trivialize it later, make it easy, sell the stuffs through gacha, or even make it free”


For saying this you clearly are not a person to argue with
Now all these people been arguing with you will feel like they been arguing with 5 y o kid
Not so surprising given your short baseless answer

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You made hate comments against Palemoon as a first.

How much hatred do you have in your blood to be flaming ME for being in a CASUAL guild that basically disbanded FOUR years ago just cause they had ONE person within the EIGHTY members that was banned in 2018.
Bro, get a grip, it’s over, time passes, if you don’t like the game and don’t want to play… go away from the forum. Move on with your life.

I said that i think it’s better than what we had before, not that it’s a paradise of a game


Ad hominem fallacy

It was not hate, I used him as an example. But even if it was hate, that doesn’t make it false :man_shrugging:

I don’t hate you, I just stated the fact that despite acting as somebody with certain weight, you are actually a nobody like everybody else, living on free TP.
So you should fly down and stop with the malding. :man_shrugging:

Noctula, Kurzio, Scar, Krusaider and so on… I won’t make the full list just to prove that the guild you was part of was the home of some of the most annoying cheaters/hackers/afkers and sided with them too. :man_shrugging:

I do whatever I want “bro”, I barely post here anyway and you, again, are nobody to tell me what to do.

But please, go on with your malding. :crazy_face:

Doesn’t make it true either.

Feel free to add SW_RXSS#2730 on discord to get a link to our discord and ask people if i help them or not. I’ve been spending several hours per day helping people 1:1 for months.

You are listing people i barely know or that were in that guild when i already left, also those are names of people that left the game years and years ago.

Go on

The only reason these people are doing this is clearly they want the game to keep going, pushing IMC to make changes so that ToS would appeal to newcomers and would actually stay for more than what you said (2 months or so). They don’t sniff on copium and refuse to face reality. All of them have love for this game, they clearly see what is happening right now is not doing well. ToS has so much potential, graphics are so unique and the battle system is incredibly fun. But there are no people playing it?

What you are doing, is actually allowing the game to die a slow painful death. You are the poison.


No the only reason people do this is cause they have fun playing the “Forum Game”. You too.
This is not fun and is actively killing off and secluding the community even more.
I would honestly prefer 20 people trying the game and NOT enjoying it, than have people NOT try the game cause jaded neets have to write their fanfics about the game they’ve quit 3 years prior.

There’s a point where this forum game stops being fun. We’ve reached it.

What I said was even acknowledged by Paleman, what are you on?
It pissed him off, true, but it wasn’t false.

The only person making things up at this point is just you :man_shrugging:

Being that true or not, that doesn’t change the fact that you are living on free TP.

Yes, people. And the few I named are more than the “only ONE” you were babbling about :crazy_face:

“How to own yourself for dummies” :crazy_face:

You have to understand this guy: without new players there is the risk of support guild program to be interrupted, thus preventing him to get his monthly dose of free TP. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Then there you have it. 20 is your number? Jesus. Auto queue is saved everybody.

What you think fanfic you will soon realize it. If not then you really are too high on copium.

Stop it


Every comment you guys add shows up more and more the true colors behind why you write on the forum. A literal exercise of antisociality. Thank god you are not inside the actual game.