Tree of Savior Forum

Preliminary beginners guide to Clerics

Please check the first two posts, they should help a lot.

Otherwise pick a cleric2/priest2 monk build or a Cleric3/Priest2/Miko/PD2.

But that’s about it.

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May I know what build did you follow? I’m also planning on making a palainquisitor. Thanks!

for cler2/priest2/monk3 or cler2/diev2/monk3 how stats should look?

2dex:1con? 2dex:1con:1spr? 2dex:1con:1str?

also what are the pros and cons of priest2 and diev2?

Gaty is cleric2 priest2 monk3 inquis.

@Gatygun could I request a new (nerfed) toy hammer + breaking wheel test if you decide to get breaking wheel? :smile:


Hello,great post and I’m reading a few things of my interest here…Doing so I noticed you didn’t update fade at subclass run down.

Fade no longer blocks indirect damage.It works like cloaking though I’m not sure if enemies can’t see you at pvp.

[inquisitor] Wheel and birds knocked back:

Note: birds will not home if the boss attack is not (unblockable & cannot be evaded). Recommend to throw pears directly on physical-only bosses.

I notice Inquis is very abundant in my server. Fedimian Fedimian is full of Inquisitor rank 8.

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i’m cleric2/priest2/monk3/inq. So no pally in this build :stuck_out_tongue:

Oki, got it breaking wheel on 5 now and god smash on 1 wiht 50% attribute. ty.

Priest gives you extra aoe healing + revive ( basically makes you and your team immortal ), lvl 10 defense buff ( for when it runs out ), And ressurect, really good in pve and higher end content, also really good in pvp.

That’s the support side, damage side, monstrance = 30% more dex. Gives loads more crit + evasion.

Diev, gives you aoe silence, 20% cdr reduction totem, and a owl statue + carve attack.

The con about priest is, you need items to cast its buffs. Which costs you bag space ( money isn’t much of a issue for me ). sacrament and blessing are good for low level content so you won’t have to go back, higher content not much.

Con about diev is, large cooldowns on totems themselves, owl without int + m.atk gear doesn’t do much dmg, and is kinda hard to use in group play with that. Bosses knock back totems.

I wouldn’t go diev2 to be honest, simple because of the loss of monstrance + ressurect. I would go priest+diev then, if you really want diev. Otherwise just go a int build with diev3.

About stats:

While people say go full dex with 50 con, i rather get str with it. It gives block penetration but most of all weight limit increase.

With priest items + stamina pills + a few mana pots + inq wheel items, weight can be a real pain specially if you have zero str. Also str works well on monk skills even if it only adds a bit damage.

I personally atm at 280 have 175str/51con/280 dex ( with monstrance thats 364 dex ), i got around the 550crit atm.

And like it.

Sure no issue, made 3 video’s for you.

On truffles:

Breaking wheel lvl 5, + 1m attribute lvl 1 ( max basically ) with toyhammer:

God smash level 1 with 50% attributes with toyhammer

Because the wheel barely did it’s full damage on the truffles, i need a higher hp target, the only one i know right now is in my current level map. 320k hp.

Breaking wheel lvl 5 on 320k hp target with toyhammer:


50-100 con, rest dex.

Res for fixing the dead party members every now and then.
Revive for the occasional death prevention.
tiny bit of extra dmg via blessing.
Monstrance for crit rate buff.

cd reduction.
warp statue.
better dmg prevention for pve via world tree.
extra dmg via owls.

Did they remove that function entirely? Or just for pvp?

I love the pet name.

Also didn’t realise wheel was that strong on it’s own. Nice.

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Damn! I want an Inquisitor now lol

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May I also ask what cards should be used for a pala inquisitor? Thanks!

Many thanks!
Monk inquis is able to apply toy hammer stack very quickly. It is very nice to know. Your toy hammer explosion is around 6k+ per explo hit, that’s quite nice.

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Iltiswort seems the most interesting (+50% dmg vs plants, wheel is a plant.)
Though I don’t know if that combo properly works, or if we can even get it yet.

Otherwise a Blut card is alright (+con.), or the eventual (+str) card if we got it yet.
Rest doesn’t really stand out for inquisitors imo, dmg vs size is only up to +8% atm. meh…

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Entirely.I can’t use it to avoid bosses and ground effects.

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is this build decent? or should i drop miko for c2 cleric?
im outdated in ToS btw

Drop Priest 2 for miko if you really want miko

Thinking of making an Inquisitor.
Cleric > Cleric> Priest > Paladin > Paladin > Paladin > Miko > Inquisitor)
Cleric > Cleric> Dievdirby> Paladin > Paladin > Paladin > Miko > Inquisitor)

Which is better tho?

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Please use the first post for a build, I put them there to help you out.
You want cleric2 asap for such a build.


I checked my inbox first, so the reply is there.
I know it took a while, but I was sound asleep.

As for str vs dex & block rate issues, the new gems are interesting
Courtesy of @Tampon: Link

So much for dex falling off anytime soon.

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It’ll be good when you reach r7.
But leveling r5 & r6 is going to be a pain in the arse due to a lack of damage.
And you’ll grow to hate flying enemies if you didn’t already.

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