Tree of Savior Forum

Preliminary beginners guide to Clerics

It does add damage, but only up to 600 in total with 15 skill points. (with 100% enhance ofc.)

But blessing is recommend more since it works on every hit and scales quite well with int/spr atm.

Leveling both blessing & aspersion isn’t recommend as it will leave you with to few skill points for revive/stone skin & mass heal.

Yea I pretty much followed the format you used for skills since it seemed right to me too.

So turned into a monk atm ( just a pleb c1 atm ), kinda like how it plays. Damage is pretty darn low still tho, but aspected as it’s just c1.

Anyway, what weapon for end game is going to be the best for monk. As i’m preparing to hit c2 pretty soon ( tommorow )

1 ) Catacomb blade:

201-246 physical attack
198 block penetration
461 attack on plate armor
50% block value of enemy on auto attack
2 gem slots

2) Suncus Maul

183-214 physical attack
175 magic attack
+2 all monk skills
2 gems

3) Toyhammer

86-101 physical damage ( 191 at +10 )
81 magic attack
10th attack explosion ( hits 5 times at 450% weapon phsyical damage “from what i read”)
2 gems

Testing it out myself

After turning 170+ and job ( 190 actually ) and c2 of monk. with attributes on 50% double punch, and 30% on energy blast. My experience so far is.


Toy hammer is godly weapon, it’s explosion burst is insanely high, hits for 3-4k on targets 5 times. it bursts on explosion from anywhere between the 10-20k atm. That’s with lvl 5 double punch. Lvl 10 a bit more.

It’s really good for bosses, or high hp targets that you punch more then 2 times and are not plate.

I single handedly with 50% attribute and +10 refinement on it, would pull aggro from anybody. It’s dot stacks even faster in c2 with one pinch punch bleed.

On monsters that only take a few punches to kill, it’s not that great. You really need its proc.

Suncus Maul

Dissapointed with it’s damage output, i think the damage will come from +2 levels on the bleeds, but not sure if they scale with skill levels as its more a physical attack thing. Now i don’t have a refine on it, so the damage is pretty darn low by itself, i never tend to use it for now. Maybe i will change my mind and use it on a lvl 10 energy blast in c3. ( i don’t think so tho )

Catacomb blade

Real good weapon, with +7 refine on it, it outdamages suncus maul at any time, costed me about 1 million to make with refines on it. So good doable.

The difference on damage normal monsters is about 200-400 dmg a hit, on plate targets it’s litterly night and day,

My everyday monster hits are mostly hitted for about 1,8k x2 = 3,6k a punch hit on any target ( i’m dex based so crits ) lvl 5 double punch ( sub 170 gear ). with lvl 10 double punch and 170 gear, i do about 2,7k a hit so 5,2k total.

But when the target is plate, the damage rises up massively. think about 5,5k-7k a hit, so that’s 11-14k together. I even saw overkills on 6k hp targets on 170+ maps, specailly if you debuffed them.

On mission bosses this shines completely, without any debuffs that’s 11-12k every punch on them, you will kill missions bosses faster thena nybody else, i already pulled aggro sub 170 on every boss, now there is no chellange. specially with 78 stam i got atm.

So mine conclusion atm is, catacomb blade is the best weapon as of now, while toyhammer is great for bosses that aren’t plate based or high hp targets.

About c2 monk skills in general,

one pinch punch ( while not attributed )

doesn’t seem to give that much more damage, the dot can’t seem to crit but still adds damage towards the other dot, feels like togehter a weaker version of flare shot / incinerate. So not bad on high hp targets at all. i do like its silence a lot.

Still i didn’t spec yet into any str yet, only dex orientated just yet, so the damage should rise in the future for sure as i’m most likely going to focus on str anytime soon ( crit rate atm is 466 ) seems good enough. This is where the damage will most likely shine.

lvl 10 vs 5 double punch,

adds about 500-600 rough dmg, not bad at all. Good upgrade,

lvl 5 energy blast ( 6 with +1 skill ), 30% attribute

3k crits, 5-6k on plate with catacomb, not bad. but the duration is way to short to really good, the need for level 10 is absolutely needed to keep pressure up. lvl 5 even with +2 from sun and +1 from might feels just to short.

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@Wurmheart let me ask ya something. So yea, how much Dex will I really need since ill have Monstrance? Like 150 points placed in and then Crit Rate Gems, and gear, collections and what not should be enough to get over 80 percent crit rate at 280? Since I will be putting at least 70 points into Con or whatever it takes to reach at least 100 con, should I put any left over points into Int or, spirit since I am going C2 Cleric, Priest 1, Paladin 3, Plague Doctor and finally Inquisitor? Int would help with my lv 10 heal and I believe the PD Incinerate, as well as slightly help with a few buffs I have, but Spirit seems more beneficial in the end due to quite alot of the spirit relied abilities in this build?

This is for the Palaquisitor build btw.

Short answer:

Cleric wise, only druids get to worry about not maxing dex.
And that’s pve only ofc, in pvp dex never turns bad.

Long answer:

330 points into dex and all bonus points into con = 434 dex.
434 x 1.3 (monstrance) +10 = 574.
916 - 574 = 342 dex/crit rate needed from gear to hit 100%.

You can get 80 dex via cards (though there are better options imo, like +50% dmg vs plants or +50% dmg vs medium or bosses.)

You can make up the rest with green gems, but it will be expensive.
92 crit rate per mh weapon slot and 120 per offhand with lvl 10 green gems iirc.

Realistically speaking you’ll still want the toy hammer or min max hammer for the dmg. Which has 2 slots = 184 crit rate.
And either the 320 fire dmg dagger or the 67 con,440 magic def & 1 move speed shield. But they both have 1 slot. and thus 120 crit rate.

Which is 304 crit rate and gets you close enough for now.
Esp with a max petamion or a lolopanther necklace.

Armbrace wise I’d go with one of the +1 aoe attack options.

But on top of that, the bonus to dex via gear won’t scale with your level. But crit rate does, so you’ll need more and more dex. Esp if we get high tier equips with few gem slots.

I thought Toy Hammer was for Auto attack builds?

Not for a while now.
It got nerfed to only count each auto attack as 1 hit.
But it does work on most multi hit skills, just not on carve attack.

Not sure if it works via breaking wheel, but for any monk/druid physical build it’s good. For paladin min/max likely wins out.
No idea which will win if it’s a pala3/monk build though.

Thank you for confirming toy hammer damage. I only had test data from kr server, our version could have been different.

Toy explosion stack is applied on monk double punch, one inch punch (DoT), and on the other DoT.

Breaking wheel explosion, example vs mob:

More proof vs wooden dummy:

Too bad it really kills wheel hitcount limit. Wheel hitcount should increase more per lvl :slight_smile:

What is this Min/max weapon? Is it that weapon you keep showing in the lv 320 videos from korea I see? Does the weapon at +crit attack or rate or something? Looks like the toy hammer does work off wheel, exploded twice from the looks of it. Would have to get it when inquisitor is out but for right now I should probably while im leveling, use whatever I can find with crit attack or crit rate. Hmm…

This one:

It’s the one hammer with around 600 phys attack that can get it’s dmg boosted by anvils & transcendency.

It’s just a pure dmg option. And you want blunts for the god smash dmg boost to begin with.

@greyhiem: How many hits does the wheel have anyway?
It looks like it ends far too quickly with toy hammer.

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I read 4 hit limit per skill level but I have never seen a proper test on this. Some mobs can knock wheel away too, similar to diev statue. I do not know if this is bug or intended (some boss knockback AoE cannot knock wheel and some can, it should be either all or none).

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Christ, 111 Int on that thing? Thats on the bare fresh weapon itself or some other source? That would definitely boost my my heals and make incinerate alot more useful. Yea I definitely will go for that weapon once its out.

Yep, r8 has some pretty sweet stats.

Make sure you watch the rest of for the other options. Esp the shields…

The stats on all higher blunt weapons really makes me wonder if devs intended clerics to build both physical& magical in 1 character. Too bad stat split is very unloved.

For a money making pardoner build, what is the most popular classes to use besides Priest 3?

For spell shop there is only priest3, you can’t sell anything else.

For simony you can go with paladin3 & krivis.

I see. hmm…cant really fit Paladin 3 since gotta take pardoner 2…so a matter of if you wanna sell Paladin 3 barrier scrolls more, or the Priest buffs via spell shop more.

about Cleric2>Priest>Diev>Monk>Druid2>Inquisitor
what about Paladin1 instead of Monk 1
DPS will drop i guess, but in return Restoration help lack of INT heal, and Resist Elements dont seem bad either