Tree of Savior Forum

Praise the blue mob

The first post had a negative outlook which is different than mine positive take on it. Also they are concerned about EXP rate, but I’m discussing is the intrinsic value of the blue mob and the positivity it brings to a otherwise boring grind.

The second one was posted an hour ago.

I did my research before posting :smile:

The blue mob is a really nice addition to the game that adds spice but my issue is the EXP given by the mob.
So I don’t disagree with you about the importance of the blue mobs existence.

EXP rate (as in of the game) and EXP amount given by a single mob are 2 different things. The amount given would scale with the rate, it would still result in the same/similar amount of time saved/lost.

You have to pray near the statue and gives you an invisible buff :joy:. Is totally random.

Yeah, what was up with that? The blue rate there was abnormally high. I found about 5 in 20 minutes, as did a lot of other people from what I’ve been reading…

the spawn rate of mobs is just too much. i think there was at least 70+ mobs in the 3 maps combined. and being able to 1-2 hit them and cycle around quickly as a highlander led to a lot of the mob population being refreshed, therefore a lot of blue mobs!!! :heart_eyes:

At the end of the day, you are still concerned about EXP rate/level progression.

From what I understand, you are concerned is because you view blue mobs as a mechanics to gain levels quickly. But I view it as developers are trying to address one of the main reasons why grindy mmorpg is fading out of the market; grinding is boring. What blue mobs provide is a way to break the traditional notion that you have to grind for hours to get a level (regardless of how fast or slow the grind is.)

And I agree with that point of view.

@pseudo @Yuusha

At the Panto Archer? Yeah there is always a million people grinding there. It’s nice how the blue mobs spawn quite a bit considering that level is the beginning of the first real grind during iCBT.

Yeah, i was struggling pretty badly at lvl 35, trying to grind in the chapel. Then I gave up and went outside and just fought a lot of Panto Archers and Mallardus. I did this during the quieter hours of beta and leveled really fast.

I soloed too which was great because 99% of parties I was in thought it was great to just camp in an area, which ended up lowering the spawn rate in the area and we were competing against each other to kill 1 Panto Archer…

Yeah that reminds me, several people invited me to party, I felt like I was able to kill monsters way faster and more consistently alone, so being in a party would’ve given me way less exp and barely any drops. If ToS is supposed to be a social/party making game, that’s where it’s weak spot would be.

Yeah, its pretty frustrating when people kinda just turn off their brains when the party. I think theres a mentality that sitting together in an area and waiting for spawns is affective, when in actually. The best levelers go into large crowded fields and mob/ cycle through areas.

It will change when people think better about training.

The thing about partying is how the EXP is distributed. When it is on equal share, each member gets I believe 60% of a mob’s original EXP, (I don’t quite remember,) but definitely more than 50%. So if you and your buddy each kill a mob per second compare to you self killing a mob per second. With a buddy you get 120%, and by yourself you get 100%. The important thing is that the EXP does not decrease per extra member. With each additional member, the EXP you gain is still 60%. The effect might not be as visible with two people because your friend can just be sitting there soaking all your hard work :/. However with a good party, the bonus adds up to 5 people to a swooping amount :blush:

Also partying allows you to have a higher chance of getting a blue mob. I don’t know how many times I just randomly leveled out of no where because my party mates killed a blue mob.

I agree with blue mobs being a good idea, and posted my thoughts in another thread in which the OP opposed them.

Just referencing my reasons in that post here:

Blue Mobs

um I think you have the wrong idea. I have no problems with blue mobs as a concept, I just have a problem with their current implementation. I love blue mobs as well since they break the monotony and increase a player’s motivation during the tough grind. However, I think it is also important to be balanced so that a player’s level actually depends on their effort and skill and not whether they were lucky enough to find blue mobs.

  1. They didn’t do anything special. They merely formed a party whose sole purpose is to scour maps and channels for blue mobs as efficiently as possible to get quick levels. As seen from twitch and megaphones in-game, they tend to quickly scan through dead channels to find coloured mobs, or if they have classes that have a good clearing speed (wiz/barb) then they may quickly sweep the rooms to trigger spawns.

  2. They are rng based. We mean the same thing, just put in a different way. By ‘based on spawn rate’, he means that the faster you kill monsters, the more likely you’ll find a blue mob, which is true because clearing all the mobs means that more mobs will spawn, and one of them might be blue. And it’s still rng based because what mob it will be is random. There is no fixed mob that will be guaranteed to be blue, and I’m pretty sure you are already aware of that.

When I say it takes no effort or skill, perhaps I was wording it wrongly. It takes effort to form blue mob hunting parties yes, but whether they actually find a blue mob depends on chance. So, I’ll correct my statement and say that blue mobs do not totally cause hunting to be devoid of skill and effort, but simply skew the emphasis from skill/effort towards chance excessively.

When I said I was a soloer who benefited from this mechanic, I don’t see what’s so contradictory about it. Both parties and soloers who choose to focus on farming blue mobs rather than grinding usually tend to benefit. I gained 7 levels in 2 hours, which should normally take 3-5h at tenet g, and this was when I was sleepy and forgot to overkill the blue mobs. Imagine how much it’ll be if I actually bothered to do so.

It is relevant to grinding because why should anyone grind when they can strategize their whole leveling to revolve around blue mobs?

  1. By lowering the exp and increasing the chance of blue mobs, it does solve the problem. While blue mob hunting will still be popular, it will no longer be the sole focus of those who aim to level quickly. This is because with the increase of blue mobs, grinding parties will still be able to find them at a decent rate without employing strategies that hardcore blue mob hunting parties use. In addition, the exp boost is not too extreme to warrant full dedication to bm hunting. Both forms of leveling become comparatively balanced then. Grinding might even be faster than BMH if the grinders use their knowledge and research on good spawn points, which is pretty cool I think.

About your robbery analogy, I think it is a false analogy. It assumes that the reward for robbing both houses are the same. They are not. If the mechanic is less RNG-based, the reward is also correspondingly lower. If grinding at a certain strategic spot in the map with awesome spawn AND a decent spawn of blue mobs is better, people will go grind. They will still have the option of forming blue mob hunting parties too if that is what I prefer. The difference this time is that both parties have legitimate strategies that are not over-reliant on chance, whereas if you keep blue mobs really rare, then it becomes a luck-based competition vs steady grinding.

Thank you for reading. I’d like to emphasize again that I AM ON YOUR SIDE. I am for blue mobs. I love them as a concept. I just don’t want to see other people struggle for 8 levels while people like me simply breeze through them. Everyone should be able to enjoy blue mobs, not just those who have the RNG goddess on their side.

PS. There are other problems with blue mobs as of now that I’ll briefly list but they need not be addressed as I think they are more peripheral issues.

  1. Easily KS’d (Blue mobs are different from normal mobs, last hit gets ALL exp, which is really, really weird and unacceptable)
  2. Easy to kill

I think a strong counter for the RNG argument (of mine) would be the law of large numbers as another player stated. In the long run, the number of blue mobs killed by each player should theoretically even out. Nevertheless, I don’t think we have such large numbers, and I’d rather guarantee most players to have access them to them rather than to leave it to mathematical probability.

Those are just miniboss types. Blue mobs glow blue and usually give thousands of exp.

Let me apologize first, I might have been a little too hostile in my post (possibly due to the nonsense the guy before you was spouting out.)

!.) So blue mob hunting party is used as a primary reason for people criticizing blue mobs. From what I can see, these parties don’t do anything out of the ordinary. Like scouring the map quickly while killing mobs along the way to speed up mob respawn and going to dead channels for blue mobs(basically grinding at a more empty channel) are things you should be doing in the first place for maximum efficiency.

I think people are always thinking of the worst case scenario: like a party only runs around/changing channels and kills all the blue mobs while other people are putting more effort killing normal mobs. I think this is only a ‘possibility’(not taking how efficient it actually is into account) when the farming spot is super crowded like panto archer during iCBT. From what I’ve seen in KCBT and from my own experience past level 40(got past the ravine) from iCBT, the farming spots aren’t as crowded. At later levels when people are more spread out, these specialized party will be forced to kill normal mobs themselves because no one else is around anyways.

2.) Another example people keep talking about is something like one person shouldn’t get 5 levels within 2 hours when this other party only got 2 lvls within 2 hours. The main problem with this argument is that the sample range is too small. If you have gone through high school science class you should know that the smaller the sample size the bigger the error margin is. They are only looking at a specific time range of 2 hours. Sure if the spawn rate of blue mobs is like one every minute, 2 hours might be enough. But it is not the case. Say this guy might have gotten really lucky and got 5 levels in 2 hours while the party only got 2. However, the party might get lucky 6 hours after the 2 hour range and got 5 levels while the guy only got 2 levels in the same amount of time frame. If one really want to go with this argument, they have to track a much longer time for this argument to be of any value. In your last point you mentioned making blue mobs accessible to everyone, RNG will be RNG and over a long period of time, the number of encounter should even out for everybody doesn’t matter if it is low or high (Unless it’s super low, but it is not in this case.) I’m pretty sure everybody has benefited from blue mobs, I don’t think accessibility is much of a problem here.

I believe why so many people have problem with blue mobs is because they feel like they are playing a ‘0 sum game’. They feel like if the other guy gains something, they also lose something. But in fact they didn’t. Just because the other guy levels a little bit faster does not change the fact that they didn’t lose a single thing. Blue mobs will keep spawning, the game will not run out of them. Of course you can argue that if this other guy killed this blue mob equals you lose out on this blue mob. Sure, but that could be the same in reverse situation. Both sides are on equal grounds, unless the game plays favoritism.

I feel like if people actually put in effort to form a party and to strategize a plan for more efficient blue mob hunting, it is not a bad thing.It is the game’s way of rewarding people that co-operate?

3.) As for my robbery example I think I didn’t convey my point well. The reward for robbing house A is lower than house B. If thief go for A, he has guaranteed result everytime without any risk(blue mob not spawn = police car spawning). On the other hand, if the theif went for house B, the thief might have been caught(no blue mob spawn) and completely wasted his time. As a result, going for the less RNG based house A is more efficient and more likely to be abused. Maybe it’s not the best analogy, you can ignore it if you want.

Lastly, why can’t we have a mechanic that is based on luck a little? We already have something else that is completely based on luck for years and seems to be what people love to do: Rare item farming(Like RO cards, seems like a lot of people are crying about how awesome farming these are.) Rare item drops are based completely on RNG, on chance, on luck. If people are so against RNG based EXP gain, why is it okay to have RNG based item drop?

I’m not completely against making blue mobs more common, I just feel like it won’t give us the same kind of excitement and will be just like another regular mob. But if the Devs want to go this route, I won’t be against it as long as they don’t completely take out blue mobs from the game.

I tried to keep it short… I really did.

perhaps it would be cool if killing a blue mob gave map wide exp/buffs (barring some way to prevent afk people from gaining this boost)

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I’m going to try to keep this short.

From what we discussed, ‘blue mob hunting’ is no different than normal grinding. Forming a party, sweep the map, go to a more empty channels are in theory what you are supposed to do to maximize efficiency anyways.

I don’t quite understand what you mean ‘I’m supposing encounters are a dependent event’, every thing I stated in that paragraph you quoted are saying they are independent events. And unless you have data to back up your X > Y claim, and X better be VASTLY MORE than Y, your argument is not valid.

PVP has too many factors and far outside the scope of what we are discussing here. If you are going to blame losing a match on level difference, then maybe you shouldn’t pvp in the first place. Besides, no one is forcing you to pvp when you are underleveled.

Using an in game mechanics(everyone has the same access to) is different than p2w(not everyone has access to.)

I’m pretty sure the EXP nerf also effected the blue mobs too. Hey if you feel like hunting blue mobs is the main strategy that’ll still give you a sense of progress. Why don’t we give players more quests to do? Everyday? So that they have another strategy to gain significant progress.

You say ‘People dislike dailies because they are boring’. I say people dislike grinding because they are boring. Between dailies and grinding, do you know which one dominates the market these days?

Dailies is a good way to let people who don’t have a lot of time to play everyday to be able to still feel like they are progressing and provides players a short term goal to aim for. There are other threads about dailies so I’m not going to talk about it here.

You make some assumptions here that are incorrect. One is that blue mob hunting is abuse - it is not. It’s working with a mechanic in the game. Two is that blue mob hunting is “vastly” different than grinding.

Yes, there is a difference in trying to hunt blue mobs specifically. I find this part of the game a lot of fun, and don’t see why some people can’t embrace it. However, the act of forming a party and grinding efficiently versus “only hunting blue mobs” is not very different. If you grind in the same area with a party, or move with a party from zone to zone, or practice any form of efficient grinding, you are in effect also efficiently hunting blue mobs. There is no hidden abuse tactic that results in far more blue mobs, and is wholly different than “just grinding”.

You make the case that “hunting blue mobs” is toxic abuse, as if it’s somehow completely different than “normal grinding”. You’ll have to define what “normal grinding” is and how it somehow doesn’t concern efficiently killing monsters, and therefore increasing the chance that a blue mob will spawn.