Tree of Savior Forum

Post your desired wiz build after revamp!

I am happy magical girl build happy

im staying in my main wiz2kino2chrono3sage2

50 con rest spi and geared… i can change the stats on my current build to int than giving more to spi… but im happy as of the moment for this…

dimension witch here i come!!!


Rune Caster after changes, in giant form can cast buffs, link, and wizz skills (magic missle/earthqu). Anyone test pyro skills and kino?
I tested cryo3, cant use ice tree or main skills. I would do like to know about pyro/kino, any info?

It is true. Just an warning, the Kurdaitcha is very slow, the attribute to make you will normally is only for FF2 (the itos version is outdated but this attribute didn’t change)

Does anyone know how should I allocate my warlock c3 and pyro c3 skill points?

Warlock C3

  • How much points should I put into drain? Do i just absorb the spirits from dark theurge? Is that a maximum of 5 spirits and thus should i just put drain till lvl 4?

Pyro C3

  • If I’m intending to go OnmC2 in future, Pyro skills aren’t going to be that useful in terms of damage. How should I allocate my points then? Enchant fire? Or cast and go skills such as flame pillar or flame ground?

Warlock seems to be 5 drain 1 theurge, rest on aoe DPS skills.

Pyrowise, i think hell breath seems gut dps if other skills are on CD, pilar is good utility. Rest, no idea.

invocation 15
mastema 15
theure 1
scratch 5
drain 5 (or 7 if u want)
evil sacri 1
pole 1 or 3

So remove points from PoA? I was thinking keep invocation at 8 for 100% uptime although I will need to keep recasting. Is PoA less impt in this patch?

PoA is weak. (bad duration+cooldown+uptime)
Invocation has good scaling. Worth maxing.

When you apply psy pressure to fire ball, does the blast from fireball still do damage after a monster has already hit the fireball once?

It seems that the designers are very adamant in not giving fireball more then 1 hit.

Just tested it, and it’s possible for Flare to hit twice if you use it with fireball+flame ground. Not sure if it’s of any use to anyone

each point of invocation will increase its damage :slight_smile: imo its best lock spell :stuck_out_tongue: if u have boss with mobs then drain 5+ is better cuz u will get more souls to absorb :slight_smile: thats its your to decide, go to drain 5 or more

W3>LK3>PSYkino3 is it a bad choice?

Oh I didn’t know that higher points into invocation increases damage. Thanks!

Today’s patchnotes (and kr before) “confirmed” it.
But many knew before, was easy to test.

From Decembers Reset Event:

Thanks for the video. The skill description did not mention anything about increase in damage, so i was curious where you get that information from.

Yes, IMC should improve the tooltip (its the same in KR, not just translation error)

@Staff @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Yuri

Todays patch notes
33.3% per skill level

and we noticed that sometime ago ourselfs.

The builds I am considering before onmyoji:

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Does the level of swell left arm affect the attribute to boost summon’s ATK? In other word, if I just take thaum to get the summon damage boost attribute, should I go thaum3 or thaum1 does the same thing?

If your point is just summon bonus damage (not the buff itself) thauma1 is more than enough.

Wiz3 (if summon is strike based with lethargy and the new Mana shield) Thauma1 sorc 2 necro 3 seems really good now

God bless hell breath, that’s all I will say.