Tree of Savior Forum

Post your desired wiz build after revamp!

If your point is just summon bonus damage (not the buff itself) thauma1 is more than enough.

Wiz3 (if summon is strike based with lethargy and the new Mana shield) Thauma1 sorc 2 necro 3 seems really good now

God bless hell breath, that’s all I will say.


  • Physical/magic attack reduction effect changed to -skill level * 1%.
  • Evasion reduction effect changed to -skill level *5.
    - Changed to increase damage received from magic attacks by 20%.
  • Duration reduced to 20 sec.
  • Cooldown increased to 20 sec.

This was in the patch note. The bold part is not a thing then? Because I don’t see any change in magic attack…also it is not in the tooltip

This is probably the correct version:
Only works for magic tiles (Sage’s Ultimate Dimension, Miko’s Hamaya and Warlock’s Mastema, to name a few), basically spells that you place in the ground.

@greyhiem do you know if swell left hand helps summons?

If I recall correctly it does not help, or it was very little.

I remember grey to mention the hidden effect of swell left hand to increase magic missiles

Well that’s in the patch notes too… but idk maybe imc mixed it up.

I remember there was something about these in the ktest patches but I dunno how it ended maybe the attribute is the final version and thats it then.

Also, just a few more questions regarding warlock C3

  1. I’ve been MIA for a pretty long while and only came back to try it out again because of the revamp. Is there a point in learning all the attributes that induce “fear”?

  2. Since we are mainly using dark theurge for drain, is there a need to learn “Dark Theurge: Tough Evil Spirit”?

Found , according to patch notes , there is an attribute and it does increase.

Swell Left Arm: Summons

  • New attribute.
  • Increases your summons’ physical/magic damage by 1% per attribute level within the range of Swell Left Artm.
  • Max. level 10.

Yes the attribute does. You just need thauma1 to unlock the swell left attribute. Swell left double magic missile bounce damage, hidden effect. You may view the proof video here

Most popular lower ranks for sorc1 - necro3 - sorc2/x:
Wiz3 - thauma1 (magic missile and swell left synergy, and lethargy strike debuff for marnox/gorkas/ …)
Pyro2 - thauma1/pyro3 (fire pillar crowd control build, pyro aoe multihit great with froster lord card for freeze)
Cryo1 - linker2 (ice pike and linker, usually skips sorc2 and takes linker3)

Tosneet website updated for English version after wizard patch, please use it.

@ayalon lethargy tooltip is wrong, only works for magic tile skills. Boost magic tile skill damage by 20%, and attribute increases it to 35%. Patchnotes by human, so not always 100% correct.

Is same on KR server, 2300 x 1.35 --> ~3100.


My dream build has always been:


I always wanted a mage that could control fire and link spells together, to make a megaman boss style build if you will :). Or a fire version of Magneto. Fireball and linker have gotten nerfed up and down over the years. It was the fireballs and their ability to do damage over time without disappearing instantly with the linker spells that made that build arguably overpowered. By the time I got a high enough rank, the build was useless. Even now, the designers don’t want fireball to hit an enemy more then once.

This had lead me to come up with another build that I liked. One that is probably considered “Off meta” by your cookie cutter enthusiasts.


The exploding elementalist attribute with fire damage always intrigued me. Elementalist as a mage is generally a class that I choose in most rpgs. But I never liked max Wizard as a class in general. It has always been hard MUST for any elementalist though. I ended up reranking as this anyway, even though keeping monsters at bay became a pain in the ass. The new firewall attribute makes the spell Ragnarok Online style now maybe? And firewall gets 3 charges now? I could use it as a way to keep monsters away while casting other things.

As far as I remember. Skellies don’t seem to have a melee attribute that is affected by lethargy. Similar logic with the Decay debuff and Skelly Archers. Unless they updated their attack type - I need to test Necro next.

Fear does a short Stun (nice) and “lowers Attack” (didnt notice a difference yet). DT does more damage to monsters with that Fear debuff, with a new attribute. DT is still not really good for dmg.

Not sure if they all are really worth it, i have them with my Warlock

Thabk you very much

I was thinking, maybe the patch notes got written by developers. Maybe it was before some tests and they changed their mind and forgot to update. My other hypothesis is that someone read the code and didn’t understood or there is a bug. Another possibility is not tested at all to validate the notes

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Because those “fear” based attributes cost quite a lot, and I have yet to max my “Invocation: Demon Spirit” so I was thinking where should I spend my attribute points on first.

If the main purpose now for Dark Theurge is to use “Drain” for the boost, then would it be better to hold off adding Dark Theurge based attributes first?

Yes, buy them later after you have others.
The same with “Invocation: Demon Spirit”, it costs a lot and should only be maxed if you already have other Attributes high (or are just rich). I had it at 10 for a long time, got 30 now and the difference is small.

I already have most of the attributes. Those PoA attributes and most of my damaging skills are at least lvl 40. What I’m missing now is “Invocation: Demon Spirit”, in fact I don’t even have a single point on it yet because it is really expensive. But now that I have gotten most of the other attributes, I think it’s about time to throw some money into it. I’m not even 350 yet so I’m putting off gearing for now.

Oh, i would get Demon Spirit to 5 or 10 and then get Damage skills %'s to 60 or 70 each.

Im testing this build, its been really fun, and the CC is quite good.

I don’t know where to post this but, is Stone Curse worth points? Says it boosts fire damage by 50%, good for pyro I think. Or should I just throw the points into Prominence instead?

My Main, not much is really changing other than shorter cds and/or higher damage.

My most played Alt, used to have Pyromancer instead of Wizard2 but now that Magic Missile is Circle 2 and Earthquake is so good now so I’ll be going that instead.

Also not much changing, pretty much the same, I tried out other rank 2-4 classes and I ended up going back to cryomancer for the cc.

Wizard2-Linker3-Thaumaturge3-Rune Caster
I leveled this as a new character to 350 during the reset event solely to have a really powerful caster support, its even fairly decent solo.

And my last Wizard I’m not sure what I want to do with it, this is the character I’m going to experiment on the most since its a Featherfoot I used for farming but I never play it anymore, its switched classes almost every time IMC gave us reset events lol. Pretty much came here to see what people were interested in doing to get some inspiration from.

Edit: I ended up going Wiz1-Pyro3-Psycho3-Sage2 on my last character, really fun build with a lot of synergy between classes.