Tree of Savior Forum

Wiz3-ele3-warlock2-pyro1 vs wiz3-ele3-warlock3

Flameground attribute of Ele3’s Meteor seems to overpower Warlock3’s demon scratch, or my calculations are wrong?

Demon Scratch is great. More Levels in other WL skills too.

Buy/Make Flameground scrolls.


yep, dark theurge + drain + demon scratch now melting everything @.@

how can Meteor alone > Meteor + D.Scratch?
D.Scratch can even double its dmg by Drain.

And btw, the new Attri can be use on FG scroll.

So since yesterday i didn’t take the time to put too much tought into it i went level 5 drain and haven’t decided if i should put more points, since the “combo” between DT and drain was a no brainer, anyways i have this question… wich is the current best distribution for WL points? :stuck_out_tongue:

If anyone could help me with that would be awesome. Getting back on topic, demon scratch its too good to let go, and you can always buy scrolls or make them.

check my posts here: Post your desired wiz build after revamp! :slight_smile:

Need also to rethink about my warlock. At the moment I didn’t touch anything, so it’s pole 15 mastema 15 invocation 8 DT 1 demon scratch 5 (yes, char is 360 but only class 14… still need a good billion xp to max it :wink: ). Last point definitely goes in drain, but if the skill now properly works, this means removing some from pole and put it in drain. Don’t think DT is worth putting more than 1 point no?

yes DT is good for just one point, not worth more than 1 because of the fast consumable spirits (even although they got buffed). try going for 5 drain, 11 pole drain is good because it buffs all dark property attack damage by [10% x number of spirits].