Tree of Savior Forum

[POLL] Will you quit if IMC implements circle resets?

I think I’ll end my participation here. I neither support nor oppose class, circle, or any type of reset and my arguments shouldn’t be taken as such. I’m just trying to pry out reasons for people not to quit. I won’t deny that either side has valid points, so I’ll just say best of luck.

let me revive the discussion here~

I myself will quit TOS if they implement Class Reset of any sort, be it Restricted/TP/Event-Reward etc etc
But that’s just me…

However, for the sake of those who still play, imho, since Skill Reset is sold in TP already, next, Stat Reset and Class Reset will be in the TP as well~

however, IMC have history of not getting anything right the first time, so, lets just allow IMC to do this Class Reset in whichever way they like.
Then, IMC will gather more feedback to tweak it down the road until its somewhat balance

hint: look at Siaulai Mission…
1st month, lack of participant, IMC solution, Cross Server Queue
2nd month, lack of participant, IMC solution, new Mission BGM
3rd month, nothing much… but Dungeon Exceed Server is real ~ huehuehue~
4th month, lack of participant, IMC solution, raise level limit, now lv gap 20 and ever punishing dmg/exp penalty for the gap
5th month, boring siaulai, IMC solution, will shorten the torch time to 1min

IMC will do things badly for most of the things, but surely, IMC will listen and slowly fix things so you guys can keep playing the game buying TP

who knows, maybe in year 2020, siaulai mission will be the best ever mission because of the feedback/suggestion! (huehuehue)
Siaulai in year2020 will have laser turret shooting everywhere, unicorn flying around sh1tting rainbow, sky is raining popcorn etc… (huehuehue)

Quit now vs Quit later, there is no merit at all…

Game is for fun.

I play coz its still fun. I post in forum coz its fun.


you think you’re playing the game?
when actually, IMC is playing you!


easy guys IMC just want to divide player base for reduce lag and make more money ( kill two birds with one stone )

Stop crying about this already, people! It hasn’t even happened yet and nobody knows if it even will!

Well said!

well said. huehuehue

I honestly don’t get it. Why do people ask for Circle resets when it takes 10 freakin days to get from level 1 to 280. Do you want them to just give you a level 280 character right when you make the character?

Also, IMC would have to be extremely stupid to ruin their cash grab scheme with EXP Tomes.

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O.o 10 days… I imagine that 10 days of no eating no bath no poo no social activity all tosdungeongrindquestetcripmyfriend



It usually take ~500 hours to reach lvl 280.

If you can reach lvl 280 just in 10 days that mean:

  1. You use x8 EXP tomes most time.
  2. You have no job and play 24/20 with a hardcore team.

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Hey man, just because it takes you ~500 hours to reach lvl 280 don’t mean that’s what it takes.

It takes about 10 days of playing 10-12 hours a day to get to 280. There’s a lot of guides out there that shows how it’s done. In fact, there’s one on the front page of this forum.

What do you mean by pilot?

Even if it takes the full 10 days, that’s only 240 hours of gaming to get to max level. It doesn’t even take that many hours, but honestly, do you want to get max level in a day or something? Is that what you want?

reset != instant 280 character. You’re still giving up whatever benefits you have in making multiple characters. People are just overreacting.

other people playing for you.

No because even that full 10 days isn’t enough for me to reach 280 it would probably take me a month or so because:
-You were the one who said someone can reach 280 in 10 days not me
-i have a job
-i only play 1-2 hours a day excluding weekends and off days where i play whenever i have no plans of hanging out with my friends.
-i have a life

But since you insist it would only take 10 days to reach 280 then go on i never said it was impossible to begin with rofl

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Oh i see first time i encounter such term lol

Ok, so you would like to make changes that affect the rest of the community to cater to you because you can only play 1-2 hours a day?

So you’re saying that you, who only invests 1-2 hours a day, should be on even footing with someone who has invested 12 hours a day?

What an amazing mentality.

what changes are you talking about?

I just stated why I can’t do what you can do didnt i? where in my post am i competing with you who can play 24/20?

Oh and thanks for the compliment :sweat_smile:

Even if everyone can play 12 hours per day they won’t take that much time to grind TOS, they rather play other games.


  1. Boring gameplay because of quests.
  2. Poor balance.
  3. Lack of good contents.
    (Not mention bugs and other problems)

That is why our population keep decaying.

Sadly most people who could support this game with money don’t have that much time to play.

IMC should make all dungeon unable to rush so people even above the level need to queue for full run, so lowbies can gain exp faster and shorter queue

1.45pm here Varena and 0ppl queue Dun200
how da faq should i level if i only play 1~2hours per day!
how da faq should i level if im the fail build rainbow class player?!
Min-maxing kills diversity

Class Reset? might as well IMC start selling EXP card for TP coz i have no time and plenty monie