Tree of Savior Forum

[POLL] Will you quit if IMC implements circle resets?

Yep, times changed, adapt or die. The MMO market doesn’t accept grindy MMOs anymore. Not to mention the IMC signature of low fps and bugs. Why else do you think the TOS population is so low?

TIL 3.3 Million Copies Sold on the First Day in the 2016 gaming market is considered “doing so badly”


Do you guys remember the game Everquest? It was the first MMO I played back in uh, 1998.

Do you know why it started to fail after a few years? Because noone had the time to sit and grind for 12 hours a day just to see your xp bar move half a centimeter(Not exaggerating). It was so bad they added a 2nd xp bar so you could see progress within the original xp bar. 5 yellow bubbles for 1 level, 5 blue bubbles for 1 yellow bubble.

Its like you guys have been so abused that you are suddenly mistaking a game with a lack of features due to lack of foresight as being ‘hardcore’ for the sake of justifying what you’ve been through.

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What was inaccurate about my statement? I pointed to a chart and listed some facts about the game. The game grew explosively while it was in a form that had numerous features we associate with hardcore games, and lacked numerous conveniences we take for granted now. This cannot be disputed because it happened as sure as the earth orbits the sun. It’s a fact of life.

As for your claim for MMOs not being as popular anymore, are you saying less people are playing them overall? Prove it. Show me data on this. I don’t believe it. If you can’t point to some evidence for this claim, it belongs in the garbage.

I explained this already. It will produce numerous copies of a build I helped pioneer, giving me more competition I wouldn’t otherwise have quite so quickly, it will cause massive inflation for low level drop items, it will skyrocket queue times for low level dungeons - but most of those problems have other things fueling them, too. None of that matters - least of all more competition. I’m good at my class - better than most of them would be.

What matters is that I have a right to be pissed because I paid $50 for a game that promised a feature and is now doubling back on the promise. You’d be pissed too if ToS advertised something you really liked in games and then ripped it out after they got your money to placate the masses.

Warlords of Draenor had a huge surge of buyers, too. And WoW shed even more players. Legion is showing every sign of doing the same. I said WoW was having a “slow death” not “WOW = DED”!!!

I never brought up Everquest, and nor did I imply that this type of game had found the ideal balance of effort vs reward. Don’t conflate my examples in an attempt to make me look out of my mind. Everquest was boring as hell to me, also. But I won’t say people are wrong to like it.

Bro a lot of that stagnation and decline is actually due to how old and dated the game is and looks. Nothing to do with the more casual approach to content. I think you will actually find that these changes kept more new players and helped maintain player levels for a lot longer than if they had not done it.

The main thing that WoW did wrong was making the LOOT easily obtained, making the content accessible for everyone was not the problem.

The problem stemmed from ‘I worked hard for 3 months to get this stuff now they are given it to everyone for a few dailys when the new raid comes out’.

They had to keep top tier loot seperate from easy modes of the content. IE have the hard modes where people can get the good gear and make the easy modes VERY easy so people can experience it in their low tier gear.


You’re right about the loot part, but it isn’t all about the loot. A lot of people enjoy raiding and dungeons because they like to experience new things and overcome challenges. That’s cheapened by having easymodes. I definitely agree they mucked up the itemization. Much like FFXIV did - that’s on its way to a slow death as well.

Ridiculous thread… please IMC, go ban is author.

The drama in this thread is real !! Seriously!!:joy::joy:
can’t you guys save it for later?

You see GM MANGOS news can just be an advancement retake lol

btw what happened to majority wins?
Looks like TS didnt win the forumers sympathy gg
Hope you guys who picked the 1st option dont end up being this guy

Like i said already earlier, resets will come. Anybody that thinks otherwise will just fooling themselves.

The game is fundamentally flawed without resets.


People that quit, are the ones who try hard to build a meta class for PvP/PvE end content and FAIL. Circle reset should not be a detonator to quit at this point of the game, when people have invested alot of money on attributes and the upcoming Rank 8, new ET Solmiki area and PvP content that’s coming “soon”.
This game change constantly, eventually we will get Rank 9/10, new ET areas and hopefully new PvP content. Trying to play something that might get nerfed or won’t fit anymore on some content will just frustrate your game experience.


Play what you like and enjoy, find a party/friends/guild for end content if you feel like. Circle reset won’t affect negatively the game at all.

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Choices should’ve been as simple as Yes, No and Probably.

even with the trolling poll option
i think this community speak their will

so 83% will stay anyway

any questions?

rofl i hope resets do get implemented not that i want it so bad sooner , i just want to see vid of TS deleting his characters :joy: oh… that would totally feed my hunger of amusement rofl, its like rage quitting doto 2

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not just TS. all the other drama queens whose main argument is that they’ll quit if reset ever gets implemented.


A reset item should do it with one click then repick everything.
Those “reset back to lvl1 or something” is more like a merchant trying to protect his home market.

We dont ban foregin imports cause we are nice people. We just demand astronomically high taxes, so imports do the foreigner more harm than good.

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I like how the poll questions are completely bias against circle resets, but actual poll still showed the opposite results.

One of the most common reasons for quitting, after bugs and performance, is having nothing to do. The first wave of high levels quit in droves because they were bored after finishing leveling. Class resets remove the main thing to do.

What players say and what they do are always different. They campaign for advantages on forums, and then quit games when they get what they want because there’s no goals left to aspire to.

Because they all imitate the mistakes that put WoW into decline. The modern formula is mediocre and generic in every area, so it has no way to beat the competition. You don’t make money by catering to “as many people as possible” unless you’re a AAA house because trying to do that means competing against every other game on the market, including other genres, which is impossible for a company like imc. A smaller developer needs an underserved niche. I switched my vote in the poll from unhappy to quit after reading the responses in here and seeing how much of the campaigning for resets really is just “kill the game by making it the same as every other P2W F2P MMO except with more bugs and lower FPS.” Then you’re talking about a full P2W trend rather than resets in isolation.

Better alternatives to class resets could include a dressing room to try out skills before committing to a class, attributes being teamwide, and the ability to transfer all character-specific stuff or reset your character back to level 1 to start over with the same name and cosmetics.

you forgot the “Suicide” option in this poll…

WoW did dumb it’s game down that much anyone agrees with but I think the population decrease is more about burnout and wanting something fresh.

And the market is saturated with games for about any niche anyone could want now. So why limit yourself just to WoW? And it’s not like people don’t still show back up for the expansions… I know all of my camp is. And your graph shows that trend as well.

I guess what I am getting at is this. WoW never stopped being a fantastic game it’s just we’re tired of it and we got more choices now.

Fair enough, everyone’s experience is different, but how exactly is someone having a class reset going to make your experience that much different that you have to quit? There’s a possibility you may never even interact with the player who uses it. I’ve seen players all around Klaipeda who I have never even once interacted with and possibly never will. I can’t say for sure if that will have a negative or positive effect on my experience or not, but the fact that I’m enjoying the game seems to suggest it doesn’t matter.

If you see class reset as a handicap, why don’t you take pride in the effort you put into what you did? You can still make your own achievements, set your own standards, challenge yourself and enjoy the payoff. Just because something is easy doesn’t mean you have to make it easy.

Also, if this game was -that- hardcore, we’d be grinding out .01% or less throughout the entire game instead of using cards to level up. Mind you there still is some grinding, but it is far far easier than a lot of MMO grinders. Granted that’s only up to the content we have now.

And talking about cards, if you mean experience cards, then there’s quite a bit of people who get more than I do already. It doesn’t bother me. I play the game at my own pace.

As far as Bee goes, Bee is usually packed. If you have 4 or 5 people fighting over the same silver (like we do already), you won’t see that huge of an increase over grinding, say, Demon Prison District 2 (which usually has room) for the same amount of time. You may even get less farming at bee.

The same problems we have now will still be the same problems we have in the future and everyone competing now will still be competing in the future.