Tree of Savior Forum

[POLL] Will you quit if IMC implements circle resets?

  • I will quit forever! I’ll delete my characters, I know I’m not coming back.
  • I will quit, but I’ll keep my account in case things get better.
  • I won’t quit, but I’ll be unhappy.
  • YES! Circle resets! Begone elitist, money is power!

0 voters

I will, if they let you remove more than 1 circle in a character’s lifetime, either by removing more than one or being usable more than once. I’ll delete my characters, at least one of which will be 280+ to let IMC know they’ve really lost me.

I will upload a youtube of this self-destruction in this thread.

If you are brave and want to join my GTFOP2W club, swear to do the same! You made the right choices with your character and deserve to stand above the rest. Why play at all if IMC is going to take that away from you?


If they’re event items sure why not

Are we getting paid cause I never got any money…

I didn’t even know I was working here D:

man now I really want to quit, gimme all my paychecks and am leaving…

^ that’s how stupid I think the poll is


How is a poll allowing an individual to express any possible opinion about an issue stupid? If you think my choice was stupid, pick the opposite one. That’s what a smart person would do. I think you’re stupid.

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Circle resets are necessary. Tell me where is the fun if you have a Lv 330 character with R8 C1 only to discover you don’t like at all their future C2 / C3 skills.

I agree that if you know all possible combinations and you fail in your build is your fault. But I can’t see the future, so it’s not my fault if new circle skills doesn’t fit with my PJ.

For example, C2 Plague Doctor skills are basically PvP oriented. I have a cleric only for PVE, if I had selected PD as C7 thinking PD2 skills would add more healing / PvE supporting skills, what must I do now? Reroll the PJ to fix a mistake that WASN’T my fault? (because I can’t see the future).

As I said, is fun reroll if you commited a mistake. Is not fun (and is frustrating) if it’s not your fault.


Your options are obviously biased and your poll sucks and you should feel bad for making a bad poll.


How are my options biased? Be specific. I won’t accept vague responses.

I think I said before in another thread, I don’t mind a one time circle reset every once in a while (and by that I mean a REALLY LONG while) but circle reset should not be made easily accessible.


Basically, you’re painting everyone who is happy with the circle reset as a p2w whale. There’s no neutral “I don’t mind, I think they’re fine” option.


“Meh” isn’t really an opinion. It’s a lack thereof.


Actually, no. We don’t care. ■■■■ you.

Circle resets need to exist if this game is to survive. If you want the game ded, go ahead and rant all you want about resets.

Poll is clearly biased, yeah.


And that’s why it’s not a good poll. Some people are against it, some people are all for it, some people really dont care. You cant make a poll for 2 groups and exclude the third.


What practice value is a poll for people who don’t have an opinion?

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So saying you arent for it, but not against it either, isnt an opinion all of a sudden?

It’s as valid as any other opinion.


anywho, where’s the “I won’t quit cause I’m not that stupid to think it will ruin my gameplay but I won’t buy either 'cause IMC don’t deserve my money and I’d rather reroll.”?


No, that isn’t an opinion. It is a statement of “I don’t care enough about the issue to have an opinion”. It is the opposite of an opinion.

Not having an opinion isn’t an opinion.

then why the ■■■■ do you have 3 negative and 1 positive options, if you are so anal-plugged that you can’t even make a neutral option?

jeez, please uninstall already, you reek of stupid


Because you are unhappy enough to think IMC doesn’t deserve your money, you pick “I won’t quit, but I’ll be unhappy.”

sttr413: As I’ve said before, how is “I don’t care” a useful entry in a poll? How is it anything other than a totally worthless expression that tells no one anything useful?

It is still an opinion to not have an opinion. You can argue all you want, most polls include an “Other” or “No opinion” option. For very good reason.

And regardless, the poll is still biased. 3 negative options of various degrees and then 1 option basically saying we’re all power hungry p2w whales? Yeah no, that aint right. Where’s the “I’m fine with the circle resets but probably wont use one” option?


that sort of implies I would be unhappy because of the reset, but I’m already unhappy with IMC in general. In fact, I’d be happy if there’d be a reset. For the casuals or for those who can be milked.