Tree of Savior Forum

[POLL] Will you quit if IMC implements circle resets?

I found the missing options.

  • I don’t give a sh!t.
  • B!tch please

0 voters

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it’s not what it wants to say, it’s how it’s said that rubs me the wrong way…

This poll is missing options! :stuck_out_tongue: Hahaha

I don’t see how a circle reset would be considered P2W, though? It isn’t exactly making you stronger or giving you extra stats. It’d be more like correcting a bad choice or something. If it ever happens, it should be restricted!

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you shuld change that last one, that yes probably threw some ppl off

Thank you, the I don’t give a ■■■■ option is sorely needed.

As someone who was initially strongly against resets because they went against the spirit of the game I am giving less and less of a ■■■■ with how IMC has chosen to rebalance classes and design their rank 8s, because more and more we’re seeing the design of the class system become “You need this very specific build for your class to work” as well as “Higher rank classes are enormously more powerful than lower rank”. Because we have no idea what the future will bring we can only make decisions on our characters based on the here and now. While my Corsair3 is currently ■■■■■■ come rank 8, I’m willing to live with that in the hopes that in the future maybe it won’t be so ■■■■■■. But if IMC’s solution to Corsair3 is something like making Shinobi clones able to use Pistol Shot and I already chose Dragoon at Rank 8 I’m SOL.

I’m still of the opinion that the better option would be a single circle reset to remove the last class you chose from your build. Or possibly the solution that @Raspy proposed a while ago about simply resetting your entire character to level 1 with greatly accelerated EXP gain.


Oh yeah… This thread How about rebirths instead of resets it was decent response but don’t think it really resonated.

I think people like the idea of just clicking an item and starting to punch in skills. :pensive:

Why the heck is everyone talking about elitsm? Actually classes like Hunter are barely to never played because some of you dont understand what a reset function would do for the comunity. It provides better opportunities to test out all aspects of the game without fearing to waste several weeks just for one character which is why the crowd is mostly too demotivate to give it a try. Elitsm is when you strictly play the most efficient way which is known as meta and instead of breaking out of this meta you are featuring it by setting unnecessary limits in class route changes. I have no words for this…

Btw, where is my “I will leave if I cannot reset the character which I painfully figured out that they dont work and the only reason I dont delete them is to keep my team level high”? Because this is what I would vote.
I love my Ranger3-Scout-Schwarzer Reiter - not. Its not like the build synergy was completely destroyed after they changed the Cloaking so that you unmount now and the character became completely useless. Yes, this is great. Why changing a class when I can build up a new character from scratch caused by a random change in the mechanics. That is really fair.


Game had already became rather p2w with attributes doubling the damage of skills in exchange for nothing but a mountain of gold.

Not having class resets just ends up hurting the general appeal and image of the game since alot of people who hit a wall/fall way short of average because of their build will just stop logging in rather than invest all the time needed to level another char (cryo3sorc playerbase is a good example of this), and because it greatly stifles build experimentation (way too much time investment just to see how certain things tick).

Not to mention the fact that you could’ve went above and beyond due diligence with your build and still get completely screwed over by a new rank or a nerf.

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Yeah, cool. Making your life as Swordy without taunt for 279 levels unnecessarily harder is a way we definitely must go. Because only spiking pain is fun. And how many just showed that concept the middle finger and started playing elememe? Probably every thrid player has one while others are never picked. Great concept, really.

Not really sure what you’re trying to say. People play ele (or specifically wiz3ele3wl) because it’s a good build. People played (past tense) cryo3sorc because they thought it would be good, but it wasn’t, and now most of them have either quit or no longer play the char.

My whole point is that because there’s no class resets they didn’t even have the option of tweaking the build to be better with the insight they gained through playing it/trying other things without having to just leave their old char to rot.

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They are planning to go to lv 600 right?

I quit if i have to reroll all that crap.


This is something in which the ‘anti-reset’ side strongly oppose. I too, support the idea of resetting back to the level you want to reset to and level back with accelerated exp gains rather than a “click, use, bam finished” item.

You forgot the other side of the coin for this. If ample reset opportunities are given, Players would reset to hunter, test for a short while and reset back to another build cuz hunter doesn’t make the cut for them.

That will end up with even lesser hunters out there.

Probably by then there will be some form of way to make players tweak their builds (hopefully not those 1 click “hey its done” kind of item). There is enough content then to warrant this functionality to be added.

I don’t have to care if there are or aren’t resets. I didn’t invest all of my current time to let something as simple as a class reset ruin the fun I have with ToS.

If you’re so narrow minded as to give up something you enjoy to something that won’t change how YOU do things, then all the more power to you.

It’s like you quit enjoying bike riding because someone else gets a pair of training wheels.


It depend how is the implementation, I would be okay if they are given in event rewards once or twice per year.
But definitely not selling as TP Items

I’ve created 6 characters, but 2-3 actually quite wrong but I still have not deleted (especially initial character with highest achievement), it would be good for me to make them great again without reinvest the efforts.

I always wonder about you “well it doesn’t affect you” types. I’m going to drop the baiting game and be straight up about the consequences we’re looking at here.

Firstly, your analogy is inapplicable. You cannot compare training wheels to this because our individual ToS experience is directly defined by our interactions with others, be that in pvp, bossing, competing for drops, or that silly little number over our heads. Everything we do in this game is influenced by the actions of others. For your analogy to work, I’d have to be in a race with the person getting the training wheels, and they’d need little motors to push them closer to my speed.

What the class reset really is is a handicap. It closes the gap between the most intelligent and least intelligent players, and also the most lucky ones (via unpredictable class changes) and the unlucky ones. The latter closer is unquestionably good. The former is arguably bad, if you are the kind of achievement oriented MMO enthusiast who likes harsh character systems that penalize ignorance and reward foresight/creativity.

What most people have forgotten (or never really knew/understood) is that this game was billed as exactly that. During development, during beta, this game was advertised and sold to its founding supporters as a one of those hardcore character spec-based MMOs. This was a huge reason I paid $50 for a founder’s pack. That was the type of game I wanted, and I’m not wrong for wanting it. No one is wrong to like or dislike a style of game, and that certainly applies to casuals who want an easy class system.

I have a right and an obligation to be pissed off about this change because the game is not what I paid for. There’s a lot of other things in that category, of course. I won’t get into them here.

That said, I have a question for you. Personally, at what point do handicaps shoving people up to your level (or past you) start bothering you? Where’s the line? Would you be okay with people buying cards, for example? That “doesn’t affect you” in the same way that other people having unrestricted class resets “doesn’t affect me”. The example is a little extreme, but the principle is exactly the same.

How about bee farming? I hear a lot of bee farmers say, “well, it doesn’t affect other people, so it’s OK”. But it really does affect other people. The bee farmers have way more silver to spend on attributes and therefore have flat out better characters. Same principle, again.

Do you see where I’m going with this? Every convenience change subtly and profoundly alters the community of a game. Whether or not you desire the global changes class resets will have on the game and its community, you must acknowledge that the impact it has will be felt by the overwhelming majority of players.

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Friend, things change. As you can tell, the population dropped quite a bit.

I have 10 alts all 200+. Leveling up is not fun, in fact it’s a waste of time. Time is so important, why do you want to waste it on mundane boring tasks?

Smart people will always be smart and the same goes to dumb people. That, class reset can’t change. You will always pull ahead if you’re smart enough.

You have the right but not an obligation to be pissed off.

You have the choice to afk farm as well and not be left behind. However, you won’t because levelling is painful.

WoW was also marketed as a grindy game when it came out. Things changed and it’s still the most played mmo, isn’t it?

As you can tell, I am in favour of class reset. It’s not a handicap system, it’s a time-wasting prevention system.


That’s just the thing people don’t seem to understand. This game is all about attributes. You reset you class you lose all your attributes, therefore it won’t really affect anything. I want to see people who invested 80mil on an attribute class reset, they won’t.


If you wanna be elite, your focus should be on your individual achievements, be it you’re a top pvp player, top pve player, GvG, ET clearer, etc.

If anything it looks more like the only thing that you have going for you to even feel competitive is your class. It’s a rather sad existence you have there if that’s the case.

Ranks resets, should be only allow after X amount of circles have been reached. For me, every 4 circles is ok. This way, if you get screwed over your second circle of whatever rank, then you should be able to reset THAT specific rank only, nothing prior.

Let’s say I went, rank 8 murmillo, thinking C2 is going to be the sheeeeit! and found out it isn’t and circle 3 is even worse… then I should be allowed to reset THIS specific Rank (8), nothing else.

Meh, what does IMC care?
Their focus is to keep you playing so you can keep on paying :smiley:

Up next: Halloween costumes for all classes. Be prepared to spend money ang get IMC’ed.

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